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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 36 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I have not actually counted, but I feel like I see a relatively equal mix from all movement types, with infantry being a bit more common than others and armors being a bit less common than others. The most common team compositions I see are a hodgepodge mix, followed by cavalry line and flier balls. SK!Alm is relatively common, but I have not seen as much Pulse or Blazing mages as much lately.

    I do not remember seeing much Seliph, DW!F!Corrin, or Sothe, although that might be because I do not have much trouble with them so I do not remember encountering them.

    I prefer armor units to remain as the preeminent tank class. If infantry becomes the new tanking class, there would basically be no more place for armor units. Armor units have a low mobility problem AND now a low combat performance problem. The mobility problem has always been there and is already bad enough, but now they also have to deal with no longer excelling in combat as infantry units now rivals armor in combat performance.

    low combat performance? with stuff like special/bold/vengefull? not really, of course you can counter those skills but you give up your own combat performance. Also less movement is not allways detrimental. For Defense teams in AR less movement means easier stacking of buffs, especially for Armor emblems.

  2. What @Ice Dragonsaid about the skills.

    Its not only Legendary skills that need a boost but also Brave heroes or some heroes with released personal skills (Arvis, Arden) that need their exclusiv skill enhanced.

    I mean Brave Ikes B-Skill is basicly... useless, Dull Ranged does a better job.

    Arvis B-Skill is less and less justified in the B-Slot it needs a buff, Wouldnt mind if the Skil was 2 Spaces Aoe and heaed your allies for 10 HP too.

    Ardens Follow up Ring needs a guard effect or special acceleration effect.

    Sigurds B-slot skill is still okeish and niche but it definitly could use a forced on foe Desperation effect so he can run Distant Counter with it.(similar to Urvans effect but it only work on ranged units).

    Regnal Astra is  still very good.


    Also when was the last time a GHB unit got a refine???



  3. 4 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

    Not really. As of now, the highest voted male characters not in the game yet are Conrad and Nils, and the highest voted female characters not in the game yet are Awakening Anna and Jill (assuming Louise is disqualified cuz of her Bride alt). Kris isn't likely to be on this banner at all.

    I beg you pardon its Bruno.  Bunny Bruno does not count for me!

  4. 41 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    With Thrasir being a Mythic Hero I think it is safe to say that Lif will also be a Mythic/Legendary Hero so we don't have to worry about the Book 3 OCs showing up on Farfetched. I'm still going to hold to my prediction of Awakening Anna, Jill, Conrad and Nils being the characters picked for this year's Farfetched banner though there is the possibility of Louise, Bruno and Severa showing up as well. Louise and Bruno are still ambiguous since they are technically in the game as seasonal unit which I believe is enough to disqualify them for Farfetched but we don't know for sure what they think of seasonal alts. Severa is the next is line if Awakening Anna is passed over for Farfetched especially and recently I started to entertain this idea especially with the unofficial reveal of Anna being playable in Three Houses so it is possible for Awakening Anna to come later on a hypothetical banner of Anna from Awakening, Fates, Three House and either Archanea or Tellius.

    The release of Thrasir as a Mythic hero doesnt tell us anything at all. Yilgr wasnt released as a Legendary Hero.

    And I dont think that Brunos alt disqualifies him from Farfetched heroes. If Thrasir as a Mythic hero has shown us, that anything can happen if IS wants it to.

  5. 6 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    Refines should go to the units that need them the most. Among the launch units without a refine, staff units are just about the last units that need one, because of their unique utility and the quality of inheritable staves.

    that is not true. For very offensiv Stave units like Veronica B!Fjorm B!Camilla yes, for others? Azama needs a unique staff with utility as does Wrys and other Stave units that dont reach the Offensiv potential of Fjorm Camilla etc.

  6. 8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I don't see the point of making new uninheritable staves for existing units. Refined Gravity+, Pain+, and Panic+ already do their jobs perfectly.

    If you want a combat staffie, use a combat staffie. But we don't need every staffie and their mom to be a combat staffie.

    I very much disagree, and I am not talking about beefed up Gravity+ Pain+ and Panic+ Staves but unique ones.

    Wrys could use a staff with Res+3, Sabotage Atk & Spd 2 and Dazzling for example.

    I am not talking about beefed up regular staves like Brave Camilla got. But you have to throw a bone to older Healers, they are falling way behind.

    Also setting up Dancers and Healers on the same pedestal is laughable, I use healers mostly, but every Vid you see its Dancers everywhere mostly, of course you can use both at the same time which is best i guess.


  7. 10 hours ago, redlight said:

    Haven't done these in a while.

    IlwoonAccelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1). Effective against armored units.
    Refinement: If unit's HP >= 50% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.

    Mila's Bow: At the start of turn 1, grants special cooldown count-2 to unit and unit's support partner (if any).
    Refinement: Bonus stats granted to and from support partner are increased by 2.

    Cecilia's Gale
    Effective against flying units. Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt.
    Refinement: At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an infantry ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit for 1 turn.

    Corrin (F)
    Dragonic Tide: If attacked, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe's Range = 2, damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
    Refinement: If foe initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe during combat.

    What we need first and foremost is some Healer refines!!!!

    etc. are long overdue. Seriously IS give us finally some Healer refined exclusiv weapons!!!!

  8. 12 hours ago, XRay said:

    I know. Just listing it out there. I will make note of it.

    Although lately i was thinking how a Lull Atk/Spd (or Res/Spd) Reinhardt would fare with Swift Sparrow 3 and Darting Blow Seal.

    A +10 Atk+ Reinhard would sit at 22 SPD with dire thunder. Lull Atk/spd (or Res/Spd later) bumps that up to 25 basicly, Swift sparrow 3 to 32 and Darting Blow Seal to 38... granted you loose 6 Atk from the Seal slot and A slot (Death Blow 4) but if you give him then Hone Spd 4, Reinhardt is sitting at 45 Spd (or 44 with cav buffs)... yeah nice quad time on alot of units. Just a thought i had... I mean the baiting unit needs 39 or 40 Spd at base since he ignores SPD buffs due to the Lull skill

  9. 54 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I do not think it is worth using Iotes Shield at all since her Def is not that great.

    Blárserpent [Spd] -- Blárserpent [Res]

    Moonbow -- Rupture Sky (She is too fast to use Iceberg in my opinion.)

    Reposition -- Swap

    Distant Def -- Warding Stance

    Guard -- Lull Atk/Spd -- Lull Atk/Res -- Quick Riposte

    (Any C) -- Atk Smoke -- Pulse Smoke

    Distant Def -- Warding Stance

    there is no Lull Atk/Res yet. Only Lull Atk/Def and Atk/Spd. Otherwise every Reinhardt would rejoice

  10. 1 hour ago, Bleachya43vier said:

    This chapter was very good and gave a much-needed development to Thrasir's character. With how things are shaping up to be, I can't imagine that Book 3 would result in anything less than a defeat for Alphonse & co. If the number of chapters present in other books are anything to go by and unless they shoehorn the last 2 chapters, I personally would not mind that. 

    I have a feeling that Book 3 will last longer then Book 2

  11. 6 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    I noticed that this year, with the exception of 3H and Brave banner, each New Heroes banner has at least one beast or dragon unit. So that's the new plan? They seem to milk all non-humans  they had into FEH. In b4 not only Morva or Dheginsea, they'll even make Almedha , Gotoh, and Xane as dragon units. 'cause dragons are easy to make broken of.

    they are adressing the complaints from last year. We had like what? 6 Dragon units or so?

    What the Alternativ overinflated sword infantries or Lance Flyers? I am not a fan of dragons (still think they are too strong with adaptiv damage) But it makes more sense to release units people want, and Dragons seem to be very welcome.

    We could use though some Axe flyers cavs and infantry units. Also Lance infantry units.

    Maybe some regular Armor Tome users

  12. 23 hours ago, Rinco said:

    Today I'm getting my last merge on W!Cecilia. Now I'm looking for the next merge project. With Cecilia and Aversa finished, I don't have an obvious choice.

    Just saw in my barracks that most of my Galeforce units are Red (Caeda, Eliwood, Elincia, B!Roy and Cordelia). I'm also considering giving it to my B!Eliwood but haven't done it yet. Could also pass it to Est, who is +10 and Cherche, who is on her way to +10. 
    Looking on Grail units that can use Galeforce well, there's Linus, Naesala and Panne. Linus is kinda similar to Raven and I already have copies of him enough for a +10, just need the feathers to build him. Naesala and Panne have good move tipes for the skill and I consider Naesala the better unit overall, but Panne has that effective damage that can come in handy sometimes.

    Aside from Galeforcers, I could consider good units all around, since I already have good tank units for both Astra and Light but need more balanced units and support units (my W!Cecilia is paired with M!Corrin on support and B!Ike is paired with B!Lucina on support).

    Who would you guys advice me on spending Grails?

    I would advice to stockpile Grails for the moment. Maybe there are some refines on the way to make older units more apealing, but we havent gotten any major impactfull Grail unit since Aversa.

    Dont get me wrong the other Grail units are ok, but nothing outstanding. I personally +10 Arvis, but thats because i wanted that. At this moment i dont see any reason to invest into a Grail unit outside of Aversa or a favourite Character you wanted. Naesala at best (like others have mentioned). I have a feeling we are getting some GHB unit weapon refines soon (Valter Arvis etc.) I would wait for that one. Valter has the potential to become a good Galeforce unit that can also proc Wing of Mercy for your other Teammates, depending on the refine.

  13. 1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

    If you don't care so much for what specific new units you get, having a larger cast does not mean getting less new units for yourself. I rarely snipe so I wouldn't be getting more new characters if all banners were 3-character banners, the only difference is that I'd only be missing on less of them. 3-chars banners do not give me more new toys to play with.

    Besides, more characters also means you are less likely to be pity broken by one you already have, which would always happen if it were always easy to get all the banner characters. It also makes it easier to summon on the Legendady/Mythic banners, as they will generally include blocks of characters you don't have and that is because we don't have 3-chars banners anymore.

    Sadly there arent alot of "new" toys to play with. The character pool is so oversaturated, that pulling anything is almost pointless unless:
    1. its your favourite character
    2. The unit runs a crazy good exclusiv weapon/skill
    3. they have a desirable fodder skill you want for another unit.

    Since March i havent pulled much on regular/special banners unless i wanted a skill for Skill inheritance. I even skiped now the entire Dancer banner so far. I may pull for a Berkut just for the Duell skill to pass down to Brave Lucina. I just see no point, because almost every role can be filled by the allready existing cast.

    And frankly... The Brave refine banner is currently the best banner because their refines added those crazy good exclusiv weapons. Increased BST is not enough for me to bait me to pull.

    In that regard i rather have less populated banners but with good/niche/interesting skill characters, instead of throwaway your typical char that can be replaced by an allready existing character.

    For exampled i have only male Byleth as 3 houses representativ in my barracks. the one Dimitri i got was foddered of and i didnt care much for the rest because... welp their skills exclusiv weapons just werent interesting enough or allready existed in some form and i have that form in my barracks.

  14. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    At least they come back every year, so we just got to be patient if we run out of Orbs or if our wallet dies.

    I am just missing ASS!Berkut now. I cannot wait to get him, although I will still be summoning until I get everyone to +1.

    I only used my initial circle pull. I really dont see why i should get more Dancers. albeit they can also be used as offensiv units, but i dont care much at the moment. We will see them in Legendary Banners anyway.

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