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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. yes i use the Team that gives me the highest amount of points for battle 1. Everything else later can pretty much in most cases be countered by a combination of units that run Triangle Adept/Gem Weapons/Breaker skills in combination, as you can built the Team to counter the oposing Team, but yeah some battles can become hairy lol
  2. Wo dao usually isnt a problem to handle for me, but the combination of Ayra stat + her insane exclusiv special + the upgrade + infantery pulse made it a pita @bottlegnomes and yes i wished in that moment my Firesweep+ Tana would have bene there ¬.¬
  3. sush you leave Valter alone. His lines are perfect and bring my inner mistress out!
  4. Ayra's Special is beyond broken in all terms, even more so coupled with the stat spread. I encountered today an Ayra +10 in my Arena run that ran: Wo Dao+ augmented with the attack path. Regnal Astra Distant Counter Vantage Flexible This was with a infantery pulse Team, which means her special was ready. none of my units could attack her Clair woudl get one shot if she would attack her or gets attacked (and she is a blue unit, but has crappy defense) Brave Ike welp... Green unit, looked also bad for him Sigurd... he would have survived with the Sword Breaker skill if he wouldnt have been a -HP nature (1 HP left) -_- or would have run Close Defense instead of Distant Counter(she basicly dealt to him 41 dmg which was his HP...), even then he would have lost due to Ayra getting constant buffs. And i couldnt tackle the Team behind because welp... Repostion hell from Ayra herself. Sadly Azama wasnt there to deal with this situation because he got swaped out for Bonus unit Olivia, but even then the room was to small to operate. mind you all +10 It was literally the pita and oh shit moment... and this was on the map with the 2 ships where you have literally no fucking space ot avoid. I tried working aroudn it but at some point i was basicly cornered. I managed even to get Clairs iceberg ready, because it actually allows me to one shot Ayra with it, but behold... the upgrade from The Wo dao+ also gives 5 HP which put Ayras HP above the threshold to oneshot her (she survives with 4 HP left)
  5. those were the most tedious Arena runs i had in a long while, but its ok. Arena Assault on the other hand was infuriating...
  6. i want to meet that triple Reinhardt Team with my Clair, the amount of 0 dmg taken that charge up my Iceberg for a distant counter sweeps would be delicious. But that Team prolly has too low Arena points for me to run into. But yes the age of Dragons has come and the decline of ranged units has started. The Arena is currently getting swamped with Dragons slowly and i am seeing fewer and fewer ranged units. Lucky for me i am prepared for Dragons :X (at least when it comes to Arena, for Arena assault i need to adjust a few things ._.) I might need to actually pull a Soren on some mages. Nice job on makeing Watersweep relevant SI (to some degree)!
  7. why do people put Red units as their lead on Team Sigurd... i am constantly runnign a full red team and have to counter stuff like a Triangle adept Breath + Nowi/Ninian and stuff.
  8. pls i am on Team Sigurd and i am full aware we aint gonna win this fight against Darthja in the "Boobies strike back!"
  9. i think they should change it to a mini Arena type of gameplay with cumulativ runs: Try to score highest in 3 battles: Same calculations as in Arena. If you use the Voting gauntlet bonus unit you get double points The Team consists of 4 units: 1 is the unit you picked 2 are units that you can pick from your friendlist IF they support the same character 1 unit is from a random strange person The enemy Teams will consist: 2 Enemy units of your Friend list that support the oposing Bonus unit with approximitly the same point range as your own unit If this falls short, it will pick 2 Enemy units of Friend list with lower point range 2 units are random picked Strangers that sport the same point range as your own unit. You can run this as many times as you want until you have the highest score with a deathless run or whatever. in the end all points get cumulated and the winner is chosen! Bear in mind loosing fights is tracked and gives at the end bonus points to the oposing enemy. So bring in your best buitl favourite character that is represented in the Gauntlet, and set your best built unit as the front leader for other friends on the same side to be picked!
  10. this is bogus how does Sigurd loose to Dorcas when Sigurds Team clearly allways outnumber Dorcas by a large margin after a multiplier (more then Dorcas). Omg just get rid of Voting Gauntlet once and for all
  11. mine is +SPD/-Def and yes Berkuts Lance is really fantastic <3
  12. Some Arena clips showcasing Clair as an anti-mage/meta unit all units encountered were +10: (Since i went farming for medals and flags i thought i'd record it) 1. Battle: Triangle adept Gronnraven soren, Celica, Ike and Nowi 2. Battle: Litrblade Lucina and Ayra 3. Battle: Delthea going for the kill! And facing off a Triangle Adept Fae, Nowi and Ayra 4. Battle: usual Reinhardt! (this one has Lancebreaker preventing me from double attacking and killing him ._., nonethelss 0 dmg recieved) 5. Battle: Fea, Delthea, Grey and Fjorm being taken out by Clair 6. Battle: Triangl adept gronnraven Cecilia 7. Battle: Lolis team try it again against Clair... they never learn ._. 8. Battle: Reinhardt with emblem buffs) 9. Battle: another Reinhardt... this time no buffs for him but he forgot his Lancebreaker it seems! 10. Battle: this time Nowi tries it again as a Red tome user lulz 11. Battle: Gronnblade Nino (altough she didnt get all buffs but some at least) + Reinhardt + Ayra + Ryoma. withstanding Nino with no defensiv tile! woo All hail to the queen!
  13. The next Fjorm banner will prolly include 3 new units that run earth fire and wind, prolly with a story update otherwise it would take too long for all Elements to be released lulz ._.
  14. Firesweep is though only usefull on high Spd/high atk units i give you that. But Berkut's Lance with the RES path opens up units that take 0 damage from Dragonstone users and tome users (example Clair high SPD high RES, Spring Xander with +RES/-HP becomes a wall if properly built, physical and magical, Fjorm runs with the Lance on the same RES counter tier like Clair with lower speed but higher physical bulk etc) and gives to some units tremendous Bulk (example Effie)
  15. I didnt mean because of the healers. I meant in general because of the Weapon Refinery. In my eyes the Dragonstone users have definitly moved up the Tier list (prolly at the top)while ranged units have moved down. And some Lance users have definitly moved up due to Berkuts Lance. At the current state i would value tome users A tier at most and very offensiv healers are definitly a better pick then them.
  16. @mcsilas This is what i made out of her today, just because: 51 RES when attacked by a mage and 45 when attacked by a dragon. and she is physicaly bulky. This is Neutral Fjorm i got for free.
  17. tell your sister to do more such artwork <3
  18. So after the quest clear with Askar units this is how my main team handles Berkut:
  19. @mcsilasher niche is very niche unfortunatly unless you built her. She is okeish range bait but her Ice mirror counters lack punching power and are random depending on the enemy stats/special etc they use. There is no consistency :/
  20. will go up to 24 SP, as for TT bonus dont know, i assume so as for Teammates for Fjorm. What exactly is her task in your Team?
  21. Berkut Infernal vs Askr Trio and Fjorm 3/5 of the Quests cleared with the Askar Trio & Fjorm (neutral F2P) unit. Minor SI: Alfonse: all Vanilla ecxept for Reposition and Wings of Mercy 3 Fjorm: all Vanilla ecxept for Reposition (i dont think she uses it at all) Sharena: all Vanilla ecxept for Bonfire, Wings of Mercy 3 Anna: Reciprocal Aid, Arkanum (goes unused), Fortress Def 3, Renewal 3 and Spur Atk 4 The Askr Trio all have Water blessing Enjoy
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