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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. What they should donis a first round of voting. Close it.

    Reopen a 2. tound of voting but you can only pick from the top 5 male and females. That way the character most liked will win and the majority is happy. Instead of haveing all votes scathered across 200 chars. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Sasori said:

    I just pretend that mother Miyamoto is a total wicked stepmother that forced Bowser to disown the children from his previous marriage. That or I just pretend they never said that.

    So I see no problem with the guys top 2. Alm is long overdue for a alt and Marth can get back his rightful second place. I'm still missing the reason why Lif is anywhere near the top 200 characters.

    The females top 2 is....uh I like Micaiah. I am sick of Camilla alts, but if she wins CYL then thats fine. My problem with Camilla alts is that not only that there where a lot of them, but also that IS was never forced to put Camilla in. She was on all 6 of her banners because IS wanted her to be on them. Thats the problem and I will blame IS for that, but her winning a popularity context is fair enough.


    But Bruno ._. i want Bruno in the top 2 ._.. As for females: i really dont care which female wins with the amounts of female alts and chars we have been getting. My votes went all to Bruno.

  3. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    I can accept Roy and Hector having been on the LA banner for that reason. But Chrom's gotten two seasonals now, and I think that Christmas Ephraim and Eirika could've been Ike and Mist/Titania/Elincia. I actually designed a Christmas Ike sometime ago myself where he's in a holiday themed outfit and wielding a giant chicken leg for his weapon. He didn't willingly take the chicken leg axe, but the mercenaries kinda got it for him. lol He feels weird, but knows it's a time to have fun and celebrate instead of worry about war. I'm sure Ike sometimes would like to take a breather from fighting and do something fun. It doesn't have to be all about fighting for him, even if he's a mercenary. Mia's a mercenary and loves to fight, but she put on a witch costume and stuff.

    Ever thought off the reason Ike only has CYL and Legendary alts and no "silly" alts is because they actually want to keep the integrity of the popular character intact? He is seen as a buff, strong guy from most people, even the ones that dont play fire emblem but know him from smash. Not sure how well a summer/spring/bride whatever Ike goes with those people. Where there is great popularity comes great responsibility.
    Groom Marth was fitting.
    LA Roy was fitting.
    Because people see them like that and it goes with their story.

    Fates and Awakening can go that route because they had those beach things in the game per say. And even then the more popular lords dont get put into those "silly" seasonal banners. And dont tell me Ephraim is as popular as Hector, Ike Marth etc.

    And then there is the fact that Fanservice is usually made more towards the male audience. Which means: sultry female alts or buff/strong/badass male alts (usually, thats not allways the case because they cant cater to only one audience constantly).

    As much i would like to see Ike in underwear, i dont think we will see that from a realistic point of view.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    What would we even do with a third Reinhardt? Just screw the canon and give him Mjolnir?

    give him a legendary stave with 11 MT brave effect wrathfull staff dazzling staff and to top it off a min maxed stat spread with 38 atk 17 spd 33 res 33def + A new Tier 4  A Skill Atk/Def Bond 4 that gives 8atk/8def and has wings if metcy built in. what else would we do!!!

    ok 3. vote went to Bruno again

  5. truthfully i still enjoy it somewhat but i am not sure if keep going on.

    On the plus side:
    The only saveing grace for me atm are GHB LHB battles and Tempest Trial. I really love the Abyssal LHB battles and i wish there were more Abyssal maps for GHB and BHB!!!
    Tactics drills is also something i like

    What is going wrong in my eyes:
    What I like about AR is the possibility to create your own map, the other part is meh to ok.
    Arena is something i just do because of the rewards but i really dont enjoy it
    The Skill Inheritance is one of its strong selling points, but it isnt anymore feasable because there arent enough demotions and the summoning pool is kinda oversaturrated so good luck on trying to build a unit how you want.
    All the other modes like VG Grand Conquest are kinda meh
    Also the story isnt much engaging.

    I am giving it for myself a solid 4-6 months if nothing major comes after the 2. Anniversary in terms of game modes or changes then well yeah.
    The game just feels atm more like an obligation then something i do for fun.
    This is part due there isnt  a true co-op mode. Creativity for unit builds is more hindered then encouraged because well, skills dont come flying towards you. And once some of your favourite units reached 5Star +10 you cant grow them anymore!? Unless you fodder more skills to them.

    Now dont get me wrong there were alot of good QoL changes and good things they introduced but they arent addressing some fundamental problems that have risen up.

  6. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    Now that is plain sadistic. It is one thing to educate players with Surtr in PvP since they can learn from their failures, but I do not see how forcing people to grind manually accomplishes anything.

    We have ways to counter him in PvP too. For Arena, at least for Player Phase teams, nuking him with Blade tomes or Firesweeping him to death are both pretty easy ways of dealing with him. He is a nonissue in Arena Assault since you can just build a few anti armor counters. In Grand Conquest, I run a dragon team so he is no big deal.

    For Aether Raids, we have 5 slots on each team and we get 5 teams to choose from. We just basically pick counters against the enemy like in Arena Assault, so I do not think it is too bad.

    He is a pain in the ass when you are climbing tiers since you are pretty much forced to run a specific team set up for maximizing Lift, but on the off weeks or once you reach Tier 21, Surtr is pretty easy to deal with when you can pick counters.

    The problem isnt in player phase (well ecxept if you need to get a bonus kill with a blue unit, good luck on that one). The problem is when your Defense Team suicides on Surtr because... dumb. And as you said in Light season the real problem arises because not even mages can scratch his back unless you run a Red Triangle adept and Axe breaker or an Armor Smasher or a Bladetome/Bladesword unit that is fully buffed up, which is still pretty dumb because AI! The unit is dumb and the unit should have never been green lit.
    My Defense losses in AR from last light season and this weeks light season are all because of Surtr...

  7. 10 minutes ago, Yexin said:

    doesn't fix anything imo, we have many ways to counter surtr while playing PvE

    the problem is arena: they can't nerf nor ban him, and that's what i call a "serious problem"

    god i'd love to take a flight to japan and ask them what the hell they were thinking when they decided to make surtr playable

    i'd feel so filthy inside if i used him



    still a nice thing i guess

    the problem is his stat allocation and his A + C Slot skill. The weapon itself is only so bad because because of his extreme min max stat allocation coupled with a very strong A and C Slot. which is further enhanced with double or triple Eirs in Aether Raids. If he only had 175 BST instead of 180 and more SPD and much much much less RES he would be easier to deal with instead of haveing to use Armor Smasher or a Triangle Adept + Axe Breaker...

  8. 1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

    The Bonus units are interesting: 

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    Xander, Leo and Takumi (all OG).

    I'm looking forward using Xander again and also Takumi. But it's strange Leo is bonus again ...

    ... there are enough other Fates units that haven't been bonus yet. 

    @Diovani Bressan Will you add the spoiler tag to the topic for 2-3 days? 

      Hide contents

    Brazen ATK/DEF is cool, but it doesn't help much more than ATK/RES. 

    Boost skills are useless in the harder modes.

    Wave skill is something new, I'm not a big fan though. 


    This. Seems like IS wants us to spend Grails on her. 



    Well yeah Atk/Def is oke and definitly very good for PVE in Arena its nice too. It has its uses.

    I for once would like to see the following seals:

    Cancel Affinity
    Shield Pulse (its really high time for how niche this skill is)
    Life and Death
    Close Counter
    Triangle Adept
    SPD and Atk Tactics

    Seals i would like to see too but would prolly break the game because of Bold Fighter/Wary Fighter/Surtr etc. or other stuff:
    Wings of Mercy
    Escape Route
    Distant Counter

    Special Seals not based on existing skills:
    Armor Smasher Seal (effectiv dmg against Armorers), This is very much needed so one doesnt need to run an Armor Smasher Weapon instead of Personal weapon to deal with Armors effectivly.
    Note: not usable by Staff users
    Horse Smasher Seal
    Note: not usable by Staff users

    Not putting up Dragon or Flier smasher because they dont have Shield to nullyfie it and Bows are effectiv by default on Flier and it kinda destroys the niche Naga and Falchion users have.



  9. I shouldnt do AR when i just woke up -_-. It also doesnt help the fact that i forget to change skill sets back to AR mode after using Units in different mode. I am enjoying this mode less and less. Everything is convoluted and not easy to go/dive in. When i do AR i need to check first for10 min if all the units have the correct skills on etc. etc. etc. its starting to feel more then a hassle then enjoyement

  10. 15 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    The first year made much more money than the second year.  The first year had less seasonal banners, had new hero banners of 4 to 6 characters and those new hero banners had zero alts.  

    Now we get the beasts banner and when is our next new hero banner?  March with Binding blade, hope for no alts?  They made a lot of improvements since that first year, but wish they would go back to banner design like that first year.  

    Of course the First year is the best one. Games usually start to decline after the one year.
    Also on year one GHB cost Stamina, basicly everything cost stamina. Leveling up a unit in Training tower... there were many occasions in year 1 where i was out of stamina. Also there was more incentiv to pull units because every banner introduced some new unit that had a different stat spread mostly. Nowadays its harder to distinguish units with a stat spread unless they rock a personal weapon or personal skill/passiv from other units with similar stat spreads.
    It doesnt necessarly have to do with banners. But yeah IS decisions this year werent the "wisest" ones.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    The fact that we cannot vote for Binding Blade Hector makes me theorize the march Binding Blade banner:

    Alternate Roy or Lilina
    Binding Blade Karel
    Binding Blade Hector

    Rutger as GHB/TT


    You cant vote for units that have a CYL version allready. See Ike see Lyn etc

  12. 1 minute ago, Jave said:

    Side note, but I'm kinda hoping they don't reveal the partial results this time around. I want to see people vote with no halfway influence until the very end.

    I hope they do. That way i can send my remaining votes to a unit i would like and has a shot to win/get in

  13. 26 minutes ago, Tree said:

    All the Legendary Azuras in Aether Raids are worse than Surtr. Losing to a unit you can't damage is annoying, but it can be accounted for in future runs. I don't have any counters for Legendary Azura. I try to bait, but another unit (often Veronica) always attacks first and then gets refreshed. I guess if I had that "null staff damage" skill, Azura would attack instead of Veronica, but I don't have that. I can usually still win, but with major losses. It's probably enough to hold Tier 19 for awhile though. I might be able to get to Tier 20 this next light season, but I probably would regret it. :lol:

    This is where AI manipulation and movement order comes in. It is essential for AR

  14. the most effectiv way to complain is with your wallet. I mean Feedback will be sometimes  read but numbers count more then anything in any company.  As long as the numbers add up noone will give a **** about complaints unless as said you vote with your wallet (the numbers go down) or there is a social media shitstorm brewing up that could tarnish their reputation (like a really big one).

    Otherwise companies dont care.

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