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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Just one thread? That's not a big deal. But when it happens over and over, then it becomes kind of irritating. If you still don't get that feeling even then, then...well, as Soren says, I can't begin to relate to that kind of thinking.

    I remember Fire Emblem Fan had a similar experience when he really wanted to post the FE6 banner. He complained a bit, but nobody seemd to care much. Why am I getting called out and he didn't? Not that I think he should've been, mind you. I don't think either of us should be.

    Attention much? it doesnt matter who created the topic. You seem to have a tendency to create drama for no reason.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

    I started playing the game a bit after launch so I believe I missed the Julia one. I know I also missed the first GHB. 

    First banner I remember had Reinhardt in it.

    i remember when everyone said Reinhardt was shit.. and then skill inheritance came along

    I also remember when Takumi was like ZOMG and Robin was actually a viable unit because of it.

    Remember when Fury 3 used to affect Arena score because it boosted the units BST points?

  3. 22 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:


    Its the same as why back then the "panic ploy number" is 40. Yes 40 Hp did not hit everyone. But 40 Hp hits the entire Horse Emblem crew, and Fly Camilla. Thats ALL you need Panic Ploy for and HP is a shit stats you don't want more of in some ways

    HP is a very important stat, it adds bulk to both ends of the spectrum as compared to DEF or RES and it lessens the effects of Moonbow Luna, Aether, Black Luna, and now Alms Weapon. Yes it does nothing for Bonfire, Iceberg or against AoE Specials etc. but and this is my take on, You can allways bolster DEF or RES with comrades and skills etc. You cant magicly rise HP ecxept with blessings.

  4. 53 minutes ago, XRay said:

    It is not that bad though. I play really sloppy right now and can still get into Tier 22 every week even during non light season.

    its not hard to stay in T21, but part of me wishes i could just forget this mode and leave it at T21 and just reap in the rewards for 5 battles (1 for each day) by just going in and auto-ending the battle, which tells you how much i enjoy this mode lol

  5. 2 hours ago, daisy jane said:


    that's all i want. LOL. just to "park" 
    once i hit 21 i never have to play again. teehee.

    i keep running into whale teams.
    in my next life, i too will become a whale.

    thats not true, the problem is you need to keep playing because you could declimb from T21... As in if you go one week on vacation you are kinda fucked lulz

  6. This mode is so... garbageeee... flocon-du-merde etc.

    Even though i am T 21 and i just do battles to remain in T21 i still cant find any joy for this mode. It was so promising at the start and then they had to f-it up with Mythical blessings and not implementing any restrictions to Team building etc. (2Dancers anyone)

    End of weekly AR Rant

  7. 3 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:


    There's only two things I could see really working for EPing him on a consistent basis: stuff that one-rounds on the first counter. Which basically means blade tomes Swordhardt, Keaton and cooldown shenanigans with Slaying weaponry and/or pulse effects. He can't one-round you if he just instantly explodes upon initiation. Thinking of that actually reminds me that I should figure out a blessing for my Valentine's Hector. His base kit already does that with no extra effort and Alm's basically guaranteed to put him into Wrath range.

    Actually more. My Karel runs a HP boon and sits at 72 HP. he can Enemy phase him. Since loads of HP instead of Def further your bulk but not his weapon ability to add more dmg for haveing high def.

    If you want Bulk against Alm +HP is the way to go. of course there is a sweet spot.

    The other method is shield pulse and defensiv specials but we all know how crap they are outside of the hands of Raven or Fjorm.

  8. 22 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Want proper selfish? How about a reverse-CYL where the "winners" are removed from the game? I'd vote Surtr, Legendary Azura, Gaius, Oboro and Jakob.

    the last 3 confusee. Why? Also Surtr easy Target now for me. still sucks at tun mes in AR during light season but in Arena he gets mostly demolished

  9. 3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    the blessings work in Arena/AA. 
    ie: it's light season now so light blessed units count for score (as far as i was told). 

    honestly, i get the hesitation but if you want to do well, you might have to sacrifice. (OR use resources and create a team specifically for AR). 

    I am rocking this week Sharena (Bonus unit), double Eirs, L!Azura and Marth (refine). Sharena as a suppertank with Distant Counter and her weapon refined (her weapon has dull range/close in one + def/spd bond) and Res/SPD bond is fantastic o.o. And I am not even running a lvl 5 fortress. Tough anyone with that kind of support can super tank.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I've seen some people say they voted for Camilla because they wanted her to finally get a serious alt. Which seems a bit flimsy to me personally, but I think it's worth recognizing that it's a thing.

    That would involve some plastic surgery, in the reverse sense of things.

    I mean Sonya: I can take serious

    Camilla: uuuuh something went terribly bad there.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Yukiko said:

    Even if I'm not happy when they give alts to the same five/six characters over and over again, I wasn't particularly bothered with Tiki and Corrin because I find those alts to be fit for them. The fact that Tiki might loose control of her power is something important for her character, so I was happy to see this alternate version. For Corrin is not as important, but it's still a pretty relevant scene in Fates. Since they plan the game several months earlier, though, I think they could consider with more attention the characters that will get alts. Why giving young Tiki a summer alt if they gave her a legendary one two months later and a fallen one ten months later?  They could have chosen somebody else. The same for Camilla, Lucina, Lyn...

    I'd like for Lukas to loose control in a naughty way...

    Also can we get a banner with the them of "Fehdemption". Basicly bad guys going full rogue hero/good mode? Imagining Arvis as a good guy... nah that takes away half of the fun about him ._.

  12. 7 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

    Uuuugggh I was hoping I could put this lousy cycle of bonus heroes behind me.  L!Alm is right up there with Surtr for me as a pain in the neck unit that makes the game less fun just by how laughably imbalanced they are.  Old news and old gripes, but it really bothers me that he gets to break the rules of the game when it comes to defense.   

    general rule of thumb: Dont enemy phase him! So far i allways player phased him. His perks only activate on his player phase. Reinhardt, Raventomes and Mages that hit hard will destroy him. But he can be a pain in the Ass.


  13. 2 hours ago, Kaden said:

    Left to rot in the armory or wherever the hell they're stored. I didn't start using blessings until I felt forced to with the introduction of the blessing quests. After that, it was might as well use some of them, so I could do the Blessed Gardens for rewards. Another thing is that I choose to give blessings based on a character's affinity if they have one or associated element like Merric would likely get a wind blessing had I built him. Otherwise, I go off of the birthday affinity thing from Blazing Blade. I could have made it easier on myself if I built Beruka or Camilla, but I managed to beat the 10th Grounds of Water, so whatever.

    With Blessed Gardens not being updated anymore after the 26th, the legendary blessings are just going to exist for me.

    Arent the blessings used for Arena Assault as well? you get bonus points for useing units according to current season. Which means you might want 12-16 blessed units of each Element still

  14. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    We really need to be allowed more Aether or to have matches use less Aether (I've upgraded the fountain and pots completely). I've won most of my matches this week with no deaths and I'm still coming up short of tier 19 by quite a bit. Even if the two or three matches I had deaths in had been perfect, I still would come up a bit short when I do the math. It's just not possible for anyone that doesn't have two Eirs or something to do it. Requiring two of the same character to go any higher is dumb imo.

    Also, how the hell does a Reinhardt only take 12 damage from Gunnthra? Rein is a low Res blue unit, Gunnthra should always be destroying him and yet I ran into one that she not only did a mere 12 damage to, but died to in one round despite her own high Res. Since she's destroyed literally every other Reinhardt I've faced, enemy phase or player phase, except for this particular one, I call cheating. I've also almost never run into similar situations between other units.

    Thats not true. I reached Tier 20 withonly 1 Eir and no merges. for Tier 21 i luckily got a 2. one.

    Also what was the Forzress difference? If he had Level 5 Offense Fortress and you 4 that would explain stuff.

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