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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. On 7/22/2019 at 10:02 PM, Stroud said:

    About Kronya

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    I intend to build her and just have some interesting skills left for her.
    I have Close Counter and Special Spiral fodder and I think this just might be fitting for her.

    So my intention is to build her like this.

    Assist= Flexibel 
    Special = I don't know if Glimmer or Moonbow will be enough because of her lacking attack.

    A= CC
    B= Special Spiral
    C= Savage Blow
    Seal = Fierce Stance? Savage Blow or Poison Blow?

    I think it kind of works out well if she attacks a unit which cannot counter her and deal Savage blow Damage to the surrounding units, so she can have priority on countering the others which will her attack next. Special Spiral should enable her to make that attack with a Special if she is set up. But specials with Cooldown 2 and her Attack may not be enough.. and Even totally merged up + Dragonflowers she will have like 50 Attack without support. Which is not enough in most of the Meta I think. But her weapon implies that it could work and would at least increase it to 55. But this set does not make much use of her little bulk she has...

    The other thing is that I have Ophelia in my Barracks who would also profit from Special Spiral, but normally I have my Sonya for this job. 


    fully upgrade Bolttower and work from there.

  2. 4 hours ago, redlight said:

    I don't think these will affect enemy emblem teams all that much as they focus on wards, but will benefit your units who focus on 2 stats tremendously. 

    The problem I have with dull skills is that their generalization comes at the cost of dividing into 2 different ranges as well as affecting all stats that you might not necessarily benefit all that much from. By restricting it to 2 stats you affect stats that are beneficial for you as well as the debuff giving you an extra edge. Did I mention that Lulls affect anyone regardless of range?

    their generalization into 2 effects is specific, but you also should only use them on specific characters what you want to counter. -3 Atk and the ability to nullify Atk buffs, depending how executed can be okeish, if it nullifies all buffs even in combat buffs then they are extremely strong, because nullifying any Atk based in combat buffs makes the units running those skills that more bulky.

  3. @Zeo

    no substantial demotes that changed the Meta much

    Notable Brady for Infantry rush, which is situational

    Mordecai is the most interesting because his weapon opens up aninteresting gameplay, especially when combined with Gunnthras Matthews weapon or the new Daggers

    And Reyson if you want a conditional 3 movement Flier Dancer

    Some Refines of older 4 Star units are quite interesting though 

  4. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I've tried doing that before though, I don't learn anything. I don't suddenly see something that I didn't before.

    I can test my own team? Didn't know that. Thanks.

    Do you read the update notes and description of stuff IS actually puts out? If you arent even makeing the effort to read the stuff IS provides to you on updates and try the stuff out no wonder you are clueless. Sorry but seriously start doing some reasearch and read the stuff instead of expecting people to spoon-feed you everything.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Please watch this, since our words are not reaching you...


    this wont even cover all the fundemantel flaws/misunderstanding i have seen here. It seems the comprehensive thought process is flawed when it comes to strategy and building Teams. You cant teach someone comprehensive thought processes.

  6. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Whoever said maintaining a tier is always easy was wrong. I still can't win anymore battles, and I'm just about to get bumped back down to tier 19. This is really not fair, though. This mode still needs changes so we can at least maintain our tier all the time. I don't care about going to higher tiers since that looks to be impossible for me no matter what I do, I just want to fucking stay in the tier that I'm in and I can't even do that anymore, it looks like.

    I never get defense wins. It's not possible anymore. Either there's a bug or it's just not possible to make a team/map that some real players can't beat.

    yeah lets blame a non existent bug instead of well your own strategy-skill to prevent a demotion.

    I agree on the mainting Tier change though.

    Every Map is beatable in some way or form.

  7. @XRaylets not forget that most people have now lvl 5 Defense fortresses, so it isnt as easy to fly by without the proper setup. Unmerged Vantage Reinhardt might have worked before excellent, and prolly still works. But lvl 5 offense vs lvl 4 defense fortress meant you basicly could run unmerged units that had basicly almost +10 merge stat bonuses (- the HP).

    Also more and more people are jumping on the panic-bandwagon and outfiting either a Healer with panic or placing their panic manor in such a way that sitting there with a Bladetome Vantage units means you get eaten by Panic and die.

    In that regard one has to either upgrade their unit (more cost involved) or change their gameplan when almost everyone is running lvl 5 Defense fortress. Since Sharena reruns alot in AR it is in my eyes more cost effectiv to invest into her with proper support instead of +10 merge units. She shuts down alot of defense gameplans, especially with Null Follow up or Null C-Disrupt and her Refine.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Parrhesia said:

    People looking for better, casually achievable results can get better advice than 'dedicate the next four months of your orbs to NFU fodder'. On the Discord, someone advised that ... I think it was CC Blade Rein (40k feathers, or 20k and a 5* if you already killed the free Takumi) could make a huge difference, and that advice subsequently helped a number of people climb from 19 -> 21. I'm not denying that you can tailor a team to AR, but holy shit, if you're gonna claim 'resource management'... not to get all Arsenal on the topic, but have an eye on your Net Spend.

    thats not the point. What do you tell to this person when the person refuses to use Reinhardt "Because not favourable unit", doesnt want to sacrifce 20k feathers for a Blade tome and Close Counter is hard to get and refuses to use those ressources? Whats the point to give advice to those people? I mean in that case: why are you asking for advice? go figure it out yourself then and do some research.

    There is plenty ways to tackle AR. if you arent fine with the advice given then my god do some reasearch yourself. I didnt invest into AR much and climbed to 21 using units i have and did so with a Galeforce Anna and Galeforce Hrid during Light Season when wind and water blessings were present. (the you isnt directed to you personaly but just a general person)

  9. 31 minutes ago, Parrhesia said:

    People have emotional investment in characters; people do not have emotional investment in Null Follow-Up. And normal people do not +10 5* exclusives, except maybe at this stage some of the original run with a lot of luck.

    Skipping banners does not take discipline. It is not inherently superior. Ditch the unwarranted smugness.

    In a vacuum, sure, assuming the player has no other units. Which is a big and almost always inaccurate assumption.

    Define the immediate issue. You are telling people to exercise better resource management by trading hundreds of orbs, hundreds of dew and tens of thousands of feathers for like, a handful of weekly grails and flowers. Even making the assumption that this team is the only thing that can get them from tier 19 to tier 21, which is usually not going to be the case, that will literally never play off. This is terrible resource management, unless you only care about Grails - but given that I already have a +10 Marisa and +8 Jamke, I think someone at the glass ceiling of 19 would probably have managed to +10 a single dedicated favourite at this stage. And if the issue is instead to get the player as high as possible, and they haven't been able to get to T21 with their own units, they are unlikely to challenge deep into 21 with a bunch of unmerged guys.

    Then i would suggest those people stop ranting about a mode and stop asking for advice if they arent inclined to invest in other characters that perform much better in specific game modes.
    I have my favourite characters too and I am not fond of Aether Raids. And not all of them are suited perfectly for Aether Raids. Prime example being Saizo. But i invest in Characters that i know perform better in this mode, because i do want to excell. If one isnt willing to invest into suggested characters, well in that case, one should stop asking for advice and theorycraft ones Team him/herself with ones favourite units, but stop asking for advice if one is gonna shut it down anyway.

  10. 3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I use OG Marth in my Infantry and Arena teams. He does the job very well! My Soren, who has the Owl Tome effect in his Wind's Brand, and Spectral Bond skill (Atk/Def Bond for A-slot and Spd/Res Bond Seal) really enjoys Marth's company, for a +12 to all stats during combat (+2 from the Tome, +5 from Marth and +5 from Bond Skills).

    Corrin grants more stats to his ally, but Marth can grant the stats to all allies instead of only the ally support.

    High five. I use Marth as my Arena cheerleader since Red Duell A Skill.

    His skill set is:
    Falchion (special refined)
    Rally Atk/spd+
    A: Duell skill
    B: Ruse Def/Res (for debuff and Guard applying which is huge)
    C : Infantry Breath (gives Spur Def/Res 2 and Steady Breath effect)
    Seal: Spur Def/Res 3

    I also use him as a chearleader in my Team for Naga Omega Tanking during Astra season with double Spur Def/Res. With his Falchion and Nagas Weapon, he grants her +11 Def/+11 Res/+5 SPD/+5 Atk. And then the 2. Naga grants +7 def/+7 res/+3 atk/+3 spd due to Warding flyer spurs and my Heron Dancer gives out the same. its pretty neat.

  11. 6 hours ago, XRay said:

    Firesweep archers do not deal enough damage, or barely any damage at all if the super tank is properly supported. Firesweep healers with Pain do not deal enough damage either, and they deal even less damage with other Weapons; Panic does not do anything if you use M!Corrins; Flash can clog up enemies in choke points, although Flash can be dangerous in open maps where the enemy can flank your super tank; Trilemma is the most dangerous if you are using a colored super tank, but I rarely see them. 

    you obviously havent run into double poison strike Firesweep bow users. letting them attack you twice (they usually get redanced if you dont kill them) is devestating to your tank, because they will deal a guaranteed 40 dmg, all it then needs is a well placed swooping unit with a precharged special to remove the remaining what? 20 HP

  12. 8 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:


    You know what i find funny?


    Legendary Eliwood was the last released crazy crazy good Cavalry and in terms of Cavalry unit he's the best one since Veronica. He's freaking bonkers

    ....also his best team isn't Cavalry. Story of my life


    the only Cavalry released in the past few months thats actually amazing on Cav Team is the one i don't have.... Hrid rip

    Brave Lyn
    Leg. Eliwood
    Legendary Ephraim
    Legendary Eirika
    also Eliwood has one sick refine
    the list goes on

    are all fantastic cav units with their special weapons/abilitys. But Cecilia is still amazing if you invest into her
    Fallen Berkut is also a very interesting Cavalry unit. Also the new colorless Dagger cavs can be very good with the new "Gunnthra" Daggers.

    I think Eliwood is very flexible you can run him in a Cav Team and replace his C-Slot, you can run him in mixed Teams too. Just the thought facing Bonus double Reinhardt Veronica Brave Lyn all in the same Team with the same Attack gives me chills. And thats quite doable.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

    Just had a dumb thought. I think it'd be funny if they introduced the + version of movement assist skills that allowed you to use the assist skill on the enemy units as well.

    For some reason Reposition+ sounds hilarious to me.

    Kinda hard to do. Would complecate targeting enemys because need an extra menu thennto select what want to do. I think assists+ will come at some point but will have different effects. I can see Swap+ have a Link type effect buff. I can see Shove+ have a debuff kind effect. Repostion+ haveing a Guard buff effect and the opposite (forgot name) haveing a gravity effect on enemys within 2 Spaces. Smite+ i can see launching you 3 instead of 2 Spaces

  14. 26 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Those are very hard to get skills. You all talk about Sharena being a great FTP option, and yet skills like DC and Null Follow-Up are 5 star only and hard for FTPlayers to get. I spend money on the game and I've never once pulled a regular Hector. I only got my first Adrift male Corrin recently. I have Hrid, but I use him instead of foddering him.

    So no, I don't "assume stuff that is not true."

    Those are kinda minimum requirement if you want to run any kind of competent infantry Omega Tank (Null C or Null Follow up)

  15. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    You're still missing the point. All I'm saying is that if you have the other bonus units with merges, they are better because they have the extra stats from those merges AND from being a bonus unit. The merges may be harder to get, but the whales will surely have them. FTPlayers though, you are correct, Sharena is not bad to have.

    Sharena is godlike during her bonus week. I used her as an Omega tank last week and reached Tier 26 with only 80 lift away from entering Tier 27. Of course you cant just place a generic run of the hill Sharena. Mine uses Distant Counter. Null Follow up etc. Dull ALL is a very powerfull refine!!! and of course double Eir buffs & cheerleader (LEliwood in this case).

    You assume stuff that is not true

  16. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    ...I lost almost every fucking match today. And one of the only two I did win was an easy map that only had two units on it. Utter fucking bullshit. I didn't think I was going to keep winning like I was before, but losing nearly all of these battles? What the fuck? I thought I'd at least gotten somewhat better at this mode?

    I guess I'm not staying in tier 20. I'll lose too much lift by the time the season ends because I can't fucking win anymore battles and my defense teams never win no matter what I do.

    Oh yeah, fuck that six Camilla team too. Stupid fanservice bitch.

    EDIT: So, I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong now since the team(s) that worked so well before are not working anymore now. The only thing that's different is the season. But maybe the stat difference is all that's required to make things that much harder? Seems ridiculous to be the case though. Sorry for being upset again, but yeah. I did not expect to go in and be ripped apart like that. I thought I might lose one or two battles. Not nearly all of them.

    Though I wonder if I should follow anymore advice in here because obviously the advice I got for my defense team did nothing.

    The bold part is what you are doing wrong. This was an instant wrong decision on your part period + Tier 20 is the land where things get even harder, because everyone in there is fighting to reach Tier 21.

    If you are running 2 Eirs you are kinda loosing 10 HP and 10 RES during Astra season in a mode that is mostly heavy mage infested. 20 magical bulk lost! Thats kinda huge. Its now Astra season.
    Naga provides buffs too but 10 HP and 10 Def is kinda okeish + the fact she isnt a ranged unit makes it harder. In that regard Astra season is allways harder to get through.

    You can NOT run the same offensiv Team on Astra season that you used on Light season. It will hurt you, not only because no Lift bonus, but because of lost Magical bulk. You have to make up for that loss in magical bulk.

    Usually i run Omega tanks in Light season and Galeforce Teams in Astra season. Although i also use Naga as an Omega Tank in Astra season, it works kinda okeish with Marth support.

    But if you are entering Astra season with the same Team as before you are in for a bad treat, because those Reinhardts Ophelias Lilinas etc are gonna hit that much harder.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    While my AR matches today were all surprisingly easy, I drew this in my first Arena match of the week:

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    Yup, this is fine. I see no problem with this or the fact that Naesala can only dent her for like 3 damage.

    I steadily bled her out with Sakura's help, but still hot damn (and yes, she was +10).

    Edit: And then a couple matches later, I get this:

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    Damn, I would've invited Hector along if I knew beforehand that this was what awaited me.

    Eh, Naesala looks enough like Hector right? Yes, all four of them (including summer Lilina) are +10.


    yep Fallen Tiki is kinda busted, but she is very susceptible to Panic. This is the reason why i allways equip Panic Seal on Aversa in my Cheerleader squad instead of a HP+ Seal. Although 54 HP is kinda on the Average side, sometimes i also equip the Panic seal on the kill unit. Panic is your best friend against Fallen Tiki. Or a Healer that can chip away at her. In my Case that would be my 2. Chearleader: Azama

  18. 10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Cavalry aren't as good as they used to be anymore though, because of trenches, trees, and the large amount of skill limitations they have. And they already had the lowest BST to begin with too.

    Thats not true. Cavalry are still very effectiv. Its just that every other movement type has been catching up. They are still opressiv with a 3 movement range.

    Flyers are though getting a bit out of hand but luckily they are held back by skill inheritance restrictions (yet)

    Lets just say that the ground has been leveled and Cavalry isnt Easy mode anymore outside of PVE. Litrblades generic BLyns and Reinhardts dont cut it. You need to invest in Cav units too now!!! Which is the case for all the other movement types

  19. 1 hour ago, Silverly said:

    Well, there is Zephiel, but there has never been a BHB with someone from a GHB or TT (probably so there is consistency with the banners having three people), so that might disqualify him.

    I would like to have LHBs that tie some LHBs together.
    Like if they would make a LHB consistent of Leg. Lyn, Leg. Hector and Leg. Eliwood. (and reinforcements)
    an LHB with: Hrid, Fjorm and Gunnthra
    an LHB with: Eirika and Ephraim
    an LHB with: Marth and Tiki
    an LHB with: Ryoma and Azura
    an LHB with: Robin and Lucina

    now that would be exciting! more Abyssal modes! everywhere with reinforcements!

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