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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh. Well, of course I try to position things strategically. Like, I put a trap in front of who I believe would be the most easily targeted unit otherwise. But I guess there could be more to learn about that.

    My defense team right now, since I lack Duma and all, is built around legendary Eliwood's support. So I put in three units with the same Atk stat for him to buff, since the other units there have lower Atk. And I added seals that buff further, and legendary Azura is there because she's best refresher (and mine has perfect +Spd, -Def IVs on top of that).

    L!Eliwood Team based defense is really really bad unless you run a multitude of Harsh Command+ or Restore+. Units can get so easy paniced on Defense Teams due to Aversa which basicly means you are sitting on a Team that is more cripled by the presence of L!Eliwood then buffed.

    Just the present of Aversa or a Panic Manor means that all or half of your units will insta die the moment they go into battle. I stoped using on my Defense Teams any kind of visible buff unless there is a Rally Trap with a L!Azura redance there.

    The only buffs i provide to my Defense Teams are buffs that cant be paniced like Air Orders or Nagas Fang buff etc. which renders Aversa not useles, but only half as potent. I switched to working more with debuffs like Sudden Panic, Defense debuff structures, debuff BSlots or debuff Seals.

  2. 5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    You're still sorely underestimating how strong the best tanks in the game are.

    The only Dragon Tank so far that survived that slaughter was Fallen Tiki and that only because she was a bonus unit.

    Idunn might be able to tank it too because she ignores debuffs.

    Not saying that Infantry or Armor tanks wont work here. But Dragon Tanks dont


  3. 4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    It's still my defense map from week 1. ^^ Depending on the extra defense rewards I may overthink it. 

    Null c-disrupt is not my main problem, I think. 

    Just redid your map with my current team Fjorm Eliwood Gunnthra double Naga. Your Lucina and Dancer Micaiah instantly died from baiting on the far right (destroyed structured). And the rest was no threat because they all are traped. You left no path open for your units to walk out. After that i proceeded to open a path and bait Sigurd. Elise got trapped by my Tactics room building (even then Fjorm would have taken 0 dmg). Sigurd died. Finished of Elise with Fjorm and Hector with Gunnthra on Turn 4 then proceeded to one shot your still traped Axe Flier in the right corner.

    Your map is restricting the movement of your own units. If they cant get out because of structures, there is no real threat for me and i can bait one after one unit.

    And Lucina + Dancer Micaiah can be baited to easy now since the Map update. all it needs is one supertank. + both onthe same colums = Bride Fjorm nullifies your dance and future vision

  4. 10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    20 defense matches in a row (this week plus last week) without even a kill. 

    If its the same defense map i tried 2 weeks ago on Friend battles. Then your Elise is kinda exposed to Null C-Disrupt.

    EDIT: They should have made Naga the Dark Defense Mythic and Yune the Astra Offense unit. Naga on a Defense Team providing Dragon effectivness to 3 other units basicly shuts down any kind of Dragon Supertank

  5. 13 hours ago, Zeo said:

    @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @Alexmender @DefaultBeep @Rafiel's Aria.....*Deep breath*


    Yeah, holy crap I just happened to log in because I know the next update will be soon and I wanted to see who would get the next set of refines and here he finally is. This is going to be crazy. I really wonder what they're going to give him. What could you possibly give him to make him not suck? (As far as the general player ofc).

    Raigh and Luke getting one is a treat too. Raigh becomes good and Luke becomes something other than a terrible pitybreaker. Good refines all around. Might have to do a little something...

    I believe they will help him with his attack power and will give him something to either tackle Dragons or Mages safely, so he can allways apply his buffs and debuffs?

  6. 10 hours ago, Jotari said:

    A Skill/Seal: Phantom HP: If a skill compare's unit's HP to a foe or ally's HP, treat Unit's HP as if +25.

    Characters like Aversa and Berserk Corrin are really great in concept, but in practice when fighting anything but another player team, the enemies HP is always too high for them to really work.

    I agree with this seal/skill and I agree that the seal should also apply to vengeance/reprisal!!!! It would make Aversa, Bride Fjorm and Loki usuable in PVE content.

  7. 1 hour ago, DLNarshen said:

    Thanks!  I'm the same way - I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I sometimes spend way too much time looking through the rankings on AA and AR just to see if I can find some neat builds on less-common characters.

    I do the exact same thing!!!!

    I have to say for Teams without Panic or dull/ranged close this map can become a nightmare on Aybssal.

    Anyway Theme Team Battle:

    Eliwood Abyssal vs Hector, Lyn, Ninian and Karel


  8. 2 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Luke, Roderick, Raigh, and Matthew confirmed for the next batch. All hype, though I feel like Rody was doing alright with natural access to Firesweep lance. Hope it's just a better version of that, but it'll probably be a mirror of Rody's which could be another situational Brave sword like the other christmas cavs.

    and again the healers are neglected ._. when will Azama get his personal stave!!!

  9. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Except for Air Orders, I have those on the fliers I mentioned above and yet that has not worked. I don't use the Askr trio except for quests that require them, since they're not good enough units for stuff like this. They lack merges and have been powercrept regardless. I am no expert player, so I need better units than them.

    Sharena is one of the best tanks for stuff like this, her weapon nullifies any kind of buffs!!!!! And as pointed above in my vid was cleared with the Askrtrio! They need heavy investment for stuff like Abyssal but they can do it, without merges and powercreep BST.

  10. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    What do you think I've been trying to do? >_>

    I don't have Trilemma. I don't have dagger Olivia. Can you at least suggest things I DO have? Also, I can't kill Eliwood early, he never comes anywhere near my units at that point. I already said this.


    Then you are positioning your units not correctly if you cant tackle Eliwood early on. I dont know what you have, so you have to try on your own.

  11. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't have that either. The panic staff healer with those skills, I mean.

    Well then find another way, i used Sharena.

    And my Team Hrid cleared it with Wrys Trifuckta (Trilemma + Cancel Affinity) Dagger Olivia and the Rein. Albeit most killing came from Hrid. None of them used any form of Dull something, but killing Eliwood early obviously helped because you dont have to deal with Bonus Doubler anymore.

  12. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Seriously, what the fuck was IS thinking throwing all these unnecessary reinforcements AND separating your fucking party for no reason? Also, the map is shit. It's too constraining for anything besides fliers. This is the worst LHB ever. IS needs to learn to make fairer challenging maps that aren't complete bullshit.

    EDIT: Well, I found a way for Team OTP (RD Ike, Summer Freddy, Summer Robin, Yukata Elincia) to tackle lunatic. But while they're fairly strong as a team now, they're not the best for most infernal and abyssal maps, so I'm going to switch things up for those (provided I decide I even want to do abyssal). I still think this map is more BS than a lot of other LHBs and MHBs we've had though.

    I just beat it with the Askrtrio and Veronica on Abyssal, no merges... Sharenas personal Weapon Fensalir makes short work of Bonus doubler with her Refine. So yeah its doable it just needs you to step outside of the  comfort zone and use a panic staff healer or soemthing with dull close or ranged (or in Sharenas case both combined in her weapon wuzzzaaaah)

  13. 25 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Blue is an absolute minefield of undesirable pitybreakers at the moment. Both the units that were recently demoted and the units-that-really-should-have-been-demoted-but-weren't heavily tended towards blue.

    thats because all or most good blue units are available at 3-4 Star or via Tempest trials.

    Reinhardt covers the blue tome cavaliers. No rivalry there

    Azuras Son is an excellent blue lance flyer

    Effy is still a very solid Armorer

    Donnel has aged well for a blue infantry unit

     Fallen Delthea almost outshines all infantry Tome users.

    Oscar covers the blue lance cavaliers good.

    So yeah there is only Nayla as a worthwhile 5Star pity breaker due to her skills as a fodder and male corrin.

  14. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Bold Fighter armors use Death Blow 4 as their optimal skill choice. Armors can't learn Sturdy Impact (it's infantry and fliers only), and Bold Fighter makes the Spd from Swift Sparrow 3 less important.


    No reason it shouldn't. In-combat stat buffs (which is what Bonus Doubler's effect is) have always stacked.

    in what world is that optimal besides of Arena Assault? In Arena you want the Bonus unit to get the kill. PVE you usually run Distant Counter and Death Blow 4 hardly matters there. in AR Offense your tanks are either using Distant Counter or Distant Def 4, maybe in AR Defense but even then its hardly the best skill to use on the A-Slot for an Armorer.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Ginko said:

    Another Death Blow 4 fodder is always welcome on top of Ryoma and Hríd merges. Here I come red heaven !!

    only for Reinhardt. Death Blow 4 is hardly something you should fodder off nowadays, considering sturdy and mirror impact and swift sparrow 3. All the other cavaliers are better off running something different then Death Blow 4.

    And Armorers welp... they hardly have a need for Death Blow 4

  16. This man has potential beyond! Let see.

    To complement my +10 Kagero with 53 Atk and +10 Micaiah with 53 Attack I need a +10 +Atk Kaden who will hit 53 Attack too. Slaping them all together with Eliwood. Yep I guess i found my next Team project. Kaden triggers Eliwoods C-Skill and has SPD/RES Link and all 3 will benefit then from Bonus doubler! And Kaden will give an addiation +6 at least to everyone.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Why? Bonus units don't give points on defense in Aether Raids. All they do is get extra stats.

    because of the extra stats and to change the defense routine a bit. Also because Gunnthra is Wind legendary for reduction points form Yune.

  18. Damane: Seeer of Stars (I allways like to assess/examine the situation before giving a comment, I also predict stuff that might happen accuratly in Real Life).
    Infantry, Healer (I am a supportiv person and like to give support to friends and families)
    Water, Res (simply because i like swimming and am more a mind person)

    HP: 45
    Atk: 23
    Spd: 15
    Def: 34
    Res: 40
    Total: 157
    (I never attack people physicly, but i damn sure defend myself. I have very high endurance and resiliance. Stuff doesnt throw me out the loop quick and I dont get exhausted easy even with loads of stuff on my plate (may it be work or private or combined). Hence the high res high def but low atk spd stat).

    Eye of Thoth: 14 Mt, 2 Range. If unit RES > foe RES: inflicts Trilemma on foes in Cardinal directions or foes that are Adjacent. If unit attacks, grants Cancel Affinity to unit and allys within 2 spaces. (no dazzling or wrathfull effect)
    Martyr+ (I often do too much for my friends, to the point where it actually can get detrimental for me)
    Water/Earth Balm
    Fortress Def/Res 2
    (no B-Skill)
    Prophecy of Thoth: Grants to allies within 2 spaces +6 to the lowest of their stat during combat, Attack Stat is calculated with Atk -15.

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