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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. ...eh.. about that.. Conventions aren't really my thing.. Everyone I know IRL is going tho.. So, I'm not sure..

  2. Hey! Haven't seen ya in a while! How's it goin?

  3. Hmmm... Are we having a birthday party..?
  4. I vote for cute. I like cute girls over hot girls.. Not a pervert.
  5. 121131214649448C87657642124775474O2958543688448985335678543457865589D543212458967677G644E799865332113579733683389A742278227733726539S944834763S47358458532489009R6645753U3996447754380L633895434246E746477S85438733!

  6. Trust me, I know enought about weather. I don't just watch it on the news.
  7. No, but all the facts point to Florida, However it might happen to change course.
  8. Oh well, Night! Cya tomorrow hopefully!

  9. I'm off for tonight. I'll nbe watching if Song mentions the word "Zero". XD Night.

  10. I'm off for tonight, BYE!!!

  11. Hello Lyle! Where ya been?

  12. It's going to weaken before then. It's going to be a catagory 3 when it hits land. That's what the news says.
  13. Epic.. Lyle Vs Angelofdeath, for Bianchi. Talkin all bets! XD
  14. Wow.. Everyone voted " love him" I know who voted "hate that basterd" and "He's ok I guess".
  15. Anyway.. I know Branded is going to be affected by HURRICANE IKE! I have already informed him! :P
  16. Oh ok, In that case. Hurricane Ike fights for his friends! XD
  17. Come on! Don't change the subject! XD

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