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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. As everyone of you knows Sacred Coins arent in use at the moment. So i thought: "What if there was a Blacksmith-Shop to strengthen/create your own Weapon". Of course such a System needs some restriction otherwise we would end up with very unbalanced units, so here goes my Idea! In Order to upgrade your Weapon to the next level (as in inherit a skill to it) the following conditions have to be met: 1. The Units needs to have the weapon learned and equiped 2. You need a Unit you want to sacrifice to inherit a skill. The skill can be picked directly, but you can only pick the Skill rank up to 2. tier (silver circle) and not higher. Skills have a different point values. Your Weapon can only have a maximum of 4 point values inherited, so you can match and mix skills until the maximum amount of Point Values is reached. Some Skills can not be inherited to some Weapons. Please note that normal skill-inheritance prohibitions apply here too, you cant inherit Lance Breaker to a Sword weapon. Or you cant inherit Shield Pulse 2 to a Tome because its restricted to Infantery Units. 3. You need Sacred Coins to pay the Blacksmith for the forging, 50 coins per craft/Skill inheritance 4. You need a large amount of Great Badges in the corresponding weapon to upgrade them! The Amount of Badges needes i SP Cost of the Skill in question divided by 2. For Example: Distant Counter needs 300 SP to be learned, so you need 150 Badges if you want to forge the skill into the Weapon. 5. Different Weapons have different Max point Values (see point 2) The Following Max point Values apply: Melee and Bows: Currently Existing Legendary Weapons: Max point Value of 2, CYL Banner Legendary Weapons have a Max point Value of 0, they cant inherit any more skills Silver Weapons: Max point Value 4 Slayer Weapons (effectiv against, without bows: Max point Value 4 Brave Weapons: Max point Value 2 Slaying Weapons (new cooldown -1 weapons): Max point value 2 Killer Weapons: Max point value 4 Wo dao Weapons: Max point value 3 Gem Weapons (Ruby, Saphire): Max point Value 4 Firesweep weapons: 2 Tomes: Legendary tomes. 1 Litrblade: 1 Litrowl: 3 Litrraven: 4 Litrwolf: 4 Mt 13 normal tomes: 4 Breaths: Fire Breath: 4 all other Breaths: 2 Staves and Daggers: Assault: 4 All other Staves: 3 Poison Daggers: 3 Legendary Daggers: 3 Remaining Daggers: 4 Following Skills (only Tier 2 can be inherited, neither Tier 1 or Tier 3) can be forged (inherited) into a Weapon and their Point Value they use up on the Weapon Slot: A Passives: ATK+/SPD+/RES+/DEF+/HP+ 2(This includes skills like "Attack and Def+") : 1 "insert" Blow skills 2 (Death Blow 2 for exampled, includes also the new combined Blows): 2 Heavy Blade 2: 2 "insert" Boost 2(Earth Boost for example): 1 Close Counter: 2 Distant Counter: 2 Defiant "insert Stat" 2: 1 Distant Def 2: 2 Close Def 2: 2 Fortress Defense 2: 1 Fortress Res 2: 1 Fury 2: 3 Life and Death 2: 3 Steady Stance 2: 2 Following A-Passives cant be forged into a Weapon: Triangle Adept, Steady Breath, "insert" Shields (Iotes Shield for example) B Passives: "Insert" Breaker 2: 2 Brash Assault 2: 2 Dazzling Staff 2: 3 (Stave exclusiv) Desperation 2: 3 Escape Route 2: 3 (Stave exclusiv) Guard 2: 2 Live to Serve 2: 2 Obstruct 2: 1 Pass 2: 1 Poison Strikes 2: 2 Quick Riposte 2: 3 Renewal 2: 2 Seal "insert Stat": 1 Seal "insert double stats": 2 Shield Pulse 2: 2 Vantage 2: 3 Watersweep 2: 2 Windsweep 2: 2 Wings of Mercy 2: 3 (Stave Exclusive) Wrath 2: 4 Wrathfull stff 2: 3 (Stave Exclusive) Following B-Passives cant be forged into a Weapon: Wary Fighterl, Sacae's Blessing, Lunge, Knock Back, Hit and Run, Flier Formation, Drag Back, Cancel Affinity, Beorc's Blessing C Passives: "Insert" Ploy 2: 2 Breath of Life 2: 2 Drive Attack 1: 2 Drive Def 1: 2 Drive Spd 1: 2 Fortify "Insert Stat" 2: 2 Hone "Insert stat" 2: 2 Infantery pulse 2: 2 Savage Blow 2: 2 Spur "Insert stat" 2 (this includes the new double stat spur skills): 1 Threaten "Insert stat" 2: 1 The Following C-Passives cant be forged into a Weapon: Atk Smoke, Armor March, All Fortify Emblem and Hone Emblem skills, Goad Emblem and Spur Emblem skills, Guidance As an example: Silver Lance has a max value of 4, Therefor it would be possible to forge Desperation 2 (3) and Defiant Spd 2 (1) into the weapon and reach the max value of 4. There are 2 forges, so you would need to pay 50 coins for each forge: Total 100 coins Desperation 2 costs 100 SP: so 50 Great blue Badges needs (since its a Lance) Defiant Spd 2 costs 80 SP: so 40 Great blue Badges needs (since its a Lance) Total amount of Great blue Badges needed: 90 A Brave Weapon with a max value of 2 would not be able to put Desperation 2 (3) on it, because Desperation 2 (3) allready exeeds the max amoutn of point Values, but you could put Distant Counter (2) on the weapon if you wanted. Thoughts?
  2. by hard i mean getting a deathless run, i was ranked like 1500 ish which is way enough to stay in rank 20
  3. finished after 2 tries with BIke Sonya Tana Ninian Most annoying part was the red cavalry that could pass have to note my units are heavily merged
  4. I like to note i got extremly Lucky when pulling for Elincia and got my +SPD/-RES Lyn to run with Wrath 3!
  5. Bars Bartre Camilla Roderick Est, list goes on. But especially Camilla and Roderick
  6. I had close to 5000 points something like 4980ish or so. I finished this week arena with 4996 which puts me atm at rank 322 (which will for sure go down), i think thats enough to stay again in Tier 20, but i had to use some crest for a deathless run.
  7. Try staying in Tier 20 its a nightmare x.x, managed to do that for the first time last week
  8. They should allways put one of the Dancers as the 40% unit!!! Was so nice getting Bonus Points while training all your characters...
  9. Not sure if i should Swap my Tana with Guidance 3 out of my team (Sonya, B!Ike, Ninian, Tana) for Elincia. Although that would make the most sense. But Tana has so much Firepower with Firesweep lance >.< and Guidance 3 really comes in handy (also as a skill on Defense Team) Also Reinhardt and CYL Lyn can DIAF... they ruined my deathless AA run on the 7. map go figure... I am really getting tired of Arena with this 2 chars. Such a hassle to avoid them and take them out without loosing a unit to some random bullshit.
  10. Can we just fix Dagger users first before we throw in another class XD? EDIT: oh and healers
  11. I am wondering since the coin introduction in Arena Assault we havent heard anything from SI how or for what they are used. Since its a while back, i am hopeing for a bigger project/mode you can use them. I hope they are working on a Blacksmith/Weaponshop where you can spend your earned coins and shards to create your own weapons: Example: Killer Lance+ and you pick Desperation 2 ===> you got a Blue "Sol Katti" (with less might). Obviously they prolly will restrict some weapons from being crafted like this (Litrblade, Brave-Weapons and of course the Legendary weapons), and will restrict some skills from being put on Weapons, but i really do hope for something like this o.o the endless possibilitys!!!
  12. I do get that, and i dont mind useing my other characters at all, but as said, i had once a Run where all 7 maps contained either a Reinhard or Lyn or both, I literally ran out of counters for them. I am not suggesting to let me use my character multiple times, i am just suggesting they limit the amound of same characters you face.
  13. Biggest mistake: Trying to make Felicia good. so many SP and Skills went to her just to make her decent (not good) against a handfull of mages.
  14. I think they need to adress Arena Assault to some degree. There are only so many Brave Lyn and Reinhardt counters available in my character roster. Its kinda shitty that you cant use a character twice but you run into the same characters a dozen times as the opponent. A check automatic swap out of that character with a Random generated Character with the same BST and some Random skills would help.
  15. I really dont think they will put the Brave Heroes into a Hero Fest banner, they prolly want to keep them a bit rare for a while. My guess: they will just redo the 1. Hero Fest banner with Ryoma Hector Takumi and Azura. But then again if they wanted a new banner it prolly would be: Red: Lyn Green: Sonya Blue: Hinoka Grey: Jaffar 2 magical damage dealing units and 2 physical damage dealing units. Albeit it woudl be a very underwhelming banner compared to the 1. and 2. one
  16. There is allways the possibility to add the Villain of Warriors as the 3. Unit of the Banner. I know Villains usually are in GHB battles but Black Knight is a Tempest Trial reward so meh? There is also the possibility that they might run a Rowan Lianna Alfonse Shareena banner called: "Brother and Sister, Heroes and Warriors" or so I think we can definitly expect a Fire Emblem Warriors banner.
  17. I am getting this numbers because Lyns Legendary Weapon has built in Desperation below 50% HP ;) which means she wont get counterattacked inbetween her 1. and 2. hit. In other words she cant die unless the opponents survives both hits or has high speed that Lyn can only attack once. (Considering she has the 3. highest Speed of all the units there are only a couple that can do that)
  18. Did you run the numbers on Lyn? because i did and a +SPD/-RES Sol Katti Lyn running Wrath 3 in Desperation (SPD Seal+1) range kills 116 units that run Fury 3 as their A Skill and have a SPD+ Boon, 134 wins if they run ATK+ boon. that number spikes up to 142 with Brave Lucina SPD buffs on Lyn and to 156 with additional Delthea buffs. You only need that 1 reduction at the start of the turn to kill a unit with Lyn! I do see your point, but that can be achieved by other units too (see Lyn above) if the opponent doesnt run an optimal built and Aether is not an optimal Arena Defense built imho.
  19. Ok according to the Black Knight Stats my Tana is luckily still able to ORKO him with Fire Sweep Lance, unless he runs Wary Fighter ¬.¬
  20. ok that kinda makes sense, because i still run into Armor Emblems now end then. But you are right i encounter Teams with +10 Effies. Although thats for me not a Problem with Sonyas Charge being ready due to Infantery Pulse. At least so far. There is still the option of picking the units up with my Firesweep Tana. Which has come surprisingly in Handy for this range of points.
  21. i ran once into such a Team in Arena Assault. I just put my Gronnraven+ Triangle Adept Vantage Bunny Camilla in range of all 4 and watched her paint the floor red on turn 1 enemy phase. Also i noticed since I am running now with 715~ points per battle I am encountering way less Horse/Flier Emblem Teams then i was when i was running for 680 to 696 points. Is this because Horse and Flier units have less BST?
  22. All i want at the moment is a +SPD/-RES Lyn with Sol Katti to abuse the Wrath 3 built i have in mind :/
  23. My Brave Ike would like to way in and tell you that he will instantly counter your Nephenee with Bonfire. So unless she runs Desperation (which she wont due to Wrath 3) she will die with only 29 HP. I only run B!Ike with Aether when i am doing stuff outside of the Arena. in the Arena he runs Bonfire. This is even before considering that he has S rank with my Avatar. You might want to consider that other Players run other builds. Wrath 3 is not broken. Its okeish but it doesnt prevent your unit from dieng, because you cant run Desperation and Wrath 3 in the same slot, unless your name is Lyn and you have a Sol Katti. In that sense i might also call my Sonya broken because she can ORKO Red mages due to her Tome and Infantery Pulse on Turn 1, but i dont because it all boils down on the other units built.
  24. well yes I oversimplified it. Fact still stands that SPD is an excellent Defense and Offense Stat though, which is really the root of the problem. I think an alternate form of B-Slot Windsweep/Watersweep skill would help very Slow units. While those 2 Skills were answers to Distant/Close Counter, they are very niche, because they require high Speed for usage and thus cut your offense in half for a safe attack. Some kind of Reverse B-Slot skill for slow units like Earthparry: "If Unit is attacked and oponnent SPD is >5 Unit SPD oponnents follow up attack will be parried (0 dmg). If Unit DEF > 5 oponnent DEF potential follow up attack damage will be reflected. Unit can not Counterattack." Infantery users only Waterparry: "If Unit is attacked and oponnent SPD is >5 Unit SPD oponnents follow up attack will be parried (0 Dmg). If Unit RES > 5 oponnent RES potential follow up attack damage will be refelected. Unit can not Counterattack." Infantery users only Worst case scenario: your follow up attack is a Special skill that activates and you basicly just killed yourself by getting the potential damage reflected back at you. This is just an example, where a low SPD very bulky unit with shit Spd stat can actually benefit from their weakness. I am not the best in creating skills, but passives that turn low SPD/Attack units into something usefull are severly lacking in this game.
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