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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. What? That he lost all his posts? Can't say I didn't see It coming..
  2. Cool! I'll go read it after I finish up some things.

  3. Noooooo!! Toonami is part of my childhood!! And on top of that, Naruto is might be on adultswim? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THAT???
  4. Well I see your busy, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night. :D

  5. Well I'm going to get off now, just wanted to stop by and say hi. I'll be on longer tomorrow if I'm not so busy. Night!

  6. Oh! Serenes Emblem.. I heard about that..

  7. Oh? Which? Melty blood?


  9. Hey! It's been a while, what you been up to?

  10. Good.. Good..

    *evil laugh*

  11. Oh I see. I know that there is a U.S Clash of Ninja games are different from the Japanese ones. But the Bleach game, Is it done by the same developer as the first one? Even though it's way ahead of the Series, I think there may be a U.S release in the near future. Just looked what happened to the first one..

  12. Oh, ok.. BTW.. Princess tells me you heard about a new Bleach and Naruto game anounced in Japan recently. What's the news on that?

  13. Ya, I'm not sure either. Half things there I'm interested in, and the other half scare me away.. But it's not till november, so we have time.

  14. Even though it's going to be a while before it's done.

  15. No, but she does soon. I need to start planning a strategy for the team.

  16. Oh.. I see.. Anything else on your mind?

  17. Oh.. Sorry to hear that.. Wait, Onicon? That's a looong trip.

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