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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero


  2. And my wall is complete! xD

  3. Good, well I'm going to go brawl Toa now, not sure if I'll be back on so I'm going to say good night now. Good night and sweet dreams! Hope you feel better!

  4. Ah, well nevermind then! xD

  5. Ah, Well be sure to get a good nights sleep tonight! :D

  6. Oh, Well your personal pic is a squirrel in a trench coat. There is an old cartoon character named " Sercret Squirrel" Kinda reminds me of you pic. xD

  7. Ok, good for you! :D

  8. Hey, you up for a brawl with Toa and me? In about, 30 mins.

  9. Well if you have a headache, you should go lay down and wait till it goes away. Mabye you have a headache because of the weather or somthing. How ya feel better. =D

  10. Lol, thx. Good night.

  11. Nooooo!! I hope they come back!! D:

  12. Odd, as soon as you said that, they stopped posting....


    Jkin. xD

    But really they did. xD

  13. Hmmm.... Ok, guess I'll have to wait and see. XD

  14. I'll get a kick out of it... Hmm.. I don't get it.. D:

  15. Get a kick out of you signature or avatar you mean?

  16. Thx. Ok, that's fine.

  17. Lol, I know.


  18. Thx! I maight be changing it back. Not sure yet. A headache you say? Did you do somthing today that might cause that?

  19. I'll get to 9000 some day!! xD

  20. Ow, that hurt. xD But 58 Profile views sence your last post! o_O

  21. Also changed my avatar, made a poll to see if it was better or worse than before.

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