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Zero the Hero

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Status Updates posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Go look if you want... If he reads it, That wont...be good...

  2. I had a little accident on "lord ike's" profile... XD

  3. Hmm.... Hmmmmm....

    Nope! Drawin a blank here.

  4. For what you told "lord ike" on his profile, about him being a cool guy by getting the last word ans stuff. High fives* bout time someone told him a thing or two.

  5. For what you told "lord ike" on his profile, like he thinks he is a cool guy by getting the last word and stuff. *high fives* bout time someone told him a thing or two.

  6. l l




    Lol, fail flag.

  7. Well, Princess is going to get back on now. I'll see ya in about an hour.

  8. TAG! YOUR IT! *runs off laughing* xD

  9. *gasp* Special powaz? :O

  10. Ok, anything else I should know before hand? :)

  11. Al'right. If we get disconnected, we will stay in wi-fi and wait for you to reconnect.

  12. *high five* For what you said on Suzaku/lord Ike's porfile. :D

  13. Oh, sorry bout that. xD But sure, we can brawl in an hour.

  14. Aww, Or just.. eh, I give up. You change it to whatever you want. :D

  15. So.. Sakura, Vampire, then Serene? You know, if you like all those names, you could always be "Sakura the vampire knight of Serenes. Hmm? Not bad huh? XD

  16. MAAAAAASSSUUUUU IS GONE! *fanfare* Lol, Just kidding. Whats with the name change? Is it because of "Masu"da?

  17. *gasp* Who are you! Lol, hi. Serene ever coming back? xD

  18. Oh, Well I see Masu's name is now Masuda. Susaku is finally going to change his and Serene is going to be Serene again. Well, I'm have to get off for a bit, I'll be back in like 30 mins. See ya then!

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