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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Lol... nevermind. So! What ya been up to?

  2. Hehe...Sorry bout that... didn't know Princess was logged in..

  3. Well I'm going to turn in for the night, Night, Thx for the helping Princess in her topic.

  4. Lol, I was reading Citrusman's comment.

  5. Stupid Zero..? :O

    Lol. Hi.

  6. XD

    As soon as Masu gets on, I'm goin to ask him somthing. XD

  7. Hiya buddy! What's up??

    *llaw skaerb*

  8. Your not posting in any topic. :(

  9. Ok, what ya doin on Serenes?

  10. *breaks wall for 2nd time today* What ya doin?

  11. BTW, with Garchomp being "uber" Salamence and Slacking have better total stats.

  12. Lol, you got the reference. XD

  13. Cookie bandit...

    *llaw skaerb*

  14. I'm getting off, you can delete meh posts if ya want.

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