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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. Ouch. D:

    Do you still have a lot left to do?

  2. Nothing much, just browsing around the forum. XD

    How about you? =D

  3. oh hai ema skye

  4. Aw XD

    Everything going alright with that? =D

  5. XD

    Anyway, whatcha up to?

  6. Yup! But now I have lots of scratches from chasing an abandonned kitty around. XD

  7. Hey Branded! What's up? =D

  8. It was okay. Other then the fact that the weather was terrible and that I caught a cold. XD

    But I got to see some of my family that I haven't seen in awhile, so I had fun. =D

  9. Thank you! =D

  10. OH.


  11. o i c.

    Also, is it the password to get into the chat? XD

  12. DAMMIT. My fish must have ate eachother again. =/

  13. It must have been you hacking into my account that scared him off. =/

    Wait what-

  14. You know, you said that awhile ago, and I STILL have no idea what you're talking about. D:

  15. I think it's a general rule by now that if something epic goes on in chat, Songbird will not be there. XD

    But I hope that things were solved with the staff member from the other channel? D:

  16. Aww! Lol! I didn't really think I would need to say that I was going anywhere, cause I left for such a short time. XD

    But thanks for looking after my fridge and fish bowl! XD

  17. You have no chance to survive make your time.

  18. Thank you! And I'll miss you too! Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it! =D

  19. Lol! *Hugs*

    I'm only gone for about three days, so it's nothing special. XD

  20. I'm packing now. We're probably leaving in about an hour. =/

  21. AWESOME! My birthday's a long way off, but I'll remember that promise. >=D

  22. Yeah, though I'll be back soon. Saturday/Sunday, probably. We can't stay up for long. XD

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