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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. LOL! I know! We predicted the future before it happened. We're just awesome like that.

  2. Good night.


    What'cha doing?

  3. I read it! =D

  4. Good point. She'd probably eat me or something. =/

  5. Aww. XD

    Oh well. I want to meet a person like an FE character. I've had no luck finding anyone like Ilyana...

  6. Goodnight, Lyle! Sweet dreams to you too!

  7. Lol! Does she steal frequently or like girls more than guys, by any chance? :o

  8. Lol at Heather's C support with Volke.

    "So, you're the Fireman, right? How's today's battle? Earning well? Eh? Get it? You know what I mean!"

    Just felt like sharing this with a Fireman. :D

  9. I disagree. You're awesome. So now you have to admit that you're awesome cause I said so. =D

    Anyway, brb for a little bit, I have to eat dinner. XD

  10. >_> You're too humble. She wouldn't be in an online relationship with you if you weren't more important.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? =D

  11. It doesn't matter if she meets you in real life. Sometimes I personally find friends online more trustworthy than offline friends, because online friends accept you for who you are without judging. So I'm sure you're very important to her. =D

  12. Don't say stuff like that. Of course you're important! School is important too, of course, but I'm sure she'd rather be here than there. XD

  13. LOL! Don't worry, Lyle x Bianchi is my OTP! =D

    And I guess she's busy with school stuffs...D:

    Bianchiii ;__;

  14. Aww! Thanks! *Hugs!*

    The guy in your avatar is quite the looker himself. ;D

    (Yes, I know it's you. XD)

  15. LOL! Sure! I don't mind. Especially if it makes the story easier to write. =D

  16. Good luck! I actually like weddings. Well, weddings where I actually know the people there lol. Dancing at the reception is fun! =D

  17. Aw, thanks. =D

    And good morning! ...even though it's technically afternoon now...D:

  18. Your personal statement is too amazing for words. *Pays 10,000*

  19. LOL, I got sweeter delight from a song I was listening to at the time. And don't worry. My member title will be changing frequently. I'll use yours soon enough. XD

  20. Yup! I meant to do it awhile ago, but I must have forgot. >_> Sorry!

    Anyway, what's up? =D

  21. Oops! Sorry, sometimes I forget to check my comment wall, so I reply to questions two hours after they were asked. XD

    And I can't at the moment, since my brother's on the Wii, but hopefully I can later today. =D

  22. LOL. I noticed your comment page was rather...pink. XD

    Anyway, I'm fine. How about you?

  23. Morning, Lyle!

  24. Good! =D

    Just planning out the units I'm going to use in my next playthrough. You?

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