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Everything posted by Songbird

  1. Aww! Next time maybe?

  2. Hello! How are ya? ;D

  3. Aw, thank you! :D

  4. Haha thank you! :D

  5. I know. ;_;

    I was kidnapped, I swear!

    And haha, just catching up on SE stuff ;D

  6. CYM! ;D

    What're you up to?


    I have something of a melancholic nature to say to you.

    I miss you. ;_:

  8. I LOVE YOU TEW! :3

  9. BIZZZZ! Ily too! <3

    I was eating grapes today and thought of you. :D

  10. I've missed you too! Sorry I've been gone for so long! What've you been up to? Life treating you well? =D

  11. *Pokes*

    Hi Freohr! Long time no see! How've you been? ;D

  12. FE6: Fir, Rutger, Clarine FE7: Serra, Matthew, Raven, Florina FE8: L'Arachel, Forde FE9: Mist, Elincia, Ranulf, Ike, Shinon FE10: (only new characters) Lyre, Micaiah
  13. ....>_> Erm, I wouldn't say it was childhood love in any romantic sense, but when I was four, I, uh, really hero-worshipped my cousin who was only a few years older than me. I remember following him around like a lost puppy. But he was still in his "girls have cooties" stage so most pictures I have of us together is me trying to hug him and him pushing me off. XD I got over it in a few years though, and that's when he introduced me to the magical world of video games! :D
  14. Songbird


    Games: Yup. As soon as I get stuck, I'm more likely to check gamefaqs then I am to spend the next hour smashing remotes against the wall. People: Nope! Unless you count that one time in Go Fish when I was five... School: I had a pretty cheat-free record in school until this year's Chem tests. My teacher is fond of giving ridiculously hard tests and I, er, might have asked some people who had her the previous semester to give me "hints" as to what questions would be on one of the tests. But I didn't ask them for answers, and a good amount of the questions were changed anyway. XD But other than that that, I've never cheated. I personally wouldn't feel like I deserved the mark and it's against my school morals anyhow. I can see why people would do it though if it's for a subject that they don't particularly care about. Oh. *Innocent face* Well, I might have been guilty of that once or twice too...XD
  15. Songbird

    Best Cereal

    Lucky Charms. It's magically delicious. But I also like Cheerios, Special K, Frosted Flakes, etc etc. I like most cereals, really. XD




    Have a great one! ;D

  17. Songbird


    Well, I live in Canada, so we live and breathe snow for at least four or five months. XD It's about 40 centimeters at the moment, and everytime we think it's melting, another snow storm appears to replace what was melted. Which causes a bunch of grouchy neighbours who are stuck shovelling day and night. Personally, I love the snow, though I hate having to walk through it in the bitter cold during my 40-minute walk home. Snowball fights, snowman/fort building and ice skating in the snow are awesome though. :D
  18. Only after you bake me a cake. :D
  19. Madness. The ultimate shame. Pineapple is only high tier? YOU DISAPPOINT ME, NIGHTMARE. ONLY A BEING OF TRUE GREATNESS WOULD UNDERSTAND THE GREATNESS OF ANOTHER GREAT BEING. THUS, YOU ARE NOT A GREAT BEING. Soon, ":(" will not exist. Your campaign of ":{" faces will take over the world of smilie faces as we all know it. And I shall be a loyal follower. *Salutes.*
  20. Well, I love to read, so I've read a looot of books, but surprisingly I usually never really dislike a book, even if does have a lot flaws or end in a way I hate. But I remember I really disliked the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. Especially the last two books. Which is surprising, since though I prefer the adventure/fantasy genre much more than the young adult novels about scandal/gossip/slice-of-life/teenages, I'm usually okay with them. But those books just...I don't know. I couldn't find anyway to convince myself I liked it even a little. XD
  21. I see no "Pineapple" on this list and thus cannot consider as the true Tier list you claim it is. :{
  22. ANGELLL! Long time no see! ;D

    How've you been?

  23. Aw! Still no more snow? D:

    We've still got plenty here, and we're starting to get really sick of it. XD

    Ah well. Only a few months till spring!

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