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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Ya! I'm going to spend this week getting pictures for ya. If it would be ok that is, I would like you to make me one. xD

  2. Oh ok. About Signatures.. I was wondering... If you could make me one pretty soon.. Like in a week.

  3. Lol, thats weird.. Whenever I'm about to leave, you log back in.

    I'll be back later though. Hope you'll be on! xD

  4. Hmm.. things got quiet.. I guess I'll leave for now. Cya later!

  5. Lol, Google.com/ Yahoo.com and Akerum. com all are visiting members profiles. xD

  6. Aww ok...

    *wall complete*

  7. You won't tell me..? =(

  8. Ya, can't argure with that! XD

  9. No more Naraku avi..?

  10. -_-

    So if I may ask, What did Cynthia say?

  11. So anyways, What ya been up to?

  12. Ok.. *runs to send Princess a pm*

  13. Yea, I have nothing to do with it, But I will say it's about Masu. Things don't look good for him.

  14. Well, to be honest, I already know most of it. I just want to get in on the action!

    And ya, I guess your right. I JUST WANT IN! xD

  15. Oh well, I'm not sure if I should be speaking about it without that " someone" knowing.. Sorry bout that.. =(

  16. Hi! What's goin on? I want in on what you and princess talkin about!

  17. I see my wall has been mostly destroyed...


    Anyway Hello! How ya been? I see we have drama in the forest today!

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