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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 8 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Playing with it, my Hrid did fine enough baiting Gunnthra, Yune, and your Hrid, and for the rest there was enough space to control their approach, but it's something of a close call since your Hrid doesn't mess around. The AR skill made it way harder to tank, but the lack of DC made it easy to finish him off with Eir. Alm's pretty dangerous too, I imagine a lot of people don't anticipate Ground Orders.

    PS: l am running gunnthra purely because she is a bonus unit. Last week Naga was in place for Gunnthra and Sonya was in place for Yune. Naga Granting Fjorm Hrid and Sonya Dragon killer and Sonya was running instant Luna charged up 😉 with Wings of Mercy.

    Yeah Ground Orders especially messes up people when they try to bait from the left side, I had one instant where somone attacked Brave Ike and retreated to trigger the fight ----> Hrid moved to the left below Alm and Alm then Ground order warped his way over to instantly kill one unit.

    Also the AR skill on Hrid kinda forces the enemy to go for the buildings and loose turns. Thats the whole point of the skill for me.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Awesome! Got to try out your defense map, that's a pretty powerful line up. I can see why most people would not get through that safely, if at all. What I especially like is that you don't use any tricks or traps, just an overwhelmingly strong team that doesn't mess around.

    Idunn and Vantage setups with Red units utterly destroy that map though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gregster101 said:

    Didn't we establish that this month's Legendary Hero would be red? If that's the case, I'm hoping for Knight Lord Seliph. About time one of the Jugdral lords got an alt

    thats a guess. it could be any color. Legendary Roy ran together with Legendary Marth and Legendary Ike. I am guessing it will be Blue or Green.

  4. 6 hours ago, Johann said:

    I don't have Yune or Bridal Fjorm myself, so I must resort to trickery with Restore and Rally. I have considered Watersweep Galeforce Tibarn on a team with two Yunes though, should my luck ever go that way.

    I've been meaning to ask you for your friend code so I can see how you're progressing but I keep forgetting. Now I especially want it to see your map designs, got any space on your list?

    Sure thing

    Here is my ID: 0320249024

  5. 59 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Bizzarely, despite upgrading my Def Fortress to 5 last week, while I was consistently beating most teams, I had a few losses... to players with level 4 Fortresses. Well, I guess it's not that bizarre when they're using Bridal Fjorm. I wouldn't mind if my luck with the timing of Def matches always seems to screw me over, with my wins always in the 20 hour safety window and losses right after.

    I dont have a Dancer in my Defense Team. but i have Bride Fjorm with Guidance buff.
    Defense Team setup currently:

    Brave Ike
    Bride Fjorm
    Legendary Alm

    Fjorm and Yune cover together 4 of the 6 rows with their debuffs (Fjorm with no assist and Yune with her C-Slot skill) which only leaves the most outer row on the left and most outer row on the right free. otherwise you are getting hit by a debuff. Fjorm also runs Sudden panic and Yune runs Sabotage Res. Which means units cant be adjacent. on top of that my 2 debuff buildings are up in the corner and Hrid and Gunnthra run their B-Slot skills. So far every enemy unit has allways been hit by some form of debuff, which means that Hrid allways got to double! (unless null-follow up) and Gunnthra allways got to hit like a truck. Fun Fact, Alm hasnt killed one single enemy unit so far.

  6. I have to say Naga is a fantastic support unit for Defense Teams. She shuts down any Dragon supertank by providing her buff to allies. Couple that with an Armor+Horse (Micaiah) effectiv unit and the only supertanks left are flyers and Infantry.

    This week everyone will be on equal footing because the Fortresses have lvl 5 on offense and defense, i really doubt supertanking will work good enough in the future and galeforce will be the way to go.

  7. 1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

    This week is going pretty well. Naga being a bonus means I can field a Dancer and laugh harder at bad defense teams. Slowly climbing up with the usual Corrin / Jamke pair.

    My T21 Current Defense Team doesnt run a Dancer and has so far won all Defense battles.

    Brave Ike
    Legendary Alm
    Bride Fjorm

    YES I fielded Brave Ike and its funny how much he surprises alot of Team setups that run ranged nukers with his Shield Pulse Steady Breath setup. Ranged units initiating on him fail to kill him (unless with AoE precharge special) and melee units fail to kill him on baiting due to the 2. Hit being absorbed by Urvan and they dont charge usually in because it means 1 unit is for sure going to die unless they are running galeforce.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Why does IS keep pushing the nifl siblings anyway? Seriously they all have about as much personality and character depth as a literal plank of wood that is too say none and design wise well let’s just say Hrid is the only one I really care for. At least the Muspell OCs have some character depth and/or personality. It ain’t much mind you but it’s more than anything the nifle siblings can offer. The only “bad” one out of the musspell characters is laevetain but even then she’s a kuudere so her having “no personality” is kinda the point. Whatever at least I get to save orbs.

    That depends how you look at it. For me they have more personality then all the other chars of games i didnt play at all.

  9. 5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    My Saizo is ready for the next Arena Season:


    Almost the same I am using. I just dont know what to make out of that Brazen Atk/Res 3. Mine runs Phantom speed to ensure he doesnt get countered by Dragons. Fallen Tiki will outspeed him, especially if she has buffs on (as well as some other dragons). And there is alot of Chill Spd going on. He needs to initiate safely on mages/dragons to apply his debuffs, if he gets countered he is prolly dead.

  10. 14 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    radiant aether is not exclusive to legendary Ike (V!Ike was given radiant aether) there is nothing he has that some other unit doesn't have.

    no but the combination of Radiant Aether + DC weapon is exclusiv on Legendary Ike.
    Also because Legendary heroes allways sport a personal exclusiv skill sets them allready apart from other heroes.
    The only ones i see that might need a refine are:
    Lyn: Just give her Close counter, so she can make more use out of her A-Slot Personal skill. She is in need of a really good refine
    Hector: Null Follow up kinda weakened his weapon a bit. But we dont need another offensiv Axe Armorer. I would buff his utility more so it meshes well with his C-Skill in mixed Teams.
    In that regard: Infantry, Flying or Armor allys adjacent to unit and unit himself get + 1 Movement range at start of turn, only applies if there is not more then 2 of same movement type (does not stack with other movement enhancing buffs)
    FGrima:  Is a bit tricky, she could get really broken with a wrong refine.  Removing her Dragon weakness with a special refine would be in my eyes too much.

  11. 3 hours ago, redlight said:

    Sturdy Impact is overrated IMO. If your opponent is doubling you on your PP then you're going at them with the wrong unit or color.

    It will have it's uses, but it's not that amazing as some people think

    Its not, its very handy for AI controlled units.

    Just think of a Kagero + Sturdy Impact + Null Follow up + her Special refine. Good luck killing that one on enemy phase with a super tank when its on a defensiv Team full with wings of Mercy and Hardy Bearings. Hint YOU WILL GO DOWN unless you run Null Follow up yourself and win the Speed check, in which case you cant run Null C-Disrupt.

    The skill isnt OP, but it sure as hell makes Playerphase units that much harder to kill.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    So minor complaint...

    What the hell Umbra Calamity?? One trigger, especially on Clair's Rokkr, and it's a freaking dance party in here. Positioning means jack crap in here!

    Also Absorb+ is OP. My Winter Eirika doesn't even need Miracle because one attack on the Rokkr and she's healthy again. And between the healing from Aether and Absorb+, so are the dragon lolis and the dreamy dragon.

    The special deals some AoE damage and swaps places with the person that triggered the special (as in Attacked). pretty predictable

    I dont know what to make out of this... its just bashing mindlessly on a unit with no strategy involved. Not even healing needed with Brave Hector Legendary Hector, Winter Eirika running Absorb Staff and Hrid. Eirika just heals everyone by just attacking or being attacked while everyone else just wails away at the Rokkr.

    In my honest opinion: mindless bullshit. The rewards are nice tough and quickly gettable.

    But I rather have them release constantly harder BHB GHB or LHB maps then this... stuff. But lets give it time maybe it gets better over time.

  13. 11 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    1. Free units only, no merges allowed, stuck with base kit no SI allowed.  This removes any competitive advantage one can have from pulling, luck of IVs, expensive skill inheritance, etc etc.  There would be no other factor than the work people put.experience and in and their ability.  

    2. New mode, where every unit is accessible by every player and they can freely put whatever skills that exist on any unit that meets the basic requirements (example: armor only).  This is another way to do it, but I doubt it would ever happen.

    Any type of 'freemium' game where one pays in money and/or in game currency for resources that  influence the game in more than an aesthetic way will never have an 'even' playing field other than extreme measures as I mentioned above.  

    Would change it a bit

    #1 Scoreing from skills doesnt matter

    #2 Your Party of 4 members is only allowed to have: 1 of each color, 1 of each movement. Of those units only 1 dancer OR 1 healer is allowed

    #3 Your Party members cant occupy the same skill in the assist, special or passive slot. Meaning only 1 Reposition unit can be used, only 1 Distant counter, etc etc. This also conflicts with seals, if you run the QR seal then no other party member can run QR in their B-Slot. Weapon refines and personal weapon effects are not excluded.

    All of the above also accounts for the Defense Teams

    #4 you can set a rule to banish a particular weapon type of the field. What this does is, at start of Turn it auto ends that weapon type units turn and inflicts it with Isolation and no counter possibility. This also applies to your own Team if you run the same type of weapon.

    Dont want to see Reinhardt and LAzura, set the rule to banish Blue Tomes.

    Please note that the opposing Defense Team can have a rule of themself, and can banish a weapon type too, which means you might have a unit sitting like a duck there, that cant move, counterattack or be danced or healed and needs thus protection.

    Merges are allowed.

  14. 2 hours ago, Parrhesia said:

    You don't need my facial expressions to realise that '28 swords is the best way to handle high-quality enemies that are 25% lances' is not a serious statement. I would have to be pretty impossibly fucking stupid to think that for real.

    you'd be surprised how many times people meant stuff seriously when i thought they were jokeing... stupidity sadly does not know any sorts of boundaries.

  15. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    We already have stupid scoring mechanics and other arbitrary restrictions in the Colosseum. Aether Raids too have stupid scoring mechanics in the form of bonus units and Mythic Blessings, and I do not want any more shit like that than what we already have.

    I want a mode with as few arbitrary restrictions and perverse scoring mechanics as possible, where players are primarily ranked by their tactical ability and understanding of the game.

    I wouldnt call iseing Reinhardt Brave Lyn coupled with 1-2 Dancers or Veronica Tactical Ability zo be honest. Horse emblem is like casual mode in other FE Titles

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