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Status Updates posted by Songbird

  1. Hey Cym! =D

    How was chat last night after I left? XD

  2. Hey Masu! XD

    And hey, I'm not being friendly with the guys in THAT way, I'm just having conversations with some of them. So don't beat them up, okay? XD

  3. Don't be sorry! Especially if you got off because you were tired.

    I usually get off at 1:00-1:30 myself. I'm not hardcore like the others who can stay up all night. XD

  4. Hey, Lyle!

    What's up?

  5. It was nothing, you see!

    I was trying to get your attention on me!

    Clever me!

  6. Nightmare, Nightmare! Guess what, guess what?

  7. Hello again! =D

    What are you up to?

  8. Hey you!

    I finished your Stefan and Lyre drabble! =D




    *Hugs Knife*

  10. Nothing really. Talking on chat, msn and the phone all at once, I guess. And listening to music. Yeah, I um, multi task alot. XD

    How about you?

  11. Oh, alright then. Let me know if you ever have a request, though. =D

  12. Don't worry, I don't mind! =P

    Besides, I work better when I have multiple things to do at the same time. XD

  13. It's 3:31PM for me. XD

    So it's still afternoon. =D

    What's up?

  14. *Claps at the tap dancing.* Thanks! =D

    And do you have any prompt you want to add to the Meg/Leonardo? A prompt is just a word explaining what you want the drabble to be about, or the main element of the story, if you didn't know. =P

  15. Oh, no, I've been taking requests for random pairings/friendships/situations from FE10 that people want me to write about. XD

    And thanks for wanting to help! I don't think there's anything I need at the moment, though. But I appreciate it! =D

  16. Deeeeees!

    Hello! =D

  17. Requests for you? Do you mean I can request something from you, or you want to request something from me? =P

  18. First of all, sorry for the almost two-hour late reply. XD

    Anyway, I'm not doing much. Just writing some of my drabble requests. You? =D

  19. *Hugs Lyle.* =D

  20. Cyyymmm! =D

    What's up?

  21. And Lyle, it's best not to ask. It's so evile, even she doesn't know what it is. =O

  22. Awesome!

    When do you plan to initiate your attack?

  23. Hika.

    y r u not on chat.

    I r lonely. :(

    It's literally me, a Sins who is sleeping, and ChanServ. I think I'm going insane in here.

  24. =O

    Somehow, even though I don't even know what your plan is, I'm already shaking in fear...

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