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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 13 minutes ago, Johann said:

    I guess it could be considered dedication, it just seems absurd to me that people would spend that kind of resources (potentially tens of thousands of feathers and a hundred Grails) to maaaybe help get an extra 2 Grails a week.

    I used that for a while too but I decided it needed to change once Nailah's B skill was shown. Did you see my Rally/Restore map from a few pages back? Might give you some ideas. Since hitting T21 though, I've just put together a weaponless free map. Reyson would be really useful in a Def map too, him and Leanne are probably the best dancers for sneaky builds short of Legendary Azura.

    Those infantry pulse maps are the ones that give me the most trouble, because no matter the amount of Vantage... there is allways an Ophelia in range with Hardy Bearing ._.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I hope it's a real Hoshido seasonal banner for once. Hinoka still doesn't have a seasonal alt.

    But I'd probably be happy with any characters, really. (And if it's characters that I don't care about, then that means at least my wallet can be happy.)


    I'm having trouble imagining Setsuna standing up when bars of soap should be mysteriously attracted to the bottoms of her feet.

    you know the rule! Allways replace Hinoka with Camilla or Kagero!

  3. 1 hour ago, Zelgius said:

    I finished separating my defence team units from my offense team units. For a while I'd been using mostly the same units, but with different blessings possibly coming into play in the future it was time to use different characters. The units I've chosen would mostly fit a dark affinity which works out well.

    the blessing system is currently a pita. Especially the legendary vs mythic blessings is the real pita here... i really dont want to split my barracks into a AR OR Arena groups.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    @Anacybele My opinion about the Tikis and Azuras discussion: Young Azura isn't canon. There isn't a Young Azura in Fates, so I consider her a Alt. I consider Young Tiki and Adult Tiki different characters because they are from different game, have different personalities, and both Tikis are canon.

    Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

    that logic makes no sense. By your definition Odin and Owain dont count as alt because 2 different games and 2 different personalities (because one has a complete memory wipe). 

    By your logic Azura and Axezura arent alts either. 2 games with different timelines and choices. Axezura never apears in Fates.

    Lets just keep it simple Tiki and young Tiki are alts period.

  5. 6 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

    I don't see this happining any time soon. At all. It'd give them even less reason to demote new units and we already have a slow enough trickle of that.

    They have to do something. It has become a chore to built up units since like 6 months, and its one of the main-features of the game. They either messaround with the summoning pool or they introduce some form of shop where you can buy skills with ingame currency.

  6. a collab with smash will give feh more longevity due to smashs popularity and thus attracting new players. I would like to see chars like Link Zelda Ganondorf Shiek Shulk (chars that fir Fehs ambient) added to the game.

    We have gotten most of the major chars from each fire emblem game. Every new FE char coming now are basicly left overs. so yeah i would welcome a smash collab or a Final fantasy collab etc.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    One, I think it's the intent that Legendary Azura hold the position of "strongest dancer" for a while just to make sure people still want to pull for her from her banners.

    Two, running Earth Dance costs her her Sacred Seal slot, which could be better used running skills like Flier Formation or Guidance, and +5 to all stats is still inferior to +6 to all stats that comes from her default Atk Tactic or +7 to all stats from Hone Atk 4, both of which are active both before she dances and after.

    I think they decided that the buff of having Dance skills activate before Prayer Wheel was small enough that it could stay as a feature instead of as a bug. Personally, I don't think it matters all that much.

    Oh dont get me wrong, i dont mind the buff at all. It makes her that much more flexible, because i can slap Guidance on her C-Slot have Earth Dance on her Sacred Seal slot and Aerobatics/WoM in her B-Slot and have her run in a non tactics Infantry Team for example.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I can't wait until we finally get an Astra Mythic Hero and for Tier 21 to become saturated (because there's no way to demote if you're half-competent and active) so that this mode's ranking rewards become purely pay-to-win. (Sure, that benefits me a lot, but it's still shitty game design.)

    Every time I think about the future of this game mode, the lower my opinion of it is.

    I think this will be the time the revenge button comes into play big time. I think that choice right there was implemented exactly because of this. If someone in T21 destroyed your defense map and you lost 80 lift, you can revenge the loss and give him an equal loss. And i wouldnt be surprised if T21 changes the defense losses... as in every defense loss you loose lift makeing it harder to stay in T21

  9. 4 hours ago, Rinco said:

    Since next season is not Light season and F!Grima is not a bonus unit, I'll have to change my layout a bit. 

    I'm at this for now, any tips are welcome. 

    Builds are:

    Lilina: Forblaze (Special Refine), Rally Attack, Moonbow, DB3, Bowbreaker, Spur Atk, Atk+3

    Olivia: Skuld, Dance, Moonbow, Bracing Stance 2, WoM, Goad Fliers, Guidance

    Eir: Base kit with Draw Back and Flier Formation SS

    Lyn: Swift Mulagir, Rally Def/Res, Moonbow, Laws of Sacae, Desperation, Spd Tactics, Atk/Spd +2

    Surtr: Sinmara, Pivot, Bonfire, Steady Stance 4, Wary Fighter, Surtr's Menace, Distant Def

    Aversa: Aversa's Night, Repo, Noontime, HP/Spd+2, Renewal, Odd Res Wave,  HP/Res 2.


    Don't know if Lyn will work out. I can change her for Rein and put him in a range that overlaps with Lilina's.

    Eir will be the first one to die, too easy to bait, if she doesnt die she gets redance and dies at her second attack to Distant counter. Then Surtr will move and get danced (depending where he moves) or not and then all the other mages move.

    L. Lyn is a very terrible unit. Not sure if she will cut it even with buffs. Her base kit is just meh, neither offensiv nor defensiv oriented. Nice Reinhardt and Aversa check i guess but thats it :/. Also not sure why even field Eir. she provides basicly... nada for this Team, well she is a bonus unti so a bit harder to kill. The only fear i would have on this map is if Lilina uses Guidance and gets danced. But geven the priority Olivia should move first (since she is a melee with support)

  10. 17 hours ago, XRay said:

    The second anniversary of Heroes is coming up!

    So, what would you guys be doing if Heroes did not exist? What would you spend your time on? If you spent money, where would have your money went? Would you still be active on Serenes Forest?

    I would probably be playing Fire Emblem Warriors on the Switch and collecting Cipher cards. I would have probably also bought an ROG GX800VH laptop and play Skyrim on it a lot. All those purchases would still cost me less than what Heroes costs me. I am not sure if I would be as active on Serenes Forest without Heroes though.

    If you can go back in time to two years ago, what would you tell yourself about Heroes?

    Despite my love for Heroes and all, I would tell myself to stay away from Heroes and spend my money on Cipher cards instead.

    playing more console games prolly. FEH is basicly the only other game besides Candy crush (sue me) that was ever installed on my Iphone. If i knew 2 years ago how heroes would change overtime i wouldnt have bothered with alot of untis and i prolly would have stayed away from the game. Though not because thy did everythign wrong. They did alot of right things, like Skill inheritance, Weapon forgery, seal forgery etc. But they also have done sooooooo much dumb and bad stuff: Arena BST stuff, Mythic heroes, Arena bonus unit kill, bold fighter, Dragon breath refine, list goes on. The max BST boosting of new units wouldnt bother me if it wouldnt affect the Arena constantly -_-

  11. 25 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll do it!

    I still regret having skipped Sutr. 

    Imho Surt is still strong, even Dragons with QR are still strong etc. but once we get easier access to Null follow up, they will fall. My experience with Bride Lyn using Null follow up 3 as a Team mate instead of Dazzling staff has been great. High speed + decent mixed bulk prevents QR or Vengefull fighter and she survives one hit retalliation. She has basicly become my go to Armor killer and Steady Breath/QR Dragons Killer. Lets hope it doesnt take that long for that skill to hit the 4* pool.

    Sturdy Impact follows the same niche with preventing follow up attacks.
    If IS goes on this route with infantry skills i think Infantry units will be in a good spot in a couple of months and fliers will be then just busted.

  12. 17 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Infernal Naesala in one turn:

    Nearly forgot to post my own video. First time BH!Lucina, I had fun with her in recent TTs (my blue unit for Flashing Blade seal). Was too lazy to try Raven after I had the clear ready with Cherche.

    I guess you found your way to "Wie man ein Huhn schröpft" (or in this case Raven) lol

    Naesala infernal vs Askrtiro and Eir.

    1x3* skill inheritance (repo on Sharena). Veronica got benched because well... Guidance was on this map much much much much more helpfull then any of her nuking, buffing or healing abilitys.

  13. next week i start prolly at Tier 19... that additional def spot will be dedicated to Surtr. Dumbest shit char ever released, i keep loosing lift just because of him.

    Sanaki will blow him to the moon or i +10 a Lilina just for him.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    Loki makes them. Pretty sure that's already been said.

    Pretty sure this is what either more paralogues or book 4 will be about (if it's not covered somewhere in book 3; Thrasir is a thing, after all, and she's the one who made the pact with Embla (the dragon) in the first place, if my understanding is correct.) I also suspect that this will lead into (that is, book 4 will be about) plot involving the four dragons (Embla, Askr, Nifl, and Muspell) and Valhalla (again, who I suspect is a light deity.)

    I know that Loki uses/causes them. If i remember correctly it was to retrieve something and then we kinda lost it and dont know what they got and how it was used.

  15. 2 minutes ago, wheelsonfire said:

    More like whatever other afterlives there are, because Whispers of Death states there's more than one (this is probably where Guntra is, and maybe some of the other characters who've died)


    There's also exploring other characters that might have ended up with Hel…


    But the fact that this game is less content on the main games and yet manages to have so many different plot lines exemplifies the issue… And the problem is not that everything is not revealed right away, it's just that so many things take so long to get even basic facts, if they are dropped or consistently left unexplored… It's still a product of bad writing no matter how long one waits…

    I wouldnt mind if they realese story maps with every update. They dont even need to give orbs. They can tie the orbs to Story maps/chapters that introduce new units, totally fine with that. They could just add a 100 feather reward for those "inbetween" Story maps. But for gods sake they have to do something about it now!!!

  16. 5 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    How many plot lines are there in Heroes at the moment?:

    • Fjorm dying
    • Alfonse's curse
    • Loki's hidden agenda
    • Emblian curse
    • Eir's eventual betrayal
    • Alfonse being a king/leader
    • Gustav's strained relationship with his children
    • Hel's plan
    • Lif and Thrasir being the previous rulers.
    • Muspell/ Nifl book 2 aftermath

    Am I missing anything?

    Brunos Journey for a cure
    Hel's plan with Surtr (unless that was just a cheap way to introduce Hel)
    The cause of the endless Tempest Trial storms
    That stupid contract thing i still cant wrap my head around (Why? How? Because?).
    Veronica's inability to grow up and think logicly (regular Veronica, Brave Veronicas story in the Bonds was good). Seriously how do you Team up with the person that betrayed you in the first place and how do you still despise the people that saved your arse....
    Gunnthra in Hell???? maybe

  17. On 10.1.2019 at 3:52 AM, Johann said:

    Aether Raids


    • Add a difficulty option before starting a battle, allowing players to weaken an opponent they deem too challenging at the cost of some Lift. Like with Grand Conquest, the lowest difficulties will even remove enemy skills and levels. Players who have Defense failures from matches on lower difficulties will also lose less Lift.
    • Add an incentive to using other map terrains, such as having a "bonus terrain" or two every season which reduces the amount of Lift lost on Defense by like 20% or something
    • Limit both sides to one dancer
    • Grant a partial score when timing out, based on enemies defeated
    • Freely test maps of people on your Friend List for no cost/gain
    • If a player loses Lift on Defense, any successes or partial successes in that same time period will restore the lost Lost by the amount that match would have preserved. Basically, you can win your Lift back, making Defense matches after the first have meaning beyond replay footage
    • Increase the horizontal range of Tactics Room (O) by one in both directions (I'm guessing they thought it was too powerful otherwise)
    • If a dagger unit steps on a trap, it breaks the trap but negates its effects
    • BGM can be set by the player for their Defense map

    That 1. option is kinda garbage, why should the opponent still loose Lift when you weaken his Team and get a win. If anything the opponent shouldnt loose any lift and your Lift gain should be reduced by 30%. Punishing the other player who put time and ressources into his Defense Team is the wrong route to go.
    I would just add the rule that only max 2 type of same movement can be placed in defense AND offensiv Teams. That way it becomes more interesting for both sides.

    #2: I agree that there should be incentiv to use other terrain, However I do not think that a misely -20% defense loss is significant enough

    #3: definitly agree on this one

    #4: nah, you either win or loose period. Would keep it this way.

    #5: requesting this since day one. Woudl be nice to check out Friend maps

    #6: i like this Idea, but... I would rather go another route and actually get the "Revenge" button more into play. You can earn all teh lost lift back by seeking out the Revenge battle and winning it.

    #7 this would be too powerfull. The tactics room is fine as it is.

    #8 terrible Idea and makes traps pointless. Traps are the most strategic part of building the map. The only thign i would do: When a dagger user is fielded, you get a message that tells you the lvl of the traps. You still dont know which trap is real and which fake, but at least you can plan now accordingly when you know their level.

    #9 BGM: yes please

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