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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. What they should add is a Point deduction or bonus depending on how you perform with your Team. Got a deathless win? 10x Point bonus 1 Unit dies? x5 Point bonus 2 Unit die? x1 Point bonus (no Point bonus) You loose the match? -----> the Voted Unit gets a Deduction of 1% based on their total Value accumulated so far.
  2. Had to use Ursula, Cecilia, Reinhardt and Olivia for Infernal
  3. thats good! I got a constant flow of Reinhardt + Azura or Nino + Azura as my oponents! including some Flier Emblem or Horse Emblem Sprinkled in!
  4. luckily before choosing your Team you can check out which Map it is and what Units will be in that map. This makes it easier to send in the "optimal" Counter PT into the battle.
  5. The current Map cicle isnt in favour for Cavalry Defense Teams.
  6. yes I picked Gaius just because he knows how to lick Candy. Preferences
  7. This Voting Gauntlet is one desaster!!! Xander out... Frederick out... There is no worthy men of steel(abs) left!
  8. Thx for the advice! My Nowi isnt there yet but i send my Team out on the Arena for testing and so far Sonya hasnt let me down together with Ryoma, i have made some small changes to their skills, to also fit them as a Defense Team. So far Sonya has been able to one shot everyone she has targeted.
  9. Xander all they way goooo <3, or if he looses then its Frederick Why am I not surprised to see the "Melon" Ladys on top of this poll ¬.¬
  10. Rather then seeing a 6 Star system, i would like them to implement Promotion Classes like in Fire Emblem games, with new learnable Skills Exclusiv to that Class. In order to Promote your class you need 1000 Hero-Merits and Shards. Stats will vary on Class change, some getting worse some better and even an option to equip different types of weapons.
  11. So I assembled my new Team around Infantery Pulse as a C-Skill which is great. Azama: +Res/-Def 46/18/26/37/29 Weapon: Pain Assist: Rehabilitate Special: Imbue A: Fortress Def 3 B: Live to Serve 2 C: Infantery Pulse 3 Seal: KP+ Ninian: +HP/-Def 45/39/36/23/30 Weapon: Lightning Breath+ (Distant Counter, +1 to Special Cooldown) Assist: Dance Sepcial: Moonbow A: Fury 3 B: Wings of Mercy C: Infantery Pulse 3 Seal: Res+2 to Allys Special Cooldown at Start: 3 -1 = 2 Ryoma: +SPD/-RES 41/53/41/30/21 Weapon: Raijinto Assist: Reposition Special: Dragon Fang (4) A: Fury 3 B: Vantage C: Infantery Pulse 3 Seal: Attack +1 Special Cooldown at Start: 4-2 = 2 Sonya: +Def/-Res 36/50/37/22/32 Weapon: Dark Excalibur Assist: Reposition Special Cooldown: Dragon Fang (4) A: Fury 3 B: G. Tome Breaker C: Res Ploy 3 Seal: Quickened Pulse Special Cooldown at Start: 4-4 = 0, she has her Special ready Her Matchup chart shows 140 wins 0 losses and 12 draws against all Vanilla +10 Units when she is attacking. The 12 Surviving Units are Red swords users not used in the Meta mostly: Zephiel, Roy, Lloyd, Fir, Palla, Caeda, Eliwood, Henry, and some few others Asking for Help on Ninian, i never used much Dragonstone users and she is kinda weak (given she is a Dancer), thinking about Droping Azama and Give Ninian +3 HP Sacred seal and take in a strong Blue Frontline Unit. Any Suggestions? The Blue Unit needs to be an Infantery Unit, have over 41 HP but below 48 of Ninian and have some power/bulk. Thinking about a QR Nowi but I am not sure.
  12. I want to note Infantery Pulse stacks on itself and works on Offensiv Cooldowns and also on Defensiv Cooldowns, in short words you can get 1 Infantery Units Cooldown down by 3 with the other 3 units, Likewise the other units will benefit from it too. In other words get your High HP Ninians out because she will reduce the cooldown on Infantery units by 1 with this, and considering its a C Slot ability she keeps her warping option. Which makes her in my Eyes imho the best Dancer with this skill. Now with the Pulse Seal 5 Special Cooldowns dont seem that farfetched on some Units.
  13. I cant believe that Ursula and Xanders Granis Shield became usefull one day for me. I have to say this Infernal Battle was well thought, Horse-Emblem Team was basicly useless in this one, because regrouping was nearly impossible without getting killed
  14. Berkut looks underwhelming, even the higher Res wont save him for being replaced by Camus. Any Litrblade mage will double him and snuff his lights out, even with that Res due to his very low Speed.
  15. So this new Speed Seal, other then for windsweep/watersweep what else can it be used for? (I really doubt it takes effect on regular attacks ¬.¬)
  16. Hector is a footnote on the back of my Xander's Horse or in Cecilias Gronnblade+ book. Nothing more. Hector doesnt break the game at all, but a Tomeblode Cavalry-Emblem breaks the game. Makeing you ignore almost all Triangle advantage stuff. Thats breaking the game. all you need to do to defeat Hector is to sniff at him with a TomeBlade user.
  17. I am disapointed in this infernal. Legion Infernal was really a nice challenge and this was just ugh.
  18. eh I have Hector and never use him. he is trash in my eyes because of his poor movement and his low res. He gets trashed by my Cecilia and Xander in every arena encounter (havent lost to any Hector so far). By the Time Hector reaches the battle squad, his Teammates are allready on the floor, leaving him last lol. I have Hawkeye +4, and he would be awesome if he had Armads... but sadly he doesnt ._.. Hopeing for the day when they give us Inheritable Legendary Weapons via Tempest Trial or so.
  19. I get that point, hence why i said to restrict the counter-attack to 1 so it has a bit more use then before on very tanky units with low SPD. Obviously the best solution would be to make it work like Lyn below 50% but that would make Lyns weapon/built obsolete.
  20. I think what Brash assault needs is the added effect "If Unit SPD < Enemy Spd" then only one counter attack occurs while your unit still doubles due to brash assault. This will reduce the chance a bit by being KOd below 50% health when using Brash assault and would bring the Passiv up on par potency wise with desperation Vantage and Quick Riposte. This way Slow but very Bulky units like Eliph, Chrom, Armor-Units etc can make better use of Brash Assault because below 50% they only will eat 1 attack as a counter.
  21. Agreeing with what Ice said about the Stamina points: Triple Stamina points usage for Triple reward score to make it less of a hassle and less tiem constraining Also Agreeing on the part where they should a lower level usage for people that want to level units while also doing Tempest trial. The Score also needs to be pushed up a bit. 704 for Lunatic is ugh. Different rewards for next time hopefully! Instead of a Character give us an inheritable Legendary Weapon!!! as a 4 Star or 5 Star reward! (For Example Armads that can be inherited to any Axe user)
  22. Boosting Priscilla. Mine is ready with Wrathfull Staff and other passives to wreck havoc among all the healers!!!
  23. And i fail to pull Elise, the only missing 5 Star healer in my repertoire ¬.¬ wry!!! Instead my Lachesis is now +5.................................
  24. I enjoyd developing Cecilia, Xander and Camus. But i have the most fun with my 5 Star Azama healer tank with wierd setups on stuff. I think my Azama has the most inherited skills next to Wrys. I recently started again playing with my 5 Star Wrys as a mage healer tank with Atk Ploy 3 and testing various setups.
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