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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. A mixed Team consisting of: Ephraim: upgraded Siegmund, Rally Spd, Def Tactic, Hone Res Seal 3 Nino: usual Litrblade skill 2 other movement types pushes Nino to have almost Horse/Flyer Emblem buffs... give one of the other members Atk Tatcic and she is just missing 4 buff points to reach full Horse Emblem buffs lol. I was never so glad that all the Dancers are Infantery users!
  2. they gave us a Roadmap. Tomorrow Voting Gauntlet starts and after that Berkut Rerun and after that BHB Rerun etc.
  3. i laugh at H!Henry because Boey with Gronnowl does a much better job with higher movement and 3 allies besides him running Spur Spd/def or spur def/res nothing beats 15 additional SPD&DEF or 15 additional DEF&RES (not to mention the 2 other stats getting raised by 6). Besides my Clair just took 2 H!Henrys in an Armor Emblem (with 2 Jakobs) to the face and took like 21 dmg from their nukes with them being fully armor buffed. It pays to have 54 RES. She also just took a fully buffed Flyer Litrblade Corrin to the face. Its like the perfect Mage counter, she only has to watch out against Life and Death Nino that can outspeed and double her with full buffs (1 hit alone from a fully buffed Gronnbalde Nino doesnt kill her, but the 2. attack does ._.). And yes she runs Distant Counter. If only Regnal Astra was inheritable she would be such a dominant force ._., instead i have to run a 3 cooldown Iceberg -_- Besides if it were a Dark Excalibur Close Counter Merric with moonbow or glimmer Xander would most likely be dead
  4. Time to reequip Sword Breaker on Sigurd, or destroy her with Azama and his massive AoE Damage. Her Res is quite pitifull and she has fallen many times now victim to him.
  5. I dont mind special weapons much, it makes the character unique. However unique skills is something that i dont like at all, it totally undermines the skill inheritence option that makes this game so flexible. I do understand some unique skills like Sigurd BLyn BIke Arvis etc. but the addition of unique Specials outside of Black Knight is shit to be honest.
  6. just curious did you think about giving your +10 Peri Berkuts Lance with the +Res upgrade path. Stat wise she seems to be "sameish" as Clair, a bit higher attack, but lower res/spd. She would make a Fantastic Distant Counter mage killer in a Horse Emblem Team no?
  7. nope Dragons dont target her low defense (if you meant dragons by lolis), because she attacks up close and not from 2 Range, so the Dragons allways target her RES and their breath effect only applies on Units attacking from a Distance.
  8. So i went to farm Arena Medals for Weapon upgrade and took my newest Team addition Clair in. Prepare for the Clair swag, she is just fantastic!
  9. I upgraded my Clair slightly from previously. She is complementing BIke Sigurd and Azama as a check against Dragonstone users and mages. Built: Berkuts Lance +1, +4 Res, +7 additional Res if being attacked Resposition Iceberg A: Distant Counter B: Blue Tome Breaker (to actually kill Reinhardt) C: Def Ploy 3 (albeit i might change this to Guidance 3 if i get it somehow again ._.) Seal: Distant Def Seal. Thoughts? She is +SPD -DEF nature When attacked she sits at 54 RES. and as far only a +SPD Gronnblade Nino with full buffs and Fury/Life and Death can kill her (as in Nino needs to double her) or Triangle Adept.
  10. I'll support Sigurd, because every other choice either creeps me out because the char is insane (tharja rhajet etc.) or just doesnt fit in ther!
  11. the outcome for this voting stupidity is allready predetermined before it even started.
  12. Actually Alfonse is ecxellent against Mia/Ayra and co. give him Sword breaker bonfire and steady breath and he nukes every sword unit into the ground even Ayra. He deals with them better then my +10 Sigurd lol. mostly because of Steady Breath and Sword breaker.
  13. My newest project is finished! Well almost! Once i pull a Tana gain my Clair will inherit Guidance 3 and then she will run Distant Def 3 or Deflect magic 3 seal and have her A slot freed up for Distant Counter. She will complement my Team of B!Ike Sigurd and Azama. They struggle with Red mages and Dragon users, so Clair is a perfect counter to those 2 units with her high rest (and even to some blue tome users). She is joining the Team becaus i want to actuall give this time Atk Tacits/ Def Tactics from the Fates Children banner. Berkuts Lance +: Grants +7 Res when being attacked, +4 Res naturally as a stat Reposition Iceberg Distatn Def 3 Hit and Run Def Ploy Guidance 3 seal. When she is attacked by a mage she runs 54 Res (+6 from Distant def 3 and +7 from Berkuts Lance). At this current moment only a Lancebreaker Reinhardt with full buffs can kill her. A +Spd Gronnblade nino can kill her with full buffs (nino needs to be able to double her) other mages cant kill her mostly. Hit and Run is there to make it able for BIke to swoop in and get a kill but i might drop Hit and Run alltogether and Guidance, maybe and opt for Distant Counter + Blue Tome Breaker and Distant def 3 Seal. Btw she is +SPD -Def Nature,
  14. I'm happy how it works, because it means you really will put work into the legendary weapons of the units you only want to use and really are a fan of.
  15. while the effort for this Felicia is amazing, her built is fucking terrible. Close counter is definitly not something anyone should run on Felicia. This built is undermining her one streanght she has: RES, and trying to fix a weakness one cant fix on her: DEF
  16. I am getting migranes from all this pointless Reinhardt talk
  17. excuse me but BIke is not a hard counter only for Reinhardt. He does extremly well against alot of other units. He just happens to be naturally also a Reinhardt counter. Axezura is also not purely only a Reinhardt counter, but a fantastic support unit (otherwise i would run Inigo). and Azama is definitly not a reinhardt counter but an excellent healer/support/chipdmg unit that goes very well with BIke and Sigurd. I would agree with you if i would run a Julia or some other green mage with triangle adept in my Team that only fairs well against Reinhardt and only a handfull of other units. you are overexagerating things and make it sound like Reinhardt is an unstopable force, which is not the case. But again this depends on the Team composition you run. For example i dont fear Blue or Green units. But Celica/Tiki/Tharja are the equivalent of Red Sword Team facing Reinhardt prolly, for me.
  18. why should i care about that when its not even in the game yet. Theorizing about setups that arent even there doesnt help. 2. I can take on any Red unit with BIke Axezura and Azama, more so now. Do have any Idea how monsteriously BIke can be with a Healer backing him up? And now that Azama can basicly safely chip away for 24/10 dmg its even less an issue. Of course i dont bait Red mages with BIke because i know very well that Celica/Tharja and even some green nukes can ORKO him. This is where I run Sigurd instead of Axezura! My current Team allways consists fo BIke Azama Sigurd + Bonus unit. I rarely use Axezura anymore (sometimes i do but hardly).
  19. @DehNutCase I might maybe be in the minority but when i see a Team of Reinhardt i rejoice, because my DC BIke and DC Axezura will kill him regardless especially with Azama backing them up. + Axezura and Azama run drive Res 3. I have literally 0 issues encountering Reinhardt, either BIke or Axezura are allways in the Team. And Rein is usually the one dieing first BECAUSE of his long reach.
  20. I still dont see the issue with Tactic skills. Reinhardt + Dancer is nothing new and a Close Counter Vantage Reinhardt is just beging to get killed more easy. Again no issue in Tactic skills. I actually welcome those new Skills because it makes mixed Teams better. and considering -Blades. We got enough of options to deal with them, and by now people have learned how to handle -blades.
  21. I am not sure why stones to upgrade normal weapons are limited ._. this is such a utter horse shit
  22. Actually forget what i said. Surtr mentions he needed 6 months to wipe out Fjorms Land, and the one previously he only needed 3 Months. So maybe someone survived from the Land before Nifl got destroyed survived.
  23. The other "Elemental" Legendarys heroes would have to be free accessable like Fjorm. Otherwise people wont be able to get all blessings into their roster. At least one for each. My guess is Alfonse and Sharena get a promotion at some point in the story makeing Alfonse ----> Earth and Sharena ----> Wind. This will prolly coincide with their weapons becomeing upgradable. And maybe Zacharias will show up and have Fire or some plot-no-jutsu gives us one of Surtrs allies as a free unit.
  24. I stumbled across this, and it fits perfectly well with the weapons the childrens got lol
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