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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Toa can't brawl right now..

  2. I sec, toa came back! *runs to Toa's profile*

  3. Not sayin I'm not brave enough... just don't know how I could answer..
  4. Me thinks Toa left... Any others?

  5. Muhahaha! Wall complete! Masu will be sooooooo angry!!

  6. I don't think I'll continue playing this game.. *Game over for Zero*
  7. TOA!! Old friend! Would you like to come brawl with Serene, Princess and I?

  8. Al'right! I'll go ask!

  9. *waits for Serene to barrel role the topic* Edit: Aww! Too slow!
  10. Neither will Princess... Shall we find two others?

  11. MASU DID IT! I just came in after!

  12. * a moment of silence for Toa's wall* ..............................

  13. Lol, Would you want to keep going? We can have all free for all.

  14. * my bad teams idea*

  15. Shal we go again? Just no teams? * my bad idea*

  16. Sorry if I was messing you up. I don't know what has come over me tonight. I lost my brawl skills! =[

  17. What happened to brawl?

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