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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Lol, I'm not doin much really. It's quiet on serenes right now.. it's odd.

  2. Hello. How's it hangin? XD

  3. Happy Birthday Fox! Have a good one!

  4. *holds rubble of Zero's wall* WWWWHHHYYYY?? Anyways, Looks like he left. I have a idea what's going on.

  5. You must not have seen it. He yelled spaaaaam on my profile. If you look at the list of members currently on, You'll see him. I deleted the post, so that's that.

  6. You see Hhtetres spam me?

  7. *Zero wall still stands*

  8. Well Well... I see..

  9. Sweet dreams to you! :D

  10. Hehe.. Cym Broke your wall! *Tos fanfare*

  11. Lol, I see. Well, I'm think I'll get off for now. Good night! ^_^

  12. I'm off now, Bye!

  13. Lol, I'm off now! BYE!

  14. l------l

    l l



    l < flag


  15. Muhaha! I have a wall of comments! *Places flag on top of Princess' comments*

  16. So, What are you doing?

  17. What do ya mean what do I mean?? Lyle is going to beat up pit?

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