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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. As you said Lyle. BLEACH + OLD DISNEY = EPIC! *+1000 Epic points for Lyle*
  2. Oh! Why didn't ya say so? XD *goes to watch*
  3. If it's about I already know. Thank Bleach Wii for that. :D
  4. Then why was Mattew wetting himself in uncontrolable laughter? BTW, Princess doesn't get it either.
  5. Are you saying I'm going to lose my post count?
  6. Lol!! Wow! AWESOME! *favorited*
  7. No I like it! Princess liked it so much, she favorate it the video on youtube.. Me too!
  8. Thx buddy! :D

    BTW.. I saw that :ATTN Zero: topic

  9. Sooo... What's up with Serenes Emblem? I hear this Arch guy is screwing everything up. I know Masu has had enough.

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