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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Tyrfing's base effect after refine (free Miracle if he starts combat with 50% HP or more) prevents you from killing Seliph in one round of combat unless you can do enough damage to drop him to 1 HP in the first hit. This makes him incredibly hard to bait because if you can't drop him to 1 HP in your first hit, you're stuck with a 1 HP Seliph right in front of your units ready for all of the enemy's Wings of Mercy units to teleport to him.

    And if Seliph has Distant Counter + Vantage + Vengeance, then you're basically unable to kill him unless you have Firesweep or Hardy Bearing.

    Ophelia, but not many use her on Offense and rather on Defense. But yeah Seliph is a pain in the ass to deal with. Especially if you fail to kill him and he recovers 45 HP on the start of the next round....

  2. On 5/30/2019 at 2:01 PM, Stroud said:

    Yeah Corrin might give her a nice buff, Marth might be easier to setup though, because he does not need to be adjacent to give a nice buff, ok with double spur you have its kind of ok... Which might be better for AR I think. 

    I still want to see how AR will develop with Naga, players also might setup her on Defense team just to counter offensive Dragon Teams in general.. she even counters herself. Poor Duma though. I guess the next Anima hero has to do some work or just not be a dragon at all.  I still think about how I can make the most of her with what I have, I even consider changing her breath, which makes her maybe a bit bulkier. I think lightning Breath or Waterbreath might work with her. But of course she loses on some things.. and she will lack a bit attack there..

    What makes me sad is that I still find Camillas axe so underwhelming. I also think she would be a support for Naga which is not too bad with Goad or Ward flier... but this axe is just so so...but I might give it a try to come up with something there...

    Mmm i dont think fielding Naga on Defense is gonna do much. you can snipe Naga with any strong offensive unit since they will have dragon effectiveness and repo that unit out of danger.

    At defense turn all the dragon effectivness is gone and Naga can straight up super Tank almost anything. Unless another Naga runs there too.  But zhen you could just run A gravity healer with effectiv dmg and bind them mostly.

    Naga on defense will only blindside unprepared people. To me she looks not a good as candidaze for Defensiv Teams unless you Team her up with LAlm. But Alm doesnt struggle to kill supertanks much in a Infantry pulse Team, he doesnt need the dragon effectivness at all.

    If she were Infantry ok. But as Flier you loose a precious Infantry pulse slot.

  3. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    That, and anti-RD Ike or any other DC sword unit. And I say mainly RD Ike because he's a free unit.

    I'm incapable of coming up with my own infernal strategies on LHBs/MHBs, so... I wish IS would just make these a little easier for people like me. I don't like having to use videos all the time, I feel lame doing it. I would rather accomplish these things on my own like I do a lot of other content in the game.

    here we go again... just try different strategies out yourself.

  4. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm 160 lift away from tier 19. But I don't think I'll have enough Aether to do more than one battle tomorrow, so I'm still coming up short... Though an Astra hero not existing yet sure didn't help this week. At least that's gonna change soon. Just hope I can pull the character without much trouble. I regret not having Duma for Anima seasons, so...

    On the flip side though, I think I've gotten better at winning battles without winding up with most of my team dying. Trying out female Robin to counter annoying Reinhardts and Lyns has worked nicely, and Bunny Palla is still the biggest savior for me of all. She kills traps AND gets rid of annoying Surtrs!

    Bunny Palla wont have bonus stats next weak though, so bye bye +10 HP +4 to all stats for her bulk and offense, but she should sill come through against Surtr. Also Yune is a bonus hero next week, so expect her on Defense Teams, which makes baiting a bit harder due to her debuffs.

    And Eir is not a Bonus unit. So you will need to run a bonus unit alongside Eir for more point score. which leaves only 2-3 spots open, or 1-2 spots open if you run double Eirs.

  5. 16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Dragons do not get increased stats. Trainees do.

    Go have a chat with Duma or Garon or Awakening Tiki, who are not trainee units.

    Having an A skill to negate effective damage is plenty balanced because it prevents them from running a more combat-oriented skill in that slot.

    Not if you have access to free Distant counter weapons, then its not balanced, especially when those weapons also grant some HP and stats and most of the dragon units have bloated stats, otherwise you might havê to argue that every weapon type should get inheritable reforgeable DC weapons. The only movement type that has the possibility to run a Shield and DC in the A-slot is flyers because there is a whole weapon category they are weak against, and they can only use it on one unit.

    Of course LRyoma or Hardin can negate their weakness too, but their DC weapon also doesnt give them extra stats. Shields for Dragons should never be released. Its their one weakness that keeps them  in check most of the time. Especially if they have a double weakness as an Armorer with 180 BST

  6. On 10.5.2019 at 11:48 PM, Nym said:

    Here's a few in mind:

    Resolve and Dull (A skill) : Grants Def/Res+5. Inflicts Atk/Spd -5

    Dracoshield (A skill): Remove Dragon weakness

    Movement Ploy (C skill): At the start of turn, inflicts movement restriction to 1 space on foes with cardinal directions with Res< unit's Res

    Special Void (B skill): Grants +6 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res but grants special cooldown count +10

    Not sure how Resolve and Dull is supposed to beat Fortress Def/RES which gives +6 RES and +6 DEF in exchange for only -2 Atk. Now if you give it +5 DEF/+5 RES and +5 HP thats a different story.

    Dracoshield is an absolute no go for me: Dragons get allready higher BST in almost every category they are present, their weakness is the balance to that.

    Movement Ploy is good, i can dig that, its the same skill as Loki, but Res based

    Special Void: I dont see a practical use for this skill in PVP, can be nice in PVE I guess.

  7. trying to find a justification to pull on olde seasonals.., there is none :/

    they dont reward much dragonflower

    their skillset is outdated

    their weapons are usually trash

    the same applied to all the olde season banners from book 1. I think IS should consider to implement them as Grail units but with half the cost of GHB TT units. 

  8. 14 hours ago, XRay said:

    I just wasted like 20 or 30 fucking Crests and I am done with fucking Nowi and DW!F!Corrin. My best streak has one death and 75%+ bonus kills.

    I have BH!Lyn as my Firesweep archer.

    but BH Lyn scores shitty. My run with Legendry hector as my bonus killer ended, with all kills from him, but i made one mistake. I didnt check for the opponents LHector running Galeforce and sniping my LAzura lol up until then everything was going fine. LAzura for visible buffs/guidance for faster moving, Azama with Witchy Wand to reset specials and apply guard and Marth as my drive skill support.

  9. 14 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    But aren't those specifically made to be anti-armor? Isn't that kind of like saying sword units are effective against Armor Emblem because they can use Armor Smashers?

    We have gottan so many RANGED Anti-Armor (or none ranged) weapons in the last couple months. We even got, while not anti Armor a couple of Anti-Dragon weapons, and 7 of 43 Armorers are Dragons, and 3 of them are very popular (Grima, Legendary Tiki and H!Myrrh).

    And then there is Null-Follow up which basicly counters the Vengefull and Bold Fighter and Wary Fighter, 2 very Prominent skills and mostly the biggest threat on armorers. Special Fighter is very good, but like only 4 Armorers have really the Speed to run it compentently.

    Not saying this fixed the Opressiv power of Armorers. Armorers on Defensiv tiles can be a real issue to deal with, but when you factor in L!Alm welp... And he is just the beginning i would not be surprised to see an A-Slot skill that imitates his Weapon skill. They usually tend to put such skills first on weapons exclusivily and when they see fit pour them in as skills. Like Bonus Doubler (Legendary Marth). Sudden Panic, Sabotage skills (Aversas Tome). Chill Skills (Gunnthra and Hrid), list goes on.

    I think we have reached a point where one or 2 skills could hurt Armorers really bad. If Null-Follow up gets introduced as a 4 Star skill to a unit it would change alot. And if a Skill similar to Alms-Weapon would be released it could potentially destroy Armorers, depending on its inherit restrictions (I would restrict such a skill to Infantry Dagger and Bow units, allowing this on anything else would basicly destroy Armorers).

  10. 17 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Fuck Nowi. I have wasted at least 10 fucking Dueling Crests just for that asshole to ruin my streak each time.

    colorless dragon with auto armor march and self buffs. better get a watersweep unit with you or panic or a gravity healer. 

    Luckily Soren or Azama fit that bill

  11. 1 hour ago, Nanima said:

    So I woke up this morning to this:

      Reveal hidden contents


    4 Defense victories in a single day. No losses yet. Granted, one happened because the guy preferred to use a ladder when they lost a unit, but still.

    I think my guys need a raise.

    same here: no light week + Alm + rally trap + ofilia+ sonya + lilina+ Lazrura + Ninian pulse = instant def win

    yes i went the cheap way because no matter how unique defenses i built with unique builts they got trashed 50% of the time

  12. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Fjorm has a crush on the summoner? Ew. I agree with Cute Chao on this. IS DOES realize that some players are straight females, right? I bet lesbian players number few though, so yeah, this blatantly caters to the male playerbase and is dumb summoner worship.

    you basicly spewing nonsense because you dont know if there is a summoner in that Fjorms world and if there is one, what gender it has noone knows... Bride Fjorm is not our Fjorm. Also it basicly is nowhere confirmed who she loves period.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Rarity is an issue because those are still rare appearances and those units will always be sharing colors due to how legendary banners work.

    Also, I'd prefer to merge my Ikes and Hrid than fodder them for hopefully obvious reasons.

    Then thats your choice and you have to live with it, just like we all live with our choices of foddering some of them off

  14. 5 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

    Well...looks like we have another Bruno situation here. Now that Louise is technically in the game now, does this mean she's off the list of potential characters for this year's Farfetched banner? Admittedly I kind of hope this is the case if it means Jill's chances on this year's Farfetched banner are increased.

    If i dont get original Bruno in Farfetched i will go Daenerys Targaryen on KingsIntelligent Systems-Landing. Although if I would go Danerys Targaryen i woulndt even need a good reason for that, just some bells ringing.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    And I have no access to any of those since they're all 5-star exclusive things except Faye and like maybe two units with Flier Formation. Meaning as I said, pay to win.

    I supertanked all week now with a refined Sharena (Bonus unit). She is a free askr unit. and when built up she is a very good Tank when she is a bonus unit (which is quite common). She doesnt run summoner support and has no Dragonflower investments.

    I gave her:
    Refined personal Weapon (has Def/SPD bond as a refine and it has Dull Close AND RANGEd, which means she autonullyfies all Bladetome shenanigans)
    Distant Counter
    Null Follow up (this can be to your liking, you can also run Null-C disrupt or quick riposte, but i like Null Follow up so she can tank also all Armorers, but its quite flexible)
    Attack Smoke
    Seal: SPD/RES Bond

    her partner in crime is a refined Marth (4 Star unit) that runs refined Falchion with a DEF/RES in C slot and DEF/RES Seal giving her another wooping 8 Res and 8 DEF, + L!Azura Dance buffs.

    She hasnt failed me much this weak at all and tanked the shit out of almost everyone.


    Anna can be a very good Galeforce partner unit when she is a bonus unit due to her mobility with Noatun


    Alfonse... welp havent found any uses for him so far in AR. lets say he is just garbo lulz

  16. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...So Smite, a dumb Micaiah alt, some probably nonexistent B skill for countering Firesweep units or whatever, and Galeforce are required for AR. Right, sure. Also, not like I can just go get myself a Summer Micaiah right now anyway, you know.

    Fair enough. But what the heck is "flier balls"? And what are "Rally traps"? I can guess that the latter has something to do with rally skills, but that's it.

    Smite is only needed if you want to Galeforce a Defense Team. Micaiah is only needed for Armorer cuddles.
    I have 4 offense Teams. most of them usually just rotate the Dancer out.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I never said I throw any random assortment of units. I make sure to have balance of colors, a good dancer (typically legendary Azura), a good bonus unit, some units that can handle physical units while others would handle magic ones, all that stuff.

    Thats not how AR works. AR works either with a Galeforce Team or a Supertank (either with bulk or Vantage Close counter Blade stuff) and even then in some cases i am glad i have a Dancer Micaiah or Dagger Olivia who can tackle Armorers or Dragons. Azura is a very good Dancer, but she isnt allways the best pick, in some cases even the Beast Dancers are a better pick.

    Common Threats in AR:
    Razzle Dazzle Staffies need null counter skill
    Infantry Pulse Teams either need a Witchy wand, full galeforce or a very very strong supertank.
    And then there is the cuddles wall of Armorers/Dragon-Armorers where my Olivia and Micaiah come in handy
    Which leaves us with Flier Formation Fliers, go Faye go go or supertank.

  18. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Then that's lame. I put a lot of effort into my teams, now I'm expected to throw them away and make all new ones? I feel like I wasted my time then!

    No, Smite's mostly useless.

    No, I hate Micaiah.

    ...What? I don't know any B skill that counters those.

    I'm still working on a Galeforce team.

    Then clearly your Team is NOT fine!

  19. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except like I said, my teams should be fine. I shouldn't have to do anything more, I already put a lot of effort into these teams. To me, that's bad game design if it still doesn't work.

    your Team clearly is not fine or your gameplay isnt fine. Reaching T19 was easy compared to reaching T21

  20. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It'd be one thing if this was only the first go around, I'd just take it as me needing to make a better team or something. But I've tried the last several weeks to get to tier 19 and still come up barely short every time. That's not my fault, that's bad game design. AR needs some changes so this kind of thing doesn't happen to players.

    "Work on my offense"? It should be fine. Any team of fully built up good units, especially with some merges, should be fine in any mode in a game like this. Otherwise, it starts feeling like pay to win.

    AR works very different then Arena are PvE, throw everything out the window. Your regular units without special build wont cut it. I reached T21 because i used Galeforce on Hrid and Anna, and now i am using a supertank Sharena.

    Does one of your units have smite?
    Do you have Micaiah dancer?
    Does one of your units have the B skill to counter even razzle dazzle and firesweep bows?
    or are you using Galeforce units to demolish your opponent?

  21. 1 hour ago, Johann said:

    Consider a map looking something like this:


    Disregard the lack of structures and most of the units chosen, and assume the Azura has Ground Orders and Aerobatics, Ophelia has Rally Up Atk+, and there aren't any other Atk buffs in play. As long as Lucina, Veronica, Lilina, or Azura have a target in range, Ophelia will warp to the tile below Lucina to use Rally Up on Lucina. Azura can then warp next to Ophelia and dance her, and off Ophelia goes on her way. Now, players can already do this using Guidance, but this opens up a lot of options by not requiring a flier in Lucina's position. Ranged cavalry can also use it to bypass obstacles and Gravity.

    disregard what i said, i thought i read they can only warp adjacent to flying allys, but its any allys, so its basicly Noatuns refine, which yeah grants alot more mobility.

  22. 6 hours ago, Johann said:

    Some of these new skills are potential game changers for AR, both on Offense and Defense:

    • Harsh Command+: Since this is functionally like Restore, the AI might use it the same way. If that's the case, then Defense teams can use the Restore AI trick with any unit, not just healers. Now, while Restore is waaay easier to get, this opens up a lot of options for aggressive Def maps, and isn't suspect to Tactics Room or Loki. Be wary of maps with this skill equipped.
    • Pulse Smoke: An amazing option for super tanks on Offense, this might eliminate the need for Witchy Wand, and will be a lot easier to use since you won't have to pull a healer out of danger. Since it's available on a cavalry mage, inheritance probably won't be an issue for most super tanks. Only thing to consider is whether or not you value it more than Atk Smoke (or whatever seal you're using if you wanna just use Atk Smoke seal). If we ever get this as a seal, we might see a lot of people giving up on Pulse setups.
    • Gjallarbru (Fjorm's staff): Preventing unit from getting or using Assists is probably the biggest gamechanger for Offense. Not super great for Defense though, so if you're lucky enough to get Fjorm, I recommend planning Light or Astra blessing for her. I definitely like what this status implies for future staves and AR structures.
    • Ground Orders: Warp Powder for any non-flier opens up a massive amount of options for Defense teams, particularly with Rally or Restore tricks. Expect to see a lot of Azuras with this + Aerobatics giving their Ophelias a super jump.

    I dont see ground orders that usefull on a flying Dancer. ecxept if you use Armorers. you need to be adjacent to the ally for the buff and a dancers usualy dont fly forward they dance. I could see a use on regular fliers with hit and run though for offense in mixed teams.

  23. 1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

    Of course people are complaining about the alts. Why wouldn't they complain the alts?


    How fitting that both Louise's & Pent's debut is on a wedding banner........

    I really wanted Groom Eliwood.


    Armor Emblem has been nerf, since when?

    since the introduction of more Armor effectiv weapon (daggers or unique ones) null follow up and Alm. As in: its an indirect nerf but Armors have become way less effectiv as supertanks in AR and Arena. At least thats what i am seeing in Defense wins

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