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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Ok i am confused about Brazen skills. The English translation only mentions „duringcombat and below 80%HP“ meaning an enemy phase unit would gain the effects too. The getman translation states specific translated „during unit attack initiated and below 80%“ which means only playerphase units gain the effect. which one is correct
  2. @GinReishe is still bad with wrath when going up against +10 merges 5Star, just less bad. Or you set her up against dragons which involves a total different build
  3. if you attack fast mages/ranged units brazen speed, since brash wont proc on them. same goes when going up against Ayra/Mia to prevent her flashing blade from procing (but then again why attack her if you cant kill her) brazen def is meaningless since she lives allready risky below 75% and brazen speed might prevent getting doubled from other sources
  4. she usually sits @ 3HP after 4 turns or 13 after 3 turns. This is only 1 of her builts. i swap them around. but a desperation built is somewhat not feasable on her most of the time at Tier 20. but since i use her as a pseudo healer that one does the job best. My anna has all skill and specials (-galeforce) leraned with ecxeption of newer skills or some 5 star exclusiv skills (same applies to the other 2 askar units) They isually get shorhorned into a specific role. Alfonse becoms a sword unit killer/arya killer with steady breath sword breakwr and bonfire. etc Annabecomes sometimes a dragon killer but i have clair for that now etc
  5. its really not that bad, i mean what else can you do with Anna? her attack stat is garbage, her defensiv stats are garbage unless you want to built her into some kind of an Res unit (even then 28 RES isnt that much to build on). She has only speed and HP going for her and she is facing +10 merged superbeefed oponents. She functions as a pseudo healer for turn 1 or 2 in Arena for me and can swoop in if needed with a ready special.
  6. Anna isnt that bad. With her 5Star Weapon + Reciprocal Aid + Vengeance + Brazen Speed 3 + Wrath 3 + something flexible she can be a "Surprise bitches" kind of a unit.
  7. The Brazen skill being inheritable by everyone is just garbage... This puts desperation runners on steroids with life and death 4 but without the drawback of lost bulk.... unbelievable. And for Enemy phase units those skills are kinda poop because you want to run steady breath or distant counter or a skill that works at 100% HP right from the get go.
  8. i wouldnt be so sure to count out Zephiel. He has very high HP and with the weapon refinery he can run a Slaying edge + that grants another 5 HP, couple that with a 5 HP sacred seal and you are looking at 65 HP and 24 RES to overcome. For a Red mage that means 89 atk in raw power, assuming an Atk+ Tharja thats 52 base atk with Litrblade pre buffs at +10, slap 20 atk from litrblade and thats 72 attack, run life and death 3 thats 77 atk. not enough to kill on the first hit and zephiel can strike back with Reprisal (or some other 2 turn cooldown) which will one shot Tharja, unless she runs desperation of course! Nino will face weapon Triangle disadvantage. Obviously Blue mages will still nuke him into oblivion (especially reinhardt) Zephiel has more bulk on the 1. hit then Arden or Black Knight, which might force the other Team to get into Desperation range. I wouldnt say that Armor units will now still run only Wary Fighter. most Armored units run Wary fighter because it covered their weak point: SPD. There was no decent skill to turn them into Attacking machines outside of Arden, due to their low Speed. But those new skills add another layer to armor emblem Teams with Distant Counter (because honestly an armored unit without Distant Counter might as well just burn), its turns them into scary "player phase units" that are rather bulky, couple that with armor march and you better get fast into Desperation range or have other means in the form of Windsweep/Sweepweapons/Saceas Blessing to deal with them.
  9. So i have been working on my Lyn again and those are the results: 1. Lyn built: HP46/Atk47/Spd43/Def29/Res28 Sol katti Upgraded with Weapon Refinery (Brash assault and Desperation) Reposition Draconic Aura Flashing Blade 3 Wrath 3 C: Flexible Seal: Phantom Spead 2 (I intend to bring this up to 3) This built brings consistent number and is solid, my Lyn has +SPD/-HP nature, an +Atk nature would be optimal Next up: Revenge of the plains! HP54/Atk47/Spd43/Def29/Res28 Sol Katti (upgraded) Reciprocal Aid Reprisal HP+5 Wrath 3 C: Flexible Seal: HP+5 this one isnt quite finished its missing 9 HP, 2 from the Seal, 4 if being a +HP IV and 3 from water blessing which would bump her HP up to 63. This built shines below10 HP the best with Reprisal. Vengeance is an option too, since Wrath contuniously puts the counter 1 below for each turn, you can wait one turn and attack afterward. @1 HP Lyn would deal 41 dmg with one attack, not counting in the 2. attack. Trying to get a +HP Lyn but its a pita ._. Obviously its a very risky playstyle and not very consistent because there is no easy way to bring her to 1 HP, if you can reach 10 HP its allready golden <3 My next project is to built my +5 Karel into a powerhouse with. He can become quite bulki with summoner support, blessing and +5 HP seal and a Wo dao+ (upgraded) all those would give him 18 addional HP bringing him up to 70 HP. slap Distant counter + quick riposte and Reprisal <3. Best nature would be +HP/-def, mine is sadly +HP/-spd :/. Proceed to run him with a healer :D
  10. whats the fastest way to cap Summoner Support? My guess is chain challenge, since a map has a cap of 5 kills counted towards the bond (As in the Warrior maps wont give more then 5 kill count if you enter it, even tough it has like 20+ enemys)
  11. uh wut? the only reason people do VG is because of the rewards. VG is still trash and will remain trash as a gamemode.
  12. exactly, which is why i find stuff like Tharja/Nowi/Camilla etc either creepy or very "cheap"
  13. mmmmm i rather have skimpy outfits on men (the summer banners were great) and i rather shy away from using something that wears a "dress" like Tharja. That depends tough on how the char is presented/built. On Sonya its great: strong beautifull woman not afraid of her sexuality On stuff like Nowi/Elise etc.: creeps the shit out of me On stuff like Tharja/Camilla etc.: yeah fanservice... pass "can someone find another strong female lead plox"
  14. so does this mean Navarre and Zephiel Infernal Rerun are next and then we get a Valter Rerun and after that we get a Xander and Camus infernal rerun followed by an Arvis Rerun? (not counting new GHB inbetween and BHB reruns inbetween) EDIT: nvm i just saw your post above -_-
  15. She is prolly weighed down due to 2 other reasons then being armor... (altough that would apply to Camilla and Kagero too)
  16. The Askar-Trio & Fjorm duke it out against Amelia & Tana on Infernal!!!(finally lol)
  17. it will stack, during combat allways means its a "spur"effect and not a hone effect
  18. a Flying Reindeer Axe Lissa that is in an armored unti would have been perfect! suffers still from shit movement but can surpass mountains and water lol
  19. actually she wants Atk/def because her upgraded sol katti allready gives her desperation and brash assault, meaning she will double anyone that can counter, giving her more physical bulk. But then again there is mages you want to double sooooo yaie?
  20. chill they are armor exclusiv, and while they look strong on paper. They arent really, because Armorers were never Player Phase units to begin with, with their shitty movement. Bold Fighter 3 looks as an interesting skill to give to Hector, turning him into a semi Enemy and Player Phase unit, since he has built in Quick Riposte Vengefull fighter looks interesting but all slow armors that have high attack basicly give up their defensiv option in the form of Wary Fighter. Onits like Zephial with low Speed risk to get doubled and ORKO easier. This banner is all about the brazen skills because they look quite fantastic.
  21. Xander and Camus banked out and never have to work again!
  22. isnt Rein a horse unit tough? (i mean you said you gave Rein another merge).
  23. cleared them all with my main Team but i am trying to figure out how to do infernal with the Askar-Trio. its kinda like banging my head at the moment. Prolly have to invest into some Triangle Adept stuff.
  24. ummm the same goes for all Firesweep weapons and Lyns B-Slot (for Distant Counter weapons). And those skills/weapon are supported by units that can reach 60+ attack and damaging specials while staff users have like a limited A-Slot ability and no damaging specials oO. How are staff users a greater fuck you to enemy phase teams then firesweep weapons and BLyns B-Slot?
  25. Uh wut?! i would say he is offensively the best of the lots... i just met a Brave Roy running 65 attack and 53 Spd... one touch death combo with galeforce in it if he attacked a physical unit of mine lulz
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