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Everything posted by theycallmeknuckles

  1. "And that boys and girls is the end of world war emblem, Ike slays camilia and her wyvern down to the realm of darkness. At last, the clouds disappear from the realm of the emblem, and team Ike screams in victory of the first male to win a gauntlet. Let's us hope there is a new path of light ahead of us. This is Hazama from the NOL, and I bid you farewell for now. The end. Did I do it right?
  2. Look at all this despair, dismay, greif , frustration, misery and salt in this form. This is delicious. This is fun in the sidelines
  3. Soon the ultimate world war gauntlet has begin,and there will be bloodshed. While that's happening, I'll be laughing and chilling with hazama:
  4. Well damn, I'm disappointed of camilia winning, and going to the finals. But seeing the comments sooner or later on a certain video though
  5. Neat, also there is some rage in the comments section.
  6. Welp, I should expected this entirely since they are well known in modern fire emblem. I'm a newbie to this series, but I do want to the other characters from different games. What do you guys and girls think what characters should be DLC?
  7. I like Azama trolling of the cast so he is my favorite, and I'm neutral of disliking.
  8. "Everyone, share your energy for Team Minerva to take down the evil Majin Camilia
  9. Would you guys surrender right now, there is no way that we can win this.
  10. Is this basically World War Wafiu II since that it is "camilla vs eveyone." It gonna be a huge war zone in the finals, and I have front row seats to see a bloodshed war.
  11. Hello, my name is knuckles. But theycallmeknuckes.
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