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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Askartrio and Fjorm vs Navarre Infernal. Not much Inhertiance used (soem is even useless, Sharena could be vanilla lol) Easy with some easy skill inheritance
  2. HP - Karel with 65 HP Atk - Brave Ike and Tana tied for 59 Atk Spd - Clair with 45 Spd Def - Arden with 45 Def, followed by Boye and Lukas tied on 42 def Res - Clair with 44 Res, followed by Wrys with 43 Res Overall: Clair (214), Brave Ike (199) and Sigurd/Karel/Eldigan (197) SP: Brave Ike 9999, Sigurd 9495, Azama 7716
  3. One shot with the Askar Trio and Free Fjorm... this was really too easy. Which means the Askar Trio shoudl be able to tackle this without any skill inheritance
  4. the bonus units are seasonal... seirously :/. Disapointed
  5. yeah you cant give her Wrath 3. Wrath can only be used on Armored and Infantery units. Since Clair is a Flyer she cant inherit Wrath
  6. do you even use the Askr Trio at all? We dont need to turn everyone into Reinfart. Some people actually enjoy tackling content with units that need a specific built to succeed. And while melee infantery users arent the best, they are far from useless. When Aflonse is a bonus unit he can be the perfect sword user counter (or is in my case) with Steady Breath and Sword Breaker. And while yes melee users are a bit inferior, a melee only Team can work wonders. At least my Arena Team only consists of melee fighters and yet i havent struggled getting a deathless Arena run. Granted its BIke Sigurd and Clair but they do wonders. And Infernal BHB or GHB arent impossible when running the Askar Team only too (without any OP unit). I have like 3 Horse Emblem Teams, but i barely (ecxept for Arena Assault) use them, because content is piss easy with them. I really dont want them to get overpowered, just a slight upgrade to their weapon, while keeping their niche and expanding their usefullness a bit
  7. I specificy excluded Sharena because her debuff is on the same level as refined daggers, but i would tie it to an attack of Sharena herself (as in make it a Smoke Atk/def/res/spd effect). However Alfonses and Annas Weapon upgrades are borderline broken imho, those units arent only meant to be used in Arena, they are also meant to be used in PVE content, makeing them broken makes PVE content too easy imho (and i like running them on GHB and BHB as a Team because it makes it challenging). Alfonse will loose to Reinfart and B****Lyn + Blue mages in any case, doesnt matter what you do. So why go overboard with his weapon. His niche is to be a physical tanky + high attack unit, he is never meant to tank ranged units. Brazen Atk/Def preserves the previous buff of the weapon, but makes it more usefull and the Wo dao effect makes his Sol Special much more usefull as a healing skill. Annas Escape route 3 coupled with Desperation (i would opt for Wrath 3 since her attack is low, but Wrath 3 on a weapon would be lulz and prolly will never happen) fills her Niche of a "guerilla tactics" fighter pretty well, allowing her to take advantage of her Escape route she had on her weapon, slap on Brash Assault Seal on her and you have basicly a "Lyn" light that can teleport below 50% HP around and still can use Wrath 3 on her B slot but doesnt have the attack power of Lyn.
  8. this has started to happen to me now.... what is going on!?
  9. I can deal with Windsweep Amelias but i just met a very disgusting Amelia: Slaying Axe + Assist: forgot what she had Special: Aithir A: Steady Breath B: Bold Figher 3 (the new skill from Lissa C: Armor March Seal: Quickened pulse obviously you can deal with this built when you run a mage/ranged unit, since no Distant counter. but usually in the land of 5150+ points or so you dont encounter much mages and i myself run a Team consistent ot 3 melees + bonus unit or 2 melees + azama + bonus unit. This built was uterly disgusting to deal with because i couldnt attack her due to steady breath and her high speed makeing her Aithir almost ready, but i couldnt let her attack me either due to Bold Fighter 3 makeing her charge ready. She almost massacred my Sigurd...
  10. I usually tend to charge her special on the mages, since they will hit for 0 dmg and then proceed to kill the sword unit on the next turn with the special, since the mages will hit her for 0 dmg unless its a Nino who can still deal damage in the range of 20 ish (with full buffs), the rest deals single digit numbers if green (ecxeption is if they have Triangle Adept as their A skill then its back to double digit numbers). Or i teleport a unit with guidance in, let them finish of the mage and proceed to kill the sword unit with Clair.
  11. @GlennstavosI meant Atk Smoke and Spd Smoke -7 @XRayI want to make them a tad better not break them. All those legendary buffs you gave them are way too much imho. Alfonses one has no draw back in the form of Fury and Annas Noatun is beyond broken and totally RNG if you meet her in the Arena. It would be a nightmare to face her.
  12. They need a weapon upgrade. Noatun (Anna): Escape Route 3 + Desperation Fensalir (Sharena): Atk Ploy 3 + Spd Ploy 3 Folkvangr (Alfonse): Brazen Atk/Def 3 + Wo dao effect Wishfull thinking: They also get a promotion with a stat boost in BST but that will most likely never happen.
  13. I am not fond of this built, but each one has their own play style i guess. My Clair for example focuses on 2 of her streanghts: SPD and RES. She is also +SPD/-DEF and uses: Refined Berkuts Lance + (RES path) Iceberg Distant Counter Guard 3 Flexible (Ploy, Tactics or Guidance) Seal: Distant Def Seal yours is more offensive, while mine can take on any mage or dragonstone user, even on color disadvantage. To each their own^^
  14. what kind of built are you doing for your Clair? Clair is very fast, so she doesnt need QR in any case
  15. this looks better then their original color palette, (with ecxeption of the hair) the gold really meshes well with the darker themed colors then with boring white
  16. Quick ripost isnt farfetched, it woudl just turn everyone that is bulky into a Hector! And we have dealt with Hector now for a long time!
  17. Regular Arena was easy this week. So many X-Tharjas to bait with my weapon reforged Berkuts Lance Clair into oblvion. Arena Assault on the other hand was jesus... Sooooo many Armor units, at least 2 armor units present in almost every fight +10 lol. It was tedious. 1. Team np i used my main Team that gives me the most points 2. Team np Reinfrat cavalry Team can take care of everything 3. Team np Spring Camilla and Summer Corrin (my only left Litrblade unit) can take care of armored Teams with Flier emblem 4. Team uuuuuuuhh, luckily my +10 Gronnowl Boey can solo bait green and blue melee armor units. So Tharja was taken care of with Shigure 5. Team ummmmmm... ummm.... luckily this was 2 green melee armrs + Faye (green) and Ayra, so Regular Roy with Triangle Adept took care of the green units and Tana with firesweep lance finished of Ayra with Olivia as a back up 6. Team... fork... X-Tharja + Amelia + Ayra + Fjorm with a nasty setup lol Amelia was running wings of mercy and X-Tharja used the new QR from armors so i needed to bait Tharja, but i coulnt bait her because of Amelia Wings of Mercy fucking up my Delthea. So i had to bait Amelia first, which was tricky because X-Tharja allways covered the exact range. Luckily when i was almost cornered and my Lukas could take out a beefed up Special ready Ayra (curse you infanetery pulse! and Quickened Pulse) They split up so Eldigan could take care of Amelia and Delthea managed to bait X-Tharja then 7. This one was Zephiel land, i send in my own Armor team of Effie, Sheena and Zephiel and Zephiel took care of Hector + Ayra + Amelia with the help fo the new skill he got from Lissa (Bold Fighter) which let him 1 round KO all of the others. Sheena took care of Effie So many tedious slow battles!
  18. So what Sacred Seals do you think we will get this time? Since the introduction of the Seal Forgery none Seals have been repeated again in TTs are a reward. The 1. Seal allways was a repeat (which is not the case) or a passive that in itself is considered weak and is underused but usually shines when combined with other skills and very easy to come by(like Savage Blow/Brash assault etc.) My guess: Amored Blow Seal The 2. Seal most of the time was a desirable skill and usefull but not gamechaning like Distant def or Close def or Quickened pulse etc. Guard Seal now the 3. Seal allways opened up a slot and made interesting builds possible: Quick Riposte (this one would open up so many crazy enemy phase builds in combination wiht Vantage and would prolly break the game lulz, and it would make hector into a pure fodder unit, which makes it unlikely they make this inot a Seal.)
  19. I agree with this. We really need finally a legendary staff user... its really depressing seeing so many legendary weapons on other units, ecxept for staves. the same applies to dagger units, they only got one legendary dagger.... Legendary weapons make unit builts that more interesting Aside from this i think we need some new type of healers, that can fill a different niche. Flying Healers for example could be amazing due to no movement restrictions and the ability to add mobility to units with Guidance or Flying Formation (to themself), to balance this out their BST should be a bit lower then the Cavalry Healers. As for an armored healer... i would wait and see first how the new armor skills affect gameplay
  20. Enemy phase units never had it easy. All relevant skill are locked behind 5 star bogus. Distant Counter, Close counter, Steady Breath, QR, Close def, distant def, the new steady stance atk and res equivalence, list goes on. Meanwhile player phase units have a piss walk and have almost everything they need at 4 Star disposal...
  21. i think i just got pushed out of the top 1000 from Arena Assault in the last minute, but i am not sure ¬.¬ (i was at rank 1000 exactly when i checked 10 min beforehand) i was at rank 750ish this morning ._.
  22. use him as fodder for your desperation gronnblade Nino Brazen Atk/Spd ahoi on your Nino
  23. thats quite normal if the Warriors map are available, i allways forget to requip Sheenas Weapon back on when i am using her to wall the right side of the map while grinding/leveling other units *shrug* prolly happened to that person too
  24. I really hope it doesnt involve christams banner
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