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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Well I am playing around with my F.Corrin and the Windsweep 3 setup but I am struggling to build the Team around her. You either need a unit that saves her afterwards or a unit that can swoop in, block the path and kill the target and survive the ongoing barrage of the now debuffed enemys (somewhat bulky). Xander comes to mind but his RES is kindah meh. Dont get me wrong F.Corring has somewhat okeish Def and a little bit of RES but she can get overwhelmed pretty fast, expecially by mages on enemy phase. Now Felicia with Windsweep and Smoke Daggers + sounds kinda hot, her high res lets her attack mages pretty careless and windsweep prevents her from being slaughtered from Archers/Distant Counter. This is actually a very scary thought ¬.¬. And due to her being a ranged unit she is faster out of danger then F.Corrin.
  2. dunno watersweep/windsweep can be nice on units that focus on strong debuffs. For example FCorrin could make use of Water/Windsweep as a debuffer. She doesnt have all that high atk, but has good spd and an AoE built in Debuff on Attack wiht Atk-5 and SPD-5 2 tiles around the target which is godlike. So this skill could prolong her life in a match and give your other units the advantage they need?
  3. What i would like to see is more unique units like Bunny Camilla: Reina: As a flying Bow unit Shigure: As a flying Singer unit Pick your Char: As a flying Healer unit One or Two Cavalry Bow unit A Dancer/Singer Cavalry unit Healers with Legendary Staffs that have built in rank 2 passives such as (or Change the Existing healers and give unique Staves to Pirsciall, Elise, Lucius etc.): Wings of Mercy, Escape Route, Live to Serve etc. A Healer with a Unique Passiv A Skill that removes the Damage Penalty but gimps Healing power As an addition those C Passives should be added for Healers: A Passiv that buffs the healers Atk dependend on the amount of HP Healed for the next move (with Highest rank giving out 75% of HP healed converted into Atk power) A Passiv that buffs the healers SPD dependend on the amount of HP Healed for the next move (with Highest rank giving out 50% of HP healed converted into SPD power) A Passiv that buffs the healers Def and Res dependend on the amount of HP Healed for the next move 3 different Passives that do the same thing as above, but the buff is applied to the Unit the Healer is healing instead of the Healer In General: Make Healers less bland wooo ._.
  4. I should rephrase: They can cover one of their weak Offensiv Oriented Stats with a Weapon/or Skill. (Effy with Brave Lances covering her low SPD) makeing them excellent attackers. You cant do that with Units that have low atk and low spd but massive amounts of def and res. No matter how you built them, they will get overwhelmed by the amount they get doubled and the special skill they eat in their face. There is a reason why basicly all of the low tier chars suffer from this dilemma. I would agree with you on Distant Counter and Wary Fighter if: 1. Wary Fighter wasnt Tank exclusiv Skill and 2. Distant Counter/Close Counter was more available as a skill to inherit. Hence why i said there need to be more Passives/Skills made available to make Defensiv play really shine.
  5. 1. I am not talking about Arena Defense Team 2. Hector Nowi and Ike have Counter Weapons/Skills that allow them to counter at any range they are attacked. Which covers some of their weakpoints. Effy can cover her weakpoint (SPD) with wary fighter and brave lance (also she is a bit squishy for a tank). Lastly Ephraim barely made it to high tier and that only because of his moderate Atk stat and his niche Weapon/built allowing him to give 3 buffs to close allies, his sister Eirika made it higher on the tierlist, even tough she has much lower Attack then him. Why? well she has 10 more SPD and the same niche Weapon. Lets look at Sheena, she has fantastic high def and high res. Built a defensiv playing Team (not Arena Defense Team) around her and tell me how your Arena Adventure went. @Ice Dragon: I am really eager to try a defensiv Team in the Arena, so if you have any suggestion on the Team composition and the skills they should run you are welcomed to share them. I am looking for a built that can take alot of hits, wittle the Enemy slowly down without any Close/Distant Counter Skill as an A-Slot.
  6. You can flush Defensiv play down the Toilet in this game. The Tierlist consists purely of your Attacking power. Basicly just look at the ATK and SPD number of the unit and you can basicly tell if its high tier or not. Especially SPD is such an important stat that it kinda kills any defensiv play. And if your unit has insane amounts of ATK but low speed, then Brave Weapons do the job for you. I have tried to build a Defense Team (and was finished) Around Debuffs and high Def chars. FCorrin: -Atk and -SPD debuff on her attack with windsweep blocking most counterattacks (she also runs fury), C: -Res Debuff to help with her dmg. Zephial: -Def debuff from his weapon Azama: wooping 40 Def healer pre buffs or any debuffs from FCorrin on the oppsing team Julia: Magical Check/Dragon Check to prevent Zephial/FCorring getting killed by magical users. This didnt work, no matter the amount of defense the other Team just needs to run a hight atk+ high speed unit with brave weapons and even your sturdiest defense cant do anything about that, because when they get 4 attacks in the 4. one will be a Special attack usually killing of your unit. They would need to implement better Defensiv Specials and good Defensiv A-Passives/Passives in general that activate during Enemy Phase (Like the exact opposite of Death Blow just instead of when you are attacking it activates when you are attacked). It also doesnt help that one of the best defense sources is crippled in this game (healers), They are basicly useless in the Arena and a wasted spot unless you are running Tower or some Mission.
  7. Cecilia is just amazing with Gronnblade+ in a Horse Emblem Team running Vantage and Close Counter. Its like "Dont you dare attack me or i will obliterate you before you even hit me!" I run my Horse team with Leo Reinhardt Cecilia and Priscilla, all with TomeBlades (ecxept for Priscilla) and she hits by far the hardest of the 3 most of the Time. Now I just need to replace my Priscilla with Xander :X (why do all the horsies have shit speed ._.)
  8. yeah you cant Inherit Lancebreaker or BlueTome-Breaker onto Red Units.
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