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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. If you wanna be friends, then treat others as equals. And getting in the last word on that topic before closing it is immature....

  2. Wow, Thx! *high fives Lyle* CALLING PEOPLE ASSES ISEN'T BEING NICE!
  3. You think I rule the world..? And Lyle isen't an ass! Calling people ass'... Hmmm. And you wonder why some people hate you..?
  4. *plays angelic chimes upon Jyosua's arrival* *EDIT* Noooo! He left! Wait, Is that good or bad?
  5. *starts to panic* WHAT DO I DOO!! *bows with Masu*
  6. Lol ok thx.

    1) Sorry don't know who that is..

    2) Ya me too... o.0

    3) Lol..

  7. Hey Lyle, I'm here too! <_< *EPIC IGNORE*
  8. Ugh, nevermind... BUT STILL!!

  9. Don't be hatin on Lyle! If your not care, why make a topic..?
  10. Anyone know what Suzaku ment by "have a vote" ?
  11. Yes! Please answer all thwee! ...lol... thwee..

  12. Lol, I get it.. This is a Tos2 topic now..
  13. We get on the Wii most of the time... BTW, Anyone notice Suzaku reading the topic and not posting? *EDIT* CURSE MY SLOW WII TYPING!
  14. Is that sarcasm? If not than... XD
  15. *claps hands* :o I wonder who would win...
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