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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Dont get me wrong, i know i can make them harder for myself, but we really need another Legion-level GHB (or Valter). Those 2 were on a different kind of level and yes i have seen the Bridelia clears on those, i think they were the correct amount of hard. I mean the GHB we have gotten lately are a walk in the park compared to Legion and Valter GHB. Thats what i mean by its too easy...
  2. Is it even possible anymore for M!Corrin to catch up? The curbstomp is like beyond unreal from the Ninian side... I mean i am still sitting on over 1000 flags...
  3. there is no Boey train oO besides he needs really good Team snyergy to work
  4. geeees i only spent 400 Flags so far in that 1 hour Ninian had the multiplier... and we crushed M!Corrin i still have so many Flags left to spent, whens our next multiplier? ._. Looking at the score it looks like we wont even get a 2. multiplier.
  5. Still waiting on a Ninian bonus to spend flags.... come on M!Corrin try to catch up at least and pull ahead....
  6. my god Ninian has allready a 200 million lead over M!Corrin... and I didnt even spent one flag yet waiting for a Ninian multiplier, will that even happen o.o
  7. I know but i mean seriously the only real threat was the red mage (and he failed to one shot). Minerva got one shot attacking Boey... Everything was dealing only single digit damage numbers ecxept for the Red mage. I think they should have pulled out 1-2 Litrblade Flying Tome users just to fuck with everyone!
  8. I wish BHB were harder and would also give sacred coins as a reward besides spheres ._.
  9. I just one shot all 3 (Hard Lunatic and Infernal) with Boye+8 B!Ike+10 PA!Azura +10 and Azama +10. It was like the easiest GHB i ever did ¬.¬ I dont even know why Maria was there, she was dealing constantly 1-0 damage and just was annoying a bit with her Panic Debuff
  10. yeah at times its crazy when i watch Elincia whack away at B!Ike and then getting annihilated on his counter attack Bonfire lol. or when Effy comes at Boye hitting him for 4 damage and he just fires back with is Quick Riposte Bonfire one shoting her for like 60 dmg or so. I allways love encountering Brave Lyn. I just put my Boye in range and let her whack away at him and then he counters lol (altough if its a Firesweep bow Lyn thats a different story).
  11. I am not sure which project to tackle on next, i actually wanted to +10 a Emerald Axe Distant Counter Hawkeye, but then again i love Wrys too and i wanted to buidl a +RES +10 5 Star Wrys that can hit 55 RES with Distant Def, but seeing now how awesome my Boye is i am interested in going with rauorowl +RES/-HP Henry... the potential at +10 36 DEF and 28 RES
  12. Its actually quite easy, because usually there is only 1 red color unit in the oposing team and if its not running Triangle Adept it will die. My Team is heavily defensiv based with Rally DEF/RES Inherited from Rodderick, Spur DEF/RES from Mist and of course Azura with her legendary Weapon, also Boey with his Gronnowl. When you clump them alltogether they get hefty amounts of DEF and RES, i mean Boey alone can get with the right setup 20 RES and 20 DEF (and additional 4 DEF and 4 RES from Distant Def Seal) additionally on top of everything else. I mean he sits then on 59 DEF and like 40ish RES, try to beat someone like that down even with a Red unit lol, especially when there is a healer behind backing them up to full health. The only Red unit i really need to watch out are Royma and Ike, Especially Ryoma, Ike if he is running Triangle Adept, Ryoma is a threat even without Triangle adept. Black Knight could be an issue, but since there is only a limit of +1 merge of Black Knight he isnt an issue for now. Funny part is this Team also works on my Defense wins and netted my 4 wins allready for 616 points per win.
  13. yeah its almost green only currently i run Boey (Green) B!Ike (Green) Nohr!Azura (Green) and Azama (Colorless), before i ran Sonya instead of Boey with a different buff mechanics (infantery pulse), now its a heavy defensiv approach.
  14. well i cant really run Sword Breaker on my Green units and Azama cant nuke for shit so Sword Breaker wouldnt help there either lol
  15. poor Takumi... how he has fallen from once the Meta defining unit to a Close Counter fodder lol. I support your choice! I am building myself a +10 5 Star Boey that is running Close Counter!
  16. dont get me wrong i clearly see alot of Brave Lyns, but at least 1 of the 7 matches has a Ryoma in it. I mean he isnt that prominent anymore as before, i encounter way more Ikes thats true, but its not like he vanished. i also want ot note i Encountered a 5*+10 Fir... and I had the toughest time dealing with her. My Boye was unable to nuke her due to her high Resistance and B!Ike needed like 5 rounds to kill her because of her Aether constantly kicking in Fir + Wo Dao+ Distant Counter + Aether + Wrath 3 = fucking nightmare ¬.¬ that girl is no joke, ok a blue unit could take her out easy tough.
  17. Jakob isnt really that bulky on either side of the spectrum, but I admire your dedication to him.
  18. If you pair him up with B!Ike and Boey he is a godsend of a healer. Coupled with DEF/RES Spurs and DEF + RES Rally the Team becomes nearly undestructable and can also deal with Red units (ecxept Red mages) while Azama keeps them topd it also helps that he cant die easy from Physical units, just keep him out of Range of mages and Dragons. His candle light also helps turn the tide against some red units, because it disables them to counter and his HP with Panic Ploy seal makes him a very decent range Emblem Debuffer. I mean you can generally slap 11DEF and 11 RES on his base stats with Rallys/Drive and Ally Assist (Azura has S Ally Assist with him). with those buffs alot of units hit him with single digit numbers outside of their special.
  19. I am encountering quite alot of +10 Ryomas in Tier 20, which usually isnt a problem ecxept... they run Triangle Advantage which makes them very delicate to deal with my Green Team, some of them even run wings of mercy so i have to watch out that i really kill the oponents i attack or when i get attacked that noone stands besides my attacked unit so they wont eat WoM Ryoma into their face.
  20. Usually it comes from me in the form of surrender when he is the only unit left and the Enemy unit deals 0 damage and i deal 0 damage. You could also call it eternal damnation , welcome to the afterlife of facing Azama eternally for 0 dmg lol
  21. You cant pull 5 Star Azamas you have to level them up and promote them. in this case i poured 220k Feathers into him... (he has a lot of skills/weapons/assist to choose from since he has been my mainhealer from the get go basicly)
  22. Skills at disposal: Staves: all of them Assists: all of the Healign assists Specials: all of the Healing Specials A: HP+5, Fortress Defense, Close Defense and a bunch of others B: Live to Serve, Dazzling Staff, Axe Breaker, Sword Breaker, and a bunch of other stuff C: Infantery pulse, Threaten Attack, Threaten Speed, Drive RES/DEF, Hone Attack, Hone Speed, Panic Ploy and a bunch of other stuff
  23. oh hey thats my next Project, albeit i have a different built in mind with Emerald Axe + Distant Counter + Quick Riposte. Well after finishing my previous project: +10 5 Star Azama, i started on my new Project Boey! Spent all my Feathers and brought him currently from +2 to +8, only 2 more left. After that as said I am thinking about goign for +10 Hawkeye, but I am also thinking of +10 Wrys with Distant Def... that old man can hit 55 RES with Distant Def A Slot and Distant Def Seal, but i will prolly go with Hawkeye
  24. Because luckily Firesweep bow exists in colorless hell limbo. I mean its allready partially bad to deal with Saceas Blessing und luckily bulky some mages can deal with that (Boey) but If i had to deal with every Lyn running Firesweep bow i would go insane prolly. "Oh hey look i can attack you without getting countered by anyone, oh and btw enjoy your -7atk debuff so you cant maybe ORKO me on the next round, oh and did i mention my Team mates all run Drive RES/DEF" ¬.¬
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