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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. It just hit me:

    This mode would have been so much more fun if they would end the climb with a Rerun of an Infernal Grand Hero Battle that rewards a 3 Star unit.
    They could have done Infernal Berkut for a 3 Star Berkut reward.

    Of course you can check the GHB maplayout before hand so you can built your units acorrdingly from the get go.

    They wouldnt even need to limit it to GHB.
    I would also welcome a LHB or MHB battle on Infernal that rewards the 3 Star unit. They could have picked Duma or L!Alm in this case too (but uuu this definitly wouldnt happen).


  2. 4 minutes ago, Luckenzio said:

    I really loved this mode. The only downside its that the stamina limits it a lot; you can finish it in one go as long as you dont lose but if you want to play for fun you cant do it for a long time.

    In my party Alm and Celica were used as the team's nukes, so everything that helped their player phase was my pick. Boey ended up being my bait/tank-ish unit since i wasnt getting lucky with offensve skills for him and Mae was built exclusively around support with drives and spd/res for Boey.

    I really dont think it is possible to reach floor 20 in one go (you dont even have enough stamina to do so). The level difference gets too big at some point

  3. This looks like a Training tower in disguise

    My units so far on floor 14:

    Res Opening

    Refine Ragnarök
    Ruptured Sky
    Bonus Doubler
    Rouse Atk/Def

    Juicy Wave
    Ardent Sacrifice
    Mirror Impact
    Joint Hone Spd
    Spur Def

    Rally Atk/Def +
    Boost Atk/Spd 4
    Atk SPD Ruse

    Boey is a nice support unit but i need to work more on his lvl and his combat performance. Celica/Mae and Alm can destroy almost anything with his buffs/debuffs.


  4. 22 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    don't get your hopes up. It took me 15 months to finally pull Silas. And it happened after he demoted to 3-4 star rarity too.

    I was thinking about Norne... A +SPD Norne with Shining Blade+ and Flashing Blade 4 and darting Blow 3 Seal can work like a mini Alm with 12 true damage per hit. But then again why built something to work like an allready existing unit ¬.¬, Especially since she lacks his Attack stat. She has quite nice mixed bulk so i could see her work with Guard Bow + Close Counter omni Tank for AR in Light season. But uh yeah Gen 1 archers are definitly out of the equation. Without any exclusiv good refine they cant catch up, 20 BST difference is quite alot

  5. 16 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

    I am really wondering why we don't have that much 3H content. Only two banners and a mythic and that was during the hype period. I wonder why they don't give more 3H as people want to see characters from the game. 

    Oversaturating is never good. This way Heroes can actually promote 3 Houses later on when its sales start to dwindle so both can benefit. Also the Holiday season is comeing so its best to keep your big guns for then, Three Houses sales will still be good and Heroes can benefit from it and vice versa.

  6. 1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

    Yes, I already have defense replays of people using Astra blessed Duo Hector against me in AR. 

    Datamined icons also seem to suggest that future Legendary and Mythic Heroes could also be Duo Heroes, so get ready for more units with built in nuke buttons with no drawbacks.

    I find this very disturbing, the 8 Elements is allready a clusterfuck and now we have Duo Heroes on top of that.

    Waiting for when Duo Nils/Ninian release and they can Duo-Skill redance the whole group within 3 Spaces around the unit.
    Its blatantly another cashgrab for exclusivity and i really dont like it, especially considering how strong those skills can be

    I would have rather liked it if they introduced different Duo-Skills as a reward for matching up Unit Support. For example:

    The current Duo-Support could have been made so that any Lilina or Hector fielded that have S-Rank Support together can use Duo-Support once they are adjacent to each other on the map.
    In other words if you had any of the following units:

    Regular Hector
    Legendary Hector
    Brave Hector
    Valentine Hector

    Regular Lilina
    Valentine Lilina
    Beach Lilina

    you can use the skill (with unit S-Support).

    This woudl actually add some deeper Strategic thinking and thought to Team composition building.
    They could then even run some specific Duo-Support Banners!


    Other Duo-Skills could have been added for several games/units, tied to quests or some way to actually unlock them:

    Azura any form & Corrin M/F any form: Redance units within 2 Spaces and grant +4 visible buff to all stats

    Fjorm any form & Alfonse any form: The first attack of Enemy will deal only 50% damage (and thus enhance Fjorms Ice Mirror even more)

    Mistery of the Emblem:
    Marth & Tiki: Nullifies Dragon effectivness Damage and heals units for 20 HP within 2 Spaces

    Shadows of Valentia:
    Alm & Celica: Grants both of those units a Brave effect

    Sigurd or Arvis & Deirdra, Seliph or Julius & Julia: Nullifies Magical Damage for that 1 turn for units within 2 Spaces

    etc etc etc.


    You get the Idea




  7. 15 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Is Gen 4 actually a thing? I haven't heard any specifics about what it entails.

    Considering Thrasir and the units on this banner and a select few previously then yes.

    Melee Armorers(without Dragons) will have 180 BST and Dragonarmors will push to 185. Also Infantry got a push. Cav ivthink still remains the same for now (ecxept for melee cav i believe). Which means by this rate the gap between fully enhanced units with dragonflowers and new released unit will be the same or higher then pre flowers

  8. 3 hours ago, XRay said:

    With only one example, we do not know how broken Duo skills can get, but I am pretty sure they probably would not let all allies go again because that is very broken... although I personally would not mind it since I am a Player Phase player.

    As for AMH!Hector, his Duo skill is pretty tame in my opinion. Having a mobile Bolt Tower is nice, but a Healing Tower (D) would just cancel the effect if it is sufficiently high level.

    20 Aoe Damage at will is very strong. 

    Combine this with a Bolt Tower and Kronya and you are pretty much set because the enemy Team will be near Death.

    I have seen plenty of defense plays where the bolt tower was key for the supertank surviving because it allowed them to kill units who would get redanced otherwise.

    You can also use this to mess with infantry pulse Teams so their charges wont go off by targeting specific units (Although pulse smoke is better).

    However in either case you give up a support unit for duo heroes, which is a big price to pay.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Firestorm Boost 1 (tier 2): At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ foe's HP+3, grants Atk/Spd+2 during combat.
    Firestorm Boost 2 (tier 3): At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ foe's HP+3, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat.
    Firestorm Boost 3 (tier 4): At start of combat, if unit's max HP ≥ foe's HP+1, grants Atk+7, Spd+8 during combat.

    my +HP +10 Karel would kill for something like this ¬.¬

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It depends on the game mode. Guard is more useful in Arena modes due to the prevalence of Bold Fighter and Special Fighter, but is less useful in Aether Raids where Infantry Pulse is the most common means of having a Special activation occur (if you ignore Alm, but tanking Alm is more of an exception rather than the norm).

    His higher HP pools helps for tanking Alm in general. But his HP is still too low to really consider it. And then there is the issue of killing Alm in the same combat, because he aint gonna survive a redanced Alm. Alm demands either a Raventome tank or a high bloated HP tank, which we dont have yet, or Ice Mirror which is exclusiv. Fjorm is the only unit that can tank Alm consistently with Shield Pulse and Ice Mirror and Breath buff or Skill. Brave Ike too, but if its a Hardy Bearing Alm uuuuuhhh.

  11. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    I hope so.

    Boost skills need a lot more stats to make it worth it though. The least amount of points they need is at least 8 points in one stat to match Death Blow 4, and considering it has an HP requirement rather than a simple phase requirement, I do not think 8 points is enough to be worth it unless you push it to like 12 or something so the unit can invest in +HP to make the boost more reliable.

    As for Ploys, I wish they would make the area it hits wider. Three columns and three rows centered on the unit would be nice. Just cardinal directions feels too small.

    cardinal direction is fine, Three colums for Ploys begs for a shitload of fuckery. Especially in AR. A good invested Yune together with a Bride Fjorm with Sudden Panic or Aversa with Panicploy in CSkill can be positioned in such a way that you almost have no way or possibility or little space to Avoid any kind of Debuffs.

    2 Yunes can cover the entire map.

    Boost skills 4 could be very good, considering how excellent Push tier 4 skills turned out to be.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    There's no reason they shouldn't stack since all other in-combat stat changes stack with each other.


    Depends on exactly what you want to do, but here are some options:


    • Moonbow, Bonfire/Iceberg, Noontime, Sol, or Aether, depending on whether or not you have a Breath effect active.

    Passive A:

    • If you're using him as a Distant Counter tank, obviously run Distant Counter.
    • Otherwise, you have Fortress Def/Res, Steady Stance 4, and Warding Stance 4 depending on what you want him to do.
    • Breath skills are also viable here to run a stronger Special, but you could also just glue a Lucina to him now that Lucina is S-tier support.

    Passive B:

    • If you're going for a Lull skill, it's a toss-up between Lull Atk/Spd and Lull Atk/Def. Lull Atk/Spd reduces your damage output by 3 per hit, but shuts down a potential 6 more points of Litrblade buffs compared to Lull Atk/Def, but it's your call which one is more important. If you're not running Distant Counter, then stick with Lull Atk/Def since the only melee Litrblade unit is Laevatein. However, do note that if you run anything in this slot that isn't Quick Riposte, the opportunity cost is your Sacred Seal slot, which may be stronger than the skill chosen for this slot depending on the situation.
    • Null C-Disrupt is a decent option on a Distant Counter build if you need something to deal with Dazzling Staff.
    • Wrath is a thing.
    • Guard is... okay, I guess. The HP restriction on Guard kind of sucks, though.
    • Quick Riposte is obviously an option if you're running something else for the Sacred Seal (such as Def/Res Bond, Close Def, or Distant Def).

    Passive 😄

    • If you're running Distant Counter, then Pulse Smoke is the best option if you have it.
    • Otherwise, it doesn't matter quite as much, and you should run whatever benefits him or the team most.

    Sacred Seal:

    • Quick Riposte if you're not running it in the B slot.
    • Def/Res Bond, Close Def, Distant Def, or Fortress Res if you're running Quick Riposte in the B slot.

    This is exactly what i thought, His combat performance is so tied to Quick Riposte. I am also hoping for Bracing Stance 3 with built in Guard, but i dont think this will be a thing IS will release.

    He has the stat distribution of an Armorer (not the BST) but no access to the Fighter skills to enhance his combat performance drasticly.

    I was also thinking of Mystic boost for healing together with Noontime, but lets be real, without any form of Guard from a Skill or Ruse debuff he aint gonna survive long. His mixed bulk is a blessing and curse at the same time >.<

  13. QoL changes i want:


    - 3 Additional Sets for each unit that are categorized as Arena, Arena Assault and Aether Raids and get automaticly equiped once you enter those modes to battle
    -  lower upgrade cost for garbage seals (boost skills, seal skills anyone?), like they really should cost only 10% of the normal upgrade cost.
    - Equipping of skills and seals.... Why do i have to exit the whole stuff to equip a seal
    - The ability to filter out blow tier 3 skills (with ecxept of skills that only have 1 tier like DC and CC)

    Not QoL but something i would like to see:
    - The ability to use units from your friendlist to clear heroic ordeals! I seriously cant be arsed to level up all units to 40 ._. especially the olde ones
    - Abyssal Book 2 GHB
    - Abyssal BHB
    - Lowered Heroic grail cost for TT units, because we have so few copies of them (+10 them is really really really steep)
    - Ability to turn in 3 5Star copies/manuals for 1 5 Star unit that is older then 6 months of your choosing from the regular summoning pool (Cant be a TT or GHB or Legendary/Mythic unit)
    - More option for rewards when sending units home... Seriously Feathers... give us the option for Sacred Coins, Dew or Dargonflowers to pick from.
    - Reduction of the Dragon Flower cost for Infantry units that can have 10 Dragonflower boosts... Gen 1 units are allready so far behind in BST

  14. 15 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    TT bonus units and seals [DATAMINE]:

      Hide contents


    Yup, that sure is a Defiant seal in 2019. Also, that’s a typo for Swift Stance according to one of the data miners. It should be just 2.

    On the plus side, I just got regular L’Arachel to +10 so I’m more than set.



    Defiant Attack... WHY?! Its like they are desperately trying to shove down useless Seals down our throat just like the Boost skills. Noone in their right mind is gonna use sacred coins to upgrade those, if only they would cost like 10% of the usual amount Seals cost to upgrade i would consider upgrading them. Noone used Defiant skill since Skill inheritance is a thing. Noone. Chill Def 3 and Swift Stance 3 are nice though.


  15. i wonder do the in combat debuffs from Lull skills stack? because a double Atk/Def Lull Hawkeye could be very nice. He is basicly getting 6 more bulk on both side and 6 more Atk If they stack, which they should considering they are in combat debuffs.

    Thinking of building up my +10 Hawkeye (he was my first 5 Star i got back then at the launch of the game).

    Refined personal weapon (Lull atk/def)
    Noon Time (or any 2 turn cooldown special that turns into a 1- turn cooldown special)
    Fortress Def/Res 3
    Lull Atk/def
    C : Flexible
    Seal: QR

    Since he is so slow he is guaranteed to get doubled by anything. Its basicly a 44 Def/45 Res Hawkey with 58 Atk (i have Neutral IVs on him). No distant counter or guard might hurt a bit ._.

    he has 96/97 bulk on both ends which is pretty good mixed bulk, not excellent but good

    @Ice DragonCare to elaborate on Hawkeyes bulk and optimal builds for a mixed bulk unit? He seems okeish, but it seems like he is one important not released yet Tier 4 skill away from being good.

  16. 3 hours ago, XRay said:

    Facing the same enemies over and over is good thing rather than a bad thing in my opinion. You know how to counter them, so you just need to Bless your counters and sort by Blessing.

    I agree that assembling a new team over and over is a bit of a hassle, but sort by Blessing helps a lot. I always use a Firesweep archer and at least one Dancer/Singer, and locating them is not particularly difficult once you sort by Blessing. I feel most of the hassle comes from picking the two other units since it does take a little bit of thinking, but it is not too bad since I just pick color counters.

    Thats not the main issue. It just takes extra time. The main issue is 7 battles in a row, without a break.

    Tbh i rather have 3-4 battles (not in a row) where i gace different enemies/types

  17. 15 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    I'm actually wondering if the playerbase in general is falling off from doing AA. Used to feel that taking my average team worth 720ish would have no chance of getting top 10km, especially as I score like, 12 bonus points per run. But the last couple of weeks I've actually managed rank 7-8k.

     i used to place top 5000 or higher, but i stoped doing AA. I only do 1 battle for basic reward. AA is just too long and tedious and not fun for 7 straight plays, especially when you consider that at the 750 range you encounter allways the same Teams every... fucking time... (meaning Armorers/Dragons to no end).

    I wish they would shorten it to 3-4 consucetiv battles. If you could do a break in between i would prolly do AA again, but not in one sitting. Its just tedious.

    I still do Arena because i can take a break after every battle if i wish to and it doesnt take much time because you are running the same team you started with and not assembling a new one after every battle.

  18. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    However, if we look at the best tanks the game has to offer, infantry's Seliph and BH!Ike blows armors' best straight out the water. I will concede that Poison Dagger might not need a Refinement immediately since it might heavily impact offensive players who are still using other infantry as tanks, but if those two infantry tanks become more and more common on offense, I would argue that Poison Dagger Refinement would definitely be necessary in the future, preferably with a Firesweep effect against Infantry. Seliph is super easy to merge for veteran players and BH!Ike does not need a lot of merges to be effective.

    Both of them are hard countered by allready 2 existing things.

    Brave Ike gets eaten up by Hardy Bearing: I have had this week 3 attempts at my defense with a Brave Ike supertank, all of them got eaten up by Hardy Bearing Sothis. Urvan is nice, but you can work around that. I am sure other Dragons or Red mages can kill him too with a Hardy Bearing seal. Heck it doesnt even need that, an AoE mage can deal with him.

    Seliph as a supertank is only viable on Defense Teams currently. On offense Teams he gets eaten up by Ophelia or any Mage with a precharged Aoe, Seliph sucks in multiple combat round tankings once his HP goes below 50%. Seliph is only viable as a Tank on Defense Teams as a classic Vantage Tank and that can be worked around with Bolt Tower, Color Advantage Splash damage or just plain Enemy phasing him.

    In my experience Infantry units are more likely to die to AoE precharged Teams then Armor units. Armorers have a clear advantage here due to their higher BST and stat allocation (excluding Gen 1 Armor units). Even combat wise Armorers have a better performance due to Fighter skills, because they can be allocated with min/max stats neglecting SPD. The only issue arises when someone runs Null-Follow up in any form, thats when their performance drops because they suddenly have to win a SPD check.

    And this is where Infantry SPD tanks come in handy.

    Sounds fairly balanced to me.

  19. 8 hours ago, XRay said:

    Eir is a frequent Mythic bonus unit. For supertanks, Sharena is also a frequent bonus unit.

    I would argue that you do not need every team set up to maximize scoring. Having one or two teams that can guarantee a win without losses is more important. Having all five teams that maximizes scoring runs the risk of losing horribly because you do not have enough tools on one team to deal with multiple types of threats the defense team can pose.

    Eir  frequency as a bonus unit goes down with every Released Mythic, so that point is getting less and less valid. Sharena is a frequent bonus unit i give you that.

    Not haveing all 5 Teams maximize scoreing again means you arent playing competitv, especially when one has 4 Ladder uses and the ability to double score.

  20. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    I dropped the bonus unit on my Player Phase team. I feel getting wins more easily and consistently outweighs obtaining a higher score, since I have already reached Tier 21 and I am fine with just reaching Tier 23 every week. For climbing to Tier 21, super tanking during Light Season is the easiest way to climb since Eir also provides healing.

    The difference in stats between infantry and armor is not that big. If we are just looking at the raw base BST, then yeah, the difference is pretty big. However, once you factor in skills, merges/bonus stats, Summoner Support, buffs, etc. infantry super tanks have about 95% or more of the stat points of armor super tanks.

    The only thing infantry units may be missing compared to armor units is a low visible Def/Res stat for countering Blazing nukes.

    In other words your are not playing competitiv (achieving highest score) which makes all your arguments moot. Of course its easier to kill things with 2-3 Dancers. Thats like running Reinhardt or Lyn or any strong nuke in an Abyssal/Infernal map. Its easy mode, because you dont have to worry about positioning much with additional Dancers.

    You cant argue about competitiv play when you are not compeating yourself by trying to achieve the highest score with the proper setup: 2x mythic + main unit + dancer/support + bonus unit. That doesnt leave much room for your so called Firesweep unit to handle armorers easy lol. This also means you cant run double corrin for support. Unless your main unit, your support or the Mythic is a bonus unit.

  21. 32 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I am talking about units commonly seen in the meta or on the battlefield. That means commonly seen armors against the commonly seen infantry. And that means the best armors versus the best infantry. Mediocre and weak units are benched and are less commonly seen, so they are not worth considering. For defense, that means units like Laslow, Gwendolyn, Sheena, Arthur, etc. do not need to be considered since I honestly do not remember the last time I saw any of them.

    For offense, Poison Dagger pose as much of a threat as Armor Effective Weapons does, which is not very much. Effective Weapons cannot kill properly supported supertanks, so if you want to use Laslow and Arthur as your supertank, they can definitely take a hit from Poison Dagger and survive. For non super tanks, you should not let them tank things that can kill them in the first place. If you are not going to send a Hector to tank Ophelia, you are not going to send Lukas to tank Poison Dagger; you either use the proper tank or specialized tank to Enemy Phase your enemies, or you use a non-Enemy Phase strategy like Galeforce to sweep the enemy team.

    We have to also consider which combat performance we are talking about enemy or player phase. Bold fighter is nuts, and nothing comes even close to a Bold Fighter Slaying Edge Zelgius with Black Luna. A special fighter Amelia is nuts too with buffs, Offensiv and defensiv especial when stacked up with Bonus Doubler Ephraim.

    Enemy phase wise the best infantry supertanks are Fallen Corrin and Brave Ike, Surtr can easily match them. While Surtr cant match them during combat performance, he outmatches them by far in outside combat performance due to his C-Skill and Weapon.

    It all depends on the point of view, again all those mentioned units need a specific counter. and no Poison strike Fire Sweep is not a specific counter and doesnt count, it works on anything that isnt running Null-C Disrupt as does Razzle/Dazzle Pain + Savage Blow.

    Regular units need a specific built/support to counter those units, so no i dont think Armorers are in a bad spot combat wise. Especially when you consider that the next BST bump to 185 is comeing for sure. Sure Effie Sheena Gwen are in a bad spot, but so are most of the Gen 1 Infantry units without a special Refine (and even most WITH a refine).

    We also need to factor in that Armorers/Horses/Fliers all have access to Goad and Wards, which is HUGE!!! Infantry does not, it took them 2 years to get on an equal footing with the other units combat wise and we are prolly gonna see Tier 4 Wards and Goads.

    You dont need refined Poison daggers for Ophelia or Alm, they die to a fart. Besides Ophelia is easy enemy phased by those mentioned supertanks, and Pulse smoke counters all precharged Infantry units, its just not very common at the moment. Your concerned because of Alm, because stacking enormous amount of Def can actually hurt you. Thats 1 unit. use a Raven Tome or Ice Mirror period or a bloated high HP pool.

    And Brave Ike wouldnt die to a Refined Poison Dagger anyway, so the only units hurt from this Idea are the ones that are allready suffering or not at the Top End.

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