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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 9 hours ago, Othin said:

    With the Fallen Heroes trailer showing up but not including Azura, I'm changing my guess to Anankos. Anankos-as-Azura could work as a blue Astra mythic, although I'm not sure about movement type and dancer status.

    I really hope not Anankos as Azura, but rather just Anankos. And Dancer... well L!Azura is hard to beat. You have to pick like deeeeeeep into the trixter box to beat her. A Horse Dancer, mm okeisch, but the Beast Dancer have 3 movement range covered (and can fly). Armor Dancer? Could be nice for Armor emblem, but considering Armorers want to stick together and the amount of Armor weakness running around i wouldnt even invest into an Armor Dancer.
    I think they need to lay off on any non Armor or non Cavalry Dancer, because it will be moot in the face of L!Azura for a while, unless they add a Dancer that gives -1 Special cooldown for every dance she uses 2 spaces around the target to allys lulz.

  2. Whats the problem for the people with this banner? I dig the problem with Tiki and F!Corrin, but i like the Fallen Heroes banner (like last year) and the other 2 are solid choices from IS. Berkut is definitly a good choice by IS. And even though people scream alts all over the place. Seriously... doesnt matter, because all kinds of characters they might add from now are not much known by people, ecxept for Die-hard Fire emblem Fans.

  3. 9 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Fuck Alm, keeps on ruining my arena and arena assault streak. 

    Almost happened to me in AA. I was never so happy that i kept the Raventomes on Spring Camilla and Dancer Inigo! Although baiting Alm with them is still bad. They can playerphase him and brave lance Effie still tears him a new one!

    But yeah killing Alm isnt easy when he sloggs behind armorers on the 2 bridges maps! 

    Luckily he is only worth it on Earth season!

  4. 13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    Well, it's the stat powercreep more than his skills, as his BST is much higher than would make sense based on what people were expecting. It looks like Bows and Daggers get their own special bonus this gen, which would explain the insanity of Floranic.

    tbh bows and daggers need it considering in the place they are in, they are like hot garbage outside of PVE content mostly.

  5. 7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

     ...My +10 super tank Frederick and my super tank Silas say enough about that...

    I dont know your Team composition but if those 2 are running in the same Team then your Team is flawed from the get go. both are physical tanks and none of them can tank magical hits well.

    Not saying its not doable because every Abyssal map is clearable by the Askrtrio & Veronica, but the difference is that they have so balanced statlines (aside from Alfonse he is just garbage against anything not green lol) that you can turn Anna or Sharena into magical tank (mostly Sharena because her weapon nullifies all buffs).

    Usual team composition of mine:
    Physical Tank
    Magical/Mixed Tank
    Sweeper/some supportish cappabilitys
    Support/magical Attack

  6. 15 hours ago, Dayni said:

    Trust me, this is nothing compared to the complaining about his stats.

    Besides, I got a chuckle and seeing Tomas of all units as the punchline convinced me to link it.

    why are people complaining about his stats? He isnt as bonkers as Surtr who isnt a Legendary unit at all... Alm is good but he is contained and can be player phased.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Some Jerk said:

    So, the map. I expected L!Alm to have some gratuitous stat inflation, but good lord, 62 Atk and 51 Spd before any buffs? Both doubling him and tanking him were obviously out of the question, so I had to get creative with Galeforce and Dance so I could attack him twice in one turn, as well as figure things out so no one would die to the Green Bow - this required rushing down the Cleric while under Panic, which meant avoiding giving Titania the Joint Hone Spd buff, hence the wonky positioning at the start. Once L!Alm and the Cleric were dead and I could survive that turn, all the enemies just fell over to my team's hyper-offense setup.

    Actually Sharena can Tank him with Sacred Cowl + Shield Pusle + Atk/Defens Bond + Refined weapon (her weapon is godlike for tanking and nullifying all buffs) + someone who Rally defs her + Spd/Atk Link buff + a shit load of spur Atks (at least so you go over Alms attack) and someone that provides Infantry Heavy Blade to her. She survived with like 4 HP left eating 2 of his attacks (one of them being a special). But yeah useless when she cant kill him entirely lol. I thought i could maybe open the map with a Sharena kill on Alm instantly but... its impossible to double him due to null follow up, so nope, no QR for me ._.

  8. 5 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

    @Hilda Is your defense team double Duma, L!Ike, L!Azura, and L!Robin?  I may have encountered you today, as Arthrodire.  If so, sorry if mine was the one that give you lift loss.  If you want something easy, feel free to rematch -- my defense team is free.  Just six anima blessed units unguarded by structures and a level 3 fort with no bonus. 

    Oh its ok. I just slaped mythic and legendary heroes on it for lift reduction. I didnt put much effort into this seasons defense map as you could see (seals missing etc)

  9. 31 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    What the actual fuck is this cancer 


    I would suggest to built in Dancer Miciah in your standart Team. I got one luckily on the a legendary banner this year. and She just basicly destroys almost all armorers.

    I also use Dagger Dance Olivia with Waterbucket, she deals with frantic shittard dragons.

  10. Distant and Close counter. 

    We all know its time for IS to introduce Distant Counter 2 with built in Quick Riposte and Close Counter 2 with built in Null-Follow up

    On a more serious note:



    Cancel Affinity

    Shield Pulse


  11. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

    The fact that skills exist that only affect specific gamemodes is abhorrent to me because it reduces the overall utility of the unit outside those game modes. Duel skills were the beginning but at least regular arena is a staple that's existed since launch, plus arena at least doesn't have an entire new unit type (Mythics) dedicated to them. Now every second month I have to deal with the new "sexy" unit headlining the 8% banner who ends up not being appealing at all because they're tailored for a game mode I don't participate in. The rate of which new desirable units are added is actually being majorly diluted by recent trends.

    Then there's the new Legendary effect that does nothing in any relevant mode, even the mode that specifically revolves around pair-ups. I'd trade Roy's effect for literally any other existing legendary effect and he'd be a much better unit for it. Hell, I'd trade Roy's legendary effect for actual nothing: he'd be a better unit if he wasn't a legendary at all but was otherwise identical - I'd be able to give him a useful blessing at least. Stuff is just getting ridiculously niche now. Between the Mythic heroes and the useless Legendaries, it means the most desirable units on 8% banners end up being the ones released last year and that doesn't bode well for the future.


    P.S. And even if I did participate in ARs, I still hate the idea of AR-specific skills because it incentivises tedious skill swapping, where I'd much prefer to just set and forget.

    Lets not forget the 4 new mythic blessing that made the blessing system totally convoluted and force you to split your barracks into AR units and non-AR units because... well you cant slap 2 blessings on a regular unit. I fucking hate this system because it basicly forced some units out of my AA and Arena setups into AR exclusiv units... AR is just garbo. I wish it would have been a create your own GHB map mode that you can share with other people.
    And yes those exclusiv AR skills do nothing for me, i dont care for them. I rather have other new skills then this, or at least if the skills were so made that they wouldnt be useless outside of AR.
    for example Disarm Trap: could be Lock Picking, does the same thing in AR, but outside of AR in Arena if the unit kills a foe the Arena bonus point +1 is granted even if a bonus unit didnt kill it (because a chest apears after apearing then)

    I dont know, i only know that i agree with you and while AR was exciting for me first it has turned into a mode i really really dont like and has made the game-experience worse for me for all the hassle it introduced.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm not saying lift shouldn't never reset at all. You're right, there would be no point in tiers if it didn't. But we already have it resetting past tier 21 and defense losses resulting in losing lift.

    the road to Tier 21 is a hard one, but everyone had to burn themself through it... btw 2 Eirs will make reaching Tier 21 easier, at least that was the case for me due to increaded points. Its doable with 1 Eir but i missed the mark by 20 points once..

  13. Legendary Lyn works fine for PVE content but for Arena or AR? She is underwhelming for the current meta, ecxept maybe for AR as a mage check, but even then there are better units that can fullfill that task. If her base kit would give her a defined role, but nope they gave her bunch of mixed Bag tools on a ranged unit that has low BST. She cant enemy phase effectivly or player phase effectivly with her exclusiv skills unless you toss them into the dumpster and built her from scratch for one role, in which case i would ask myself why not built a colorless bow unit up from scratch...

  14. 14 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    The only skill I think was probably too good for SI was Steady Impact. It's an interesting skill but it's head and shoulders above the competition in many cases when it probably didn't need to be.

    I disagree, Sturdy Impact is fine. Its restricted to Infantry and Flier (although i think allowing Fliers is a mistake). I even would say that Sturdy Impact was needed so you can run something else on your ranged player phase units instead of Litrblades or Sweep skills. With this skill mages can actually run their original tomes without getting obliterated by 43094039403gazillion+ Def/Res Armorers or Dragons. Also dont forget that while it prevents follow up attacks from the enemy, it still becomes a Speed check if the Enemy is running Quick Riposte/Breaker skills or Vengefull Fighter.

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