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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. god please not a voting gauntlet again... I seriously cant stand them anymore
  2. nah that wont solve the problem. they should just make Dagger users by default effectiv against cavalry and halers effectiv against armorers. Kagero would become meta relevant again somewhat with her dagger and this effectivness (would that mean that sakuras dagger + this effectivness would give 100% atk bonus against mounted tome users? lulz). or like described above: A dazzling staff like skill.
  3. no thanks. Dazzling Staff and Candlight actually require the unit to execute the debuff to be "somewhat" in danger. that Counter Ploy would just break the game on so many levels i dont even know where to start.
  4. i know but i dont get the reason behind it. its not like it would break healers... like whats the point!!!
  5. Can someone tell me why Healers are excluded from Atk Smoke and Spd smoke... like seriously?!?!?!?!?! Just when i wanted to turn my Dazzling Staff Azama into a debuff machine
  6. Steady Breath cant be used by non Infantery/armored melees. I allready tried giving it to my Azama (tanky miracle healer ._.) and other units
  7. not really. unless there comes a Brave-Dagger out Dagger users will remain dead period. The new Sakura Daggers are a nuisance and only makes it possible for them to be more effective to some degree checking mounted/armored mages (Halloween Henry), but in return loose effectiveness against any Infantery Melee/bow/healer. In short: Debuffing isnt existent unless they really do somethign about debuffs wearing off after one move and the ORKO meta. until then Daggers remain useless, ecxept if they give them some exclusiv special that allows them to deal significant damage (Regnal Astra for example)
  8. I just noticed Henry is now tied with Wrys for highest RES stat, which makes him an excellent Ploy user or an exellent Ploy withstander (- Panic Ploy).
  9. Update on my garbage/trash can: My Azama can now withstand Dragons and a +10 +atk/-res Reinhardt with Quickened Pulse, Moonbow if I give him Distant counter! If Reinhardt gets tough +Atk horse buffs Azama dies ._. (because he is left with 9 HP) And i finially finished to bump my +8 Boey to +10. Note he is running Gronnowl and as you can see Azama runs Spur Def/Res 2 (+3 to Def and Res ) and so does the rest of my Team which is awesome when i place each of them on the side of Boey giving him delicious +15 Def/+15 Res/+6 SPD/+6 Atk and another +3Res/+3 Def from Rally Def/Res <3. he is such a TANK when running 57 Def and 40 RES! (Ally bonus Support isnt included in that calculation yet!)and the Bonfires from his Quick Riposte are delicious! Havent decided yet on what to go on next ._.
  10. well i got 2xsakura. one for shuriken sp gain on PAOlivia and one for the + Resskill on Azama. Done with this banner. dont care for the rest
  11. i guess ima get out my shield pulse Arkanum Anna for „Surprise Bitches“ Attacks
  12. but why?! They are ranged armored units, i dont get why they got such high BST. IS might as well just break the game and wipe all pre CYL from their existence if this keeps going like this. Like seriously how do you handle a gronnblade henry with those stats and armor buffs?! Granted his HP is low but wary fighter exists to prevent doubles, yet he is physicaly and res bulky. Get countered and rekt by gronnblade...
  13. Getting married around the year of 13/14/12 in medieval times was actually the norm because the life expectation of a person was around 40~ years. Considering Fire Emblem games play in a "medieval-esque-time" (with magic and all that shit) Arvis is kinda a bit late or just in time to become a father.
  14. Actually i prefer if they use Reinhardt, because all 4 Units in my Defense Team can counter 1-shot him. Its nice to run a PAzura with Distant Counter and Magic Defelect 3, B!Ike with Distant Counter Quickened Seal and Bonfire, Sigurd with Distant Counter + Bonfire and Boey with Gronnowl+ Close Counter + Distant Def Seal + Bonfire + Quick Riposte. I literally got 6 wins against Reinhardt users in a stroke lol. Those wins feel like, their Team is built around Reinhardt and if he is useless they cant do shit or they dont know how to play if their most OP unit becomes useless in a battle.
  15. Comeing up next as a Grand Hero Battle Season 1 Finale! Loki, disguised as a darker version of Anna herself. Can our Askr heroes with their Legendary Melee Weapons "Folkvangr, Fensalir and Noatun" take on the Emblian trio Loki, Bruno and Veronica, who sport the 3 Legendary Emblian tomes "Naglfar, Valaskjalf and Elivagar" defeat them in this final showdown!? Weapon Might allready included in Base Stats! Weapon: Naglfar, Mt. 14, Range 2, Enables unit to warp adjacent to any ally with HP < 40%. [Exclusiv, not inheritable] Be carefull in your Grand Hero Battle and dont let any oponent live below 40% or you might face the wrath of Naglfar instantly! Special: Sol Eclipse, Heal 100% of damage dealt, Special Cooldown 3 [Exclusiv, not inheritable] An upgraded Version of Sol, with less Cooldown count and more HP healed, however it doesnt grant more damage potential! A Passiv: Counter Spell If in combat against magic tome users, unit allways gets triangle advantage. [Inheritable, Restrictions: only Infantery, only Tome users] Get your stuff straight, attacking Loki with Tome users will get you killed! B Passiv: Farbauti's Barrier If unit is attacked by foe useing Bow/Dagger, unit attacks first and makes a follow up attack. [Unit Exclusiv, not inheritable] Bows/Daggers? you really want to suffer in this ranged battle? Attacking her first on those units will get you killed by the instant, you either bait him with high res Bow users (canceling Farbaut's Barrier) or send in melees to finish the job! But never forget she has company in the form of Veronica and Bruno! Note for Lunatic and Infernal mode the BST are higher then usual!
  16. Gronnowl Henry with Close Counter in an Armor Emblem could be my worst nightmare, judging how well my Boye does with Spur Def/Res and 3 Allys near him >.<. +18 DEF and RES and +6 SPD is nothign to scoff off. It all depends on his stat spread tough. Of course you could go with a Gronnblade+ but considering the amount of Panic ploy units meh
  17. I rather have a Grand Hero Battle Chain Challeng imho with saves inbetween battles tough
  18. My Units from GHB usually get 5 Stard and merged together, if they are good. Arvis, Zephiel, Xander, Camus, Ursula and Valter are examples of my merged 5 Star Units. the others usually lump around as a 3-4 Star unit and sometimes get used for skill inheritance.
  19. None. Thanks giving isnt anything in Europe or Asia. Dont need dont want a Thanks giving Banner. Assuming Halloween goes until end of November we might as well jump right into Xmas
  20. mmmm i need 2 Sakuras for inheritance.1 for SP grinding skill to give to Olivia and one for daggers to give to Olivia. Would transform Olivia into a great magic check! As for the rest meh. Armors were never my thing but where are the good healers!!! Its like IS gave up on Healers and doesnt release new ones. We still dont have one with a Legendary weapon >.<
  21. The Askr Trio and Cecilia Take on Ursula in Infernal Was a easy fight compared to Arvis XD
  22. Elise as Sailor Moon Catria as Sailor Merkur Tharja as Sailor Mars Linde as Sailor Jupiter Clair as Sailor Venus Olwen as Sailor Saturn Cecilia as Sailor Neptune Odin as Sailor Uranus Fir as Sailor Pluto and Berkut as Tuxedo Kamen! oh i forgot Felicia as Black Lady
  23. i actually only use her for Grand Hero battles. I thought i might as well give Alfonse Anna and Sharena all skills. Saves me the hassle to learn skills and go on when makeing a vid/challening GHB with the Askr trio. If I use her in arena it really depends on the Team. i ran her once with Miracle Shield pulse and 3x Infantery pulse + Reciprocal Aid which makes her a bit annoying to deal with Naotun. Havent run any of the askr trios for a while now in Arena.
  24. depends what you are facing? I just inherited all almost all available 4* SI to Anna and farmed 9000+ SP and she has almost all learned now ._.
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