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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero

  1. *posting thus destroying Zeph's wall*

  2. Well, I'm not one for giving out info. But I will tell you I'm older than 10, but younger than 25. BTW, *late*

  3. Hiya almost birthday boy! =D

  4. Well, I'm off to go watch Bleach! Good night buddy!

  5. BTW, I gots more dan 200 posts nao! Sea?

  6. Muahahaha! AWESOME TIMING!

  7. Well I'm going to go get me some shut eye, for real this time. Night!

  8. Wow, Thx! That also means alot. =D

  9. Um, I may I ask you think I'm skilled at? ^_^

  10. And it's good to have ya as a friend. ^_^

  11. Lol, I'm serious. You one of the few. XD

  12. You could say, I'm kinda getting tired of the stupidity. Your one of the few people who I couldn't say anything bad about. =D

  13. Oh sure, Thx! I'll read it right away! I'm not mad or anything. ^_^

  14. Well, turns out I'm still on. Yeah, I guess I'm havin a bad day. I'm sick with a cold, mabye I'm cranky or somthing. But I'm good! XD

  15. I'll see ya later Lyle, not the day for me to be on Serenes. Bye.

  16. Things are getting out of hand here..

  17. Lawl, you posted in the "Soren =o " topic too. XD

  18. What you doin on Serenes?

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