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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. The weaker characters are only weak because their stat Spread doesnt favour the things how the System Calculates dmg: The main stat everyone is looking out for in a Character is SPD. Why? Because SPD is a very good offensiv AND defensiv Stat all the Time. Where as Atk is only an offensiv stat, it doesnt help on your Defense (unless you are able to counterattack) and Def and Res are purely Defensiv stats, they only become offensiv stat when a skill activates that turns them into offensiv power. SPD is allways an offensiv and defensiv stat. Doesnt matter what Skills you equip on the character and whats furthermore makeing it a Beast-Stat is the fact its not affected by Triangel Advantage in any way. Thus Characters with low Speed suck unless they have the Passives to eliminate that weakspot (Hector with Distant Counter and built in Quick Riposte, Armored units with Wary Fighter). So their is only 2 solutions to make also weaker fighters with shit SPD more competitiv: you overhaul the System and change how doubling is calculated or you add Skills that soften the weakspot of Slow units. The 1. one prolly will never happen, the 2. one might happen or happened in some form (see Urvan, Wary Fighter)
  2. yeah i think Ploy skills are underpowered as it is. Considering Lyns Atk Smoke has like really HUGE range. (it says 2 spaces but its actually more compared to other skills that say the same)
  3. Brave Ike is fantastic. Very excellent Enemy phase unit and my Arena Defense Wins are racking up with him Sonya Tana and Ninian as my Main Team.
  4. I dont see the issue. Elincia is hardly OP compared to alot of other units in the game. She has stats that scream player phase unit with a weapon, meaning people will build her for optimal use with prolly Life and Death 3/Desperation, meaning she will die if you sniff at her in anyway or form. Her Def is crap and her Res isnt that good either. I mean 2 units of the Meta destroy her, and they have more range then her: Reinhardt and Brave Lyn. Not even gonna mention all the other units. Dire thunder is still far more OP then her Legendary Sword... She is not Arena Defense material, so i really dont see the big point behind it. I would be rather flaged about Black Knight. The possibilitys for him aside from the shitty movement range are huge. Slap Quick Riposte on him and you have a Vanilla Hector. Give him additionally Steady Breath and you have a monster... or Give him Steady Breath and Wrath 3 together with Quickened Seal and enjoy Black Luna with +10 addtional dmg on whoever dares to attack you. In other words you one shot him or you die in that same turn. Luckily his Res is really shit.
  5. I just ran the numbers in the Damage calculator (Gave her as Main Weapon Woo Dao + and gave her 3 extra attack to make up for it and gave her Desperation in the B Slot, Reduced the Moonbow Special Cooldown to 1 to account for Wrath 3 Sepcial cool down recovery): Lyn [+SPD, -RES] Sol Katti Assist: what you want Special: Moonbow A: Life and Death 3 B: Wrath 3 C: Flexible Against Vanilla units: 138 Wins 28 losses and 2 Draw Against everyone running Fury: 130 Wins Obviously she looses against alot of Blue Lance units: Notable losses are against Brave Ike (he reduces the Moonbow dmg due to Urvan on the 2. hi), Normal Ike (prolly due to Sword Breaker inate skill) and Hinata. If the First hit is with Moonbow, Brave Ike dies. I would say this looks extremly promising... i want a +SPD -RES Lyn ._. She kills everything!!! With Brave Lucina Buffs the wins against Fury users go up to 147 if you give here Delthea buffs on top of that you are looking at 154 wins and 14 losses. Dunno Brave Lucina Buffs make her extremly crazy even against units that are +SPD and -RES (She would loose slightly against a normal +SPD -RES Lucina with Fury 3, without Brave Lucina buffs) I want a +SPD -RES Lyn someone halp plox ._.
  6. there is no power creep tough. Olde Lyn just got alot better because of Wrath 3 synergizing very well with her Legendary Weapon. I would say it Synergizes as good as Armads with Distant Counter on Hector. It basicly eliminates her Weakness (attack) below 50% when Sol Kattis Desperation kicks in, just like Hectors Aramads coupled with Distant Counter allows him to double counter units above 80% even tough he has horrible speed nullifying his 2 week spots to some degree: Movement range and Speed. New Skills open up new possible builds for older units. The only thing stoping everyone to run such builds is Skill availability which will soften over time as seen on some skills.
  7. I just Imagined her in a Team with Brave Lucina and Delthea... Lyn could basicly outspeed anyone
  8. I hate you mine is -HP and +Atk ._., i want a +SPD and -RES Lyn too! EDIT: I correct myself mine is -SPD and +ATK... even worse.... fuck
  9. Powercreep!!! Old characters are only getting worse and worse!!! Seriously Sol Katti + Wrath 3 below 50% = Super killing Lyn as long as she can double (considering she has like the 3 highest speed in the game thats quite likely.
  10. I think Wrath 3 could potentially have great synergy with Lyns Sol Katti (built in Desperation). Would make up a bit for her shitty Atk stat
  11. There isnt a power creep... the Classes have a max stat point bottleneck across all classes. The spread on those Characters is just different. Only the Weapons are slightly better. I dont understand the problem. Everyone was crying because of Reinhardt. Now that we are getting decent Infantery units its suddenly a powercreep?! I rather have slight progression then no progression at all! And the gap between the new units in this banner and the older one is small.
  12. I was expecting Nephenee's Wrath not being inheritable by mages because of "FU" Reinhardt... (my Sonya would have liked that skill so badly...) but apearantly its also restricted to Infantery and Armored units. I wanted to give the skill to my Reciprocal Aid, Firesweep Lance +, Guidance 3 Tana of my main Team... but movement type restriction. Seriously WRY!!! This is frustrateing none of my Main Team chars benefit in any From from this new skills... and 2 of them would have been perfect for them!
  13. For me GHB dont necessarly need to give you Heroes/Characters as reward. I would be happy with Legendary Weapons you can inherit to normal Characters that usually cant inherit them. In that Case: GHB: Blazing Blade with Hector, Eliwood and Lyn. After you win Infernal you can choose one of their 3 Weapons. (obviously everyone will pick Armads ¬.¬)
  14. If this is true, Alvis will prolly be a Red Tome user with Valflame. What do you think will Valflames effects be, i mean it is a Legendary Tome after all.
  15. Looks like i might be staying in Rank 20 for the first time instead of droping down. fingers crossed o.o
  16. Who am I kidding Wrath 3 prolly wont be inheritable to any mages, just because of fuckign Reinhardt...
  17. I need Wrath 3 for my Sonya... (but i would be giving up G Tome Breaker for it ._.) But the damage potential would be delicious for Sonya
  18. I got a new highscore with my Team of 4980 o.o also got a new high defense score of 600 o.o
  19. Beat this Infernal with my Arena Team: Brave Ike, Sonya, Ninian and Tana. Key point was Tanas Guidence 3 allowing me to traverse through the Wall back with Sonya after attacking with her, while Ike Repositioned Ninian into safety. After that it was block the path with Brave Ike and kill shit with Sonya, Ninian and Tana. (Ninian has TA and Lightning Breath).
  20. I thought AA defense wins would just be reflected on your normal Arena score?
  21. i lost count of my Defense wins since i changed my Team around. Everyday at least 5 Defense wins. Team consists of: Brave Ike +ATK -RES: Urvan, Reposition, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Beorcs Blessing, and Infantery Pulse 3 for his C slot, Quickened Pulse Seal Sonya +ATK -DEF: Dark Excalibur, Reposition, Moonbow, Distand Def 3, G Tome Breaker 3, Atk Smoke 3, Distant Def Seal (changed this from Atk ploy) Tana +SPD - HP: Firesweep Lance +, Reciprocal Aid, Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Hit and Run, Guidance 3, +1 SPD Seal Ninian +HP -Atk: Lighning Breath +, Dance, Luna, Triangel Adept 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Infantery Pulse 3, +3HP Seal I think the combination of Randomness from Tana and Ninian, coupled with the fact that Sonya has her Special Ready to one shot basicly almost everyone makes it tough to deal with, together with the fact that Ike will retalliate with Bonfire after being attack instantly. Dont know, this is my Standart Team i fight in the Arena but also my Defense Team.
  22. Steady Breath 3 cant be inherited to Healers... 1 and 2 can wtf. there goes my Miracle Azama down the drain :/
  23. You can counter Rein and Lyn and any Blue mage or colorless unit with Cecilia + Ravenblade + Triangel adept. unless Lyn runs Cancel Affinity, which means you can kill her easy with Xander. Imho i would switch Cecilia to Ravenblade + Triangel adept + Vantage to take care of both rein and lyn and any Blue Mage which frees up Xander to deal with anything you want. yes your Olwen excells against alot of things mainly Red and Blue units prolly, also bonfire on Xander kills! I would replace Olwen with something that can deal with Red and Green mages/melees. However Lyn will survive the attack if she is +RES IV or has a form of Fortify Cavalry +Res buff on her against Cecilia. However if you run Quick Riposte on Cecilia instead of Vantage, she will die regardless
  24. well i use Sonya an infantery mage, which has no problem dealing with Brave Ike, because her Special is allready charged up at the start of the turn due to Infantery pulse and her Moonbow coupled with her Legendary Tome is enough to oneshot him. Only way for him to survive is with a +RES IV, which lets be honest, prolly none of the Ikes will be running (and even then the Followup attack whil finish him off, because he is left at 2 HP) I could even switch her to her Dragonfang setup with Quickened pulse. But I guess thats my reception because I use Sonya in my mainteam.
  25. just as a note the Sacred Seal Distant Def 1 stacks with the A Passiv Distant Def 3, in other words my Julia has now 45 Res when being attacked
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