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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Yea... bout that..

    What the hell..

  2. Mafia... Game? Explain please?

  3. .___. Oh...

    BTW we brawled! XD

  4. Evening! How are ya? :D

  5. Hey! MASU! Why didn't you come brawl?? :/

  6. Well, I'm off now Masu! Thx for the extra points. Bye! I'll make sure Princess gets a share too. =P

  7. Lol, that's good to hear. Well, I have to go now. I'll see ya later! Good night! :D

  8. You ever get a bad earthquake? And was that scary?

  9. Pizza! Hamburgers! Pasta! Hot dogs! Any of those!
  10. Lol, they are both reading this topic.. *prepares for war*
  11. Not really, I mean we got pretty lucky. We lost most of our fence and alot of tree branches and lost power for 3 days. But no real damage to the house or anything. To be honest.. I kinda slept through most of it.. But it woke me up a few times. XD

  12. Yea, I know.. I didn't know if you knew I knew.. XD

  13. Yes, I Stayed home during the storm. We just got alot of wind and not so much rain. I helped clean up my yard and two other neighbors yards too. One had a very big yard.. XD

  14. Um.... To be honest.. She kinda said somthing about it about 2 weeks ago.. Sorry.. =[ But Thx again for the points..

  15. ......you know... I don't blame her for getting mad at "stupid stuff" Though I can't picture Cym being mad, but I think I know what she gets mad about...
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