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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I stuck on Infernal with the Askr Trio + Wrys. I can get the Blue Mage, Blue Cavalier, Green Cavalier and Red Mage down after on Turn 1 and 2, on Turn 3 i get the Spawning Green Armor Down, and the Respawning Blue mage. Next up i get the spawnign Red mage down. and the new Spawning Red armor while also getting the spawing Blue Tome mage down. Next up i almost get the new Blue Cavalier down and then verything turns to fuzz. I get Arvis down that starts marching forward and something is amiss and everything goes down the clusterfuck. God i wish Alfonse wasnt so weak >.< I have cleared it with my standart static Team, but i am trying to clear it with the Askr Trio too. At this rate they will soon have inherited every fucking skill available ¬.¬
  2. Lunatic Arvis Grand Hero Battle Clear with Askar 5 Star Trio and 5 Star Wrys I tried ot avoid as much Skill Inheritance as possible. As a Rule of Thumb only Vanilla Sacred Seals not from Tempest Trials were allowed. This was made to ensure that F2P that missed said selas or dont have much coins can still clear it if they have the Skills to Inherit. Unit Setup: Wrys: Nature: not +RES or -Atk (important) Skill inherited: WoM 2 [4* Palla, 3*/4* Cain] Weapon: Assault (important due to higher Might) Skill: Heavenly Light (Important for Anna to Survive) Everything else is Vanilla Seal: Fortify Res (important so he gets attacked instead of Anna from the Blue mage and Sharena takes lesser damage from the Red mage) Alfonse Skill inherited: Triangle Adept 3 [4* Roy], Red Tome Breaker 1 or 2 or 3 [3* Odin] Assist: not needed (had it equiped during the vid but it never was used) Rest is Vanilla Seal: Atk+1 (important to kill of the Axe Tank) Anna Skill inherited: Fury 3 [4* Hinata] Assist: not needed (had it equiped during the vid but it never was used) Rest is Vanilla (Keep her Vanilla Vantage on, it prevents her from being attacked by the Green Axe Cavalier once her Special is full!!!) Seal: Spd+1 (important so she can double the Blue mages) Sharena Skill inherited: Fury 3 [4* Hinata] (so she can ORKO the Red Mages), Escape Route 2-3[3*/4* Cecilia] Bonfire [4* Robin] (Albeit Moonbow or Luna or other specials could work too) Assist: not needed (had it equiped during the vid but it never was used) Rest is Vanilla Seal: Def +1 (important so she doesnt take too much Damage) Now to bang my wall against Infernal to find a Askr Trio Clear there ._.
  3. All right got Lunatic down with The Askr Trio 5 Star and Wrys 5 Star and it needed some Vanilla Unit (only 4Star) Skill Inheritance, tried to avoid as much Skill Inheritance as possible. This almost killed me, so many Stamina Potions down the drain! Now up to Infernal ._.. I am not sure if i can reproduce this on Infernal with the Askr Trio -_- Will upload a Video on Lunatic clear with Askr Trio
  4. Didnt clear lunatic and infernal yet since i am trying to beat it with the Askr trio and wrys. So far going well but on round 3 or 4 my current strategy gets fucked up by shareena being dragged back by axe cavalier into arvis range... i need to work around that.
  5. Tiki excells at killing my B!Ike, killing my Boey, killing my PAzura, killing my Sigurd, killing my Red infantery melee units. I hate Tiki so much ._., everytime i meet her in Arena i have to work around to get a deathless win and take her out lol. Thats what i get for not running any kind of Blue unit (or Red unit).
  6. oh i met a +10 Brave Bow Blyn with +3 Attack seal. Still hit Boey for 0 dmg (and he runs Gronnowl and not Gronnraven). The counter was delicious strong with Bonfire
  7. +10 Tiki with Steady Breath QR and Aether is the bane of my existence... period. I can deal with Fae i can deal with Nowi or any other dragon, ecxept Tiki. *Flip Table* I just lack the counter against her if Azama is missing in my Team and Sigurd sucks against Dragons. She is my kryptonite!!!
  8. mmm not entirely, Crusader's Ward still works on Reinhardt, Olwen and Brave Bow users. Makeing him excellent on checking all ranged units, even if Distant Counter hits in between. And since the majority of the meta evolves aroudn Reinhardt and Brave Bow users it will get quite alot of use.
  9. Advanced Wars uses Fog of War in maps (also an IS game) but i am not sure if it also uses Fog of War on pvp?
  10. Too bad Ayra's Regnal Astra cant be inherited. A +SPD/-RES Sol Katti Lyn with Life and Death 3 Wrath 3 would have bumped another tier level!
  11. this pretty much sums it up, PVP would be a stareing contest.
  12. This doesnt look well for my B!Ike Boey PAzura and Azama Team lol. 2 Red mages on the first turn... best counter against my Team ._.. If the close Red mage falls fast this could still be doable with the Team :D
  13. Finished my Deathless run in the 1. row with B!Ike Boey Sigurd and PAzura and boy do i miss my Azama. His healign was missing soo much ._.. Every battle was such a chore compared to when having him around to retop Boey and B!Ike. Neverthless the Team did put out greatly with a score of 5112. Notable I got the 2 Walls oposing Team map 4 times.... Which makes it really really really furstrating to position Boey correctly (or at all) for full Gronnowl+ effects and him benefiting from all Spurs. I didnt know till now that you can get the same map multiple times. Anyway best experience: last battle face off against +10 Reinhardt +10 BLyn (Mulgalir) +10 Sigurd and +10 Cain horse emblem on the wall map... ok positioned Boey so Reinhardt would attack him if walls break... and They moved differently Reinhardt and Lyn moved south fishing for Sigurd and Cain and Sigurd went norht fishing for PAzura. BLyn was quickly a footnote baited with Boey. Sigurd actually ORKOd Reinhardt on Enemyphase with Distant Counter + PAzura buffs + 2x Spur Res 3 (6) with Bonfire and follow up attack. and survived with 2 HP!!! B!Ike survived Cains and Sigurds onslaught in the north with 6 HP left, while killing Cain on the counter hit (wrath 3 + bonfire). Ironicly Sigurd did fall to Boeys attack but all units went to single digit markers ._. Neverthless managed to clear. Kinda ironic all Enemy units got killed/tanked by units that have Triangle disadvantage on them lol
  14. its a gronnowl boey. no need for raven on his bulk with def+ nature and the team compostion. He even deals with reinhardt without triangle advantage with drive res2 and 2 allys near him (1 being also an ally support) giving him enough res to withstand reinhardt and slaughter him. But yeah i really have no use for this mettic
  15. In other words i might as well just shove him up a place where the sun never shines
  16. If i want to shoot Valter down i just use BLyn or Bridelia... and a Nino counter only works with Green Tome breaker.... god he is so limited -_-
  17. got a score of 5126 and defense 622. Ranked 194. This is a new high for me! Arena Assault 5136 Rank 511, managed to get below the 1k rank for the first time!
  18. What do i do with a 5 Star merric? Since i got one by mistake (or bad luck). +SPD -Def nature. i have no idea wtf to do with him ¬.¬ I mean he lack the offensiv power to hit harder then a wet noodle. and with this boonSPD/baneDEF he basicly doesnt even have physical bulk (his res is anyway beyond saving) wtf do i do with him!?
  19. the problem is (i dont know your Arena Score) in my Arena range every,or lets say the majority (90%) of the melees run some form of Distant Counter (weapon or skill). Its the land of +10 Eirikas with Distant Counter or +10 Draugs with Distant Counter etc. You either hit them hard or you can take in the punches. Lucius sadly doesnt excell at any of those 2 :/ (ecxept against mages but even there its a stretch with surviving)
  20. nothing, he is just as bad as Alfonse. The only thing you can do is slap a Brave Sword on him. Your seliph has 2 more atk/1 more HP/1 less Spd/2 less Def then Alfonse (due to his nature), in short words you got an Alfonse that can deal a bit more damage but gets ****** that much harder when he is attacked. Embrace the weak-sauce
  21. brb... i need to go flip a table my pull rate just got abolished by a 5 Star Abel because there was only colorless and blue to pull.... and the one blue i pick gives me... ah fuck it
  22. Are you drowning in Sophias/Henrys and Draugs too? I didnt even get any 4 Star Hinata... i am just drowin gin Sophias/Henrys and Draugs...
  23. Frankensteins monster... there is your halloween unit!!!
  24. so far only deirdta after 200+ orbs. my rate got once nullofied by Shiida... and Ike...
  25. and get counter killed in Return while doing so with Lucius
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