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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 4 hours ago, shiningpikablu252 said:

    Still haven't decided who out of Alm, Micaiah, or Eliwood's going to be my free pick.  All I know for sure is I'm not picking Camilla; for one, I picked Veronica for my CYL2 pick, and Camilla's skillpool doesn't look to warrant serious merit.

    Furthermore, I'm a proud American straight male who takes the game seriously, and at times get ticked off when new updates add disproportionately more females than males without good reason (you'd expect that with bridal banners, but not so much elsewhere--I'd've gladly taken a hot-spring Xander over a hot-spring Camilla, and keep in mind hot-spring Elise has become one of my go-tos with hot-spring Ryoma also seeing frequent use despite the fact that Elise was technically a party crasher in what was looking to be a Hoshidan-themed banner), showing that Heroes caters primarily to the game's majority player base of females (and it clearly shows in Voting Gauntlets), and puts Japan first and foremost when it comes to catering to specific niches (if the developers thought on a more global scope, we wouldn't have nearly as many Camilla alternates, and we'd probably have had at least one all-Hoshidan special banner without a Nohrian crashing the party, which Camilla's been a crasher on at least two occasions).  Camilla is basically the Fire Emblem equivalent of Tingle--massively popular in Japan, massively hated outside Japan, even moreso with a huge glut of Heroes alternates which I'm 100% certain has completely destroyed any fanbase she may have had outside Japan by this point.  The only reason why we're even getting brave Camilla is because of the Japanese fanbase--I'm sure at minimum 95% of Camilla's votes were from the Japan and east Asia region, and the rest of Camilla's votes came from trolls wanting to tick off the international fanbase.  You can count how many non-troll votes Camilla got from outside the Japan and east Asia region on one hand, and you'd still have four fingers and a thumb left over...

    you clearly have no clue what happening during the voting for CYL 3 on youtube and why Camilla got so many votes.
    Let me fill you in: some Youtube/Reddit/whaever trolls mobilized people to vote for Camilla just to troll the feh/fire emblem community.

  2. Picking Micaiah.

    I am wondering if I should built my Astra Anima Defense Team around Mathew + a panic manor and double shrines for more debuffs. I mean BMicaiaha and Wrys basicly give out -6 Atk / -6 Spd /- 7 Def to any foe that is adjacent, and since Air wont be present on Astra/Anima season the enemys RES will be garbage!

    In any case, if anyone thinks that Miciaha should not be the F2P pick, i mean seriously. She synergizes well, slaughters armors and cavs, offers great mobility for the Infantry free to pick units AND provides helpfull debuffs. Punching power like Camilla doesnt mean shit for Abyssal maps with bloated HP stats that usually need a special to kill them or weapon triangle advantage (without a special). And she synergizes well with Veronica.

    Lets not talk about Infernal clears, because they are in general piss easy and can be in the most time done without any Skill inheritance from the Askrtrio (or little).

    So yeah Camilla is overrated for F2P PVE content and at the moment for Arena because there is no colorless duell flyer A skill.

    I can see her work well on Aether Raids, thats the only reason to pick Camilla

  3. 16 hours ago, Zeo said:

    I know it doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but it's irritating seeing Matthew only go from tier 5 to tier 4 on Gamepress after getting his refine. It's a reverse bladetome and you can do nasty things with it.

    I know Lillina's Bladetome dagger can be inherited to everyone but you're telling me the likes of Jaffar and Gaius can use it better than him? It just annoys me that the general consensus is he went from "dirt bottom" to "slightly not bottom". I know it doesn't matter, tiers and all that. It's just, meh.

    I have stopped looking at tier lists a long time ago. matthew is very good. All in all Tiers dont tell anything. A "trashy" unit can be oppressiv and very good in the right Team composition. Matthew is definitly good, he just needs a little bit of help for a setup (like Aversa as a Team companion or so) and has issues with Panic, because his buffs will allways proc.

    The only Tier i would aknowledge is the one for Arena Point ranking. Thats it.

  4. 4 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Expiration isn't as much a no brainer as you might think, something like a refined Dark Breath+ would be better unless you specifically need the DC effect.

    Aether is something you'll struggle to charge with it's cooldown of 5. For actually killing things you might want a shorter cooldown ability.

    - One with a cooldown of 2 would be guaranteed to fire at the start of the second engagement even if you one-shot the first enemy. This would be true regardless of whether you take Special Fighter or keep Vengeful Fighter.

    - One with a cooldown of 3 would be charged by both Special and Vengeful Fighter if the enemy survives to retaliate.

    - One with a cooldown of 4 would be charged by either Special Fighter by a single enemy retaliation, or by Vengeful Fighter if you get doubled on retaliation.

    Take the Solo skill for the A slot.

    For the B slot, consider the scenarios regarding the specials above. The cooldown reduction is subtly but importantly different between Special and Vengeful Fighter. For special, you get 2 charges both when you hit the enemy and when you take a hit. For Vengeful Fighter it only works when you hit, being hit only grants the regular single charge. If you go with a 3 CD special, going with one over the other will often not matter, at least offensively. Special Fighter is superior for your player phase purposes, but if there's any element of mixed phase combat going on, consider the survival value of one-rounding the attacker to death instead of just denying them their special charges.

    Atk Smoke is fine but is redundant if you go Dark Breath (same with Spd Smoke). Unfortunately Res Smoke is only on F Grima at the moment so it's pretty hard to get.

    We are talking here about Armorers. An Armorer without DC is really trash because you can kite them all day and all night and they die quick without the threat of DC. Special Fighter is a good skill, but it really depends what you want to do with Grima. Special Fighter really shines perfect on Speedy Armorers. on Grima it will make his Playerphase garbage because of his lack of speed, he wont get any special off. As an Enemyphase tank Special Fighter adds some bulk in the sense that the enemy doesnt get their Specials faster off but he is then prone to being doubled because no Wary Fighter.

    In all honesty though Dragon Armorers are not a good pick for any form of AR Offense Team or Defense Team. There are way many Armor and Dargon effectiv weapons. My Dancing Dagger Olivia just annihilated with her Bucket an entire Dragon Defense Team consistent of Idunn, Legendary Tiki, Sothis and Nowi.

    Also Kagero with Rend Heaven pre charged (which is really easy with 2 charges) kills almost all dragons and doesnt get killed on the counter.
    Or Naga, i park Naga in my Defense Team during Astra/Anima season, it stops any form of Dragons that want to supertank the Team, because you cant supertank 4 units (Hrid, Sonya, BrideFjorm and Naga herself) with Dragon effectivness with a Dragon. (until a 2. Anima/Astra Defense Mythic comes out that synergizes better with Duma)

    Grima will shine again once a A-Slot comes out with Dragon effectivness removal (which hopefully never happens).

  5. -33 Defense in Total. Yep that Yune&Sothis Defense Team with Seliph Kagero BrideFjorm and Brave Ike is comeing in handy. Supertanking is kinda iffy due to Kageros Null-Follow up Sturdy Impact setup and Seliph just has Miracle from the get go lol

    @mampfoidDid you actually manage to beat my Map without any lost unit?

  6. 14 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

    Whatever her legendary version ends up being, we all know that Micaiah's weapon is gonna be effective against armor and cavalry. I'm personally hoping it's s staff. 

    a Razzle Dazzle effectiv against armorers and horses? you really want to shut down any form of offense superttanking on AR lol, Park her near a Naga in a Defense Team and the only option left to supertank then are NullC-Disrupt-non-dragon-infantry users and Flyers, who prolly will die to Legendary Alm.

  7. 4 hours ago, Vince777 said:

    I very much doubt they will do two banners in a row where nobody demotes.

    demotes have been really really scarce since like 1 year

    Not to mention the cleaning of the 5 Star pool where noone was demoted at all but shoved into special weekly banners.

    I wouldnt count on demotes at all

  8. 9 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    I would ‘t mind that! Although L’Micaiah for me would one of four things: 

    1(What I consider most likely)

    Staff Micaiah or Rexaura as a blue tome with her design being her Light priestess outfit with the blue flames engulfing her as seen in the cutscene. 

    2(personal favourite)

    The above, but wielding Lehran’s Medallion as her weapon. Not expecting this, Lehran’s Medallion would most likely be her personal skill(that or Galdr of release)


    Micaiah with an outfit resembling Yune’s clothes, with red eyes as a reference to her being in her vessel state.

    4(what I expected for brave)

    Micaiah with Ashera’s outfit, reimagined as the vessel of order instead of chaos.

    I hope that if Stave user L'Micaiah comes she has a Personal C-Skill that gives Effectiv Damage against Armorers and Cavalry to Units Adjacent to her (similar to Naga). Considering like... all her 3 current forms have effectiv Damage against Armorers and Cavalry lol

  9. 8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Gronnblade Boey straight up dies to an Infantry Pulsed Alm and only barely gets the one-hit kill on the counterattack against an Alm with a default build. In contrast, Alm literally cannot kill Triangle Adept Inscribed Tome Boey without running a specialized build because none of Alm's standard builds work (they either die immediately to the counterattack or fail to have enough Atk to kill in two hits).

    As for your comparison of the two builds, I'm running the numbers and finding Gronnblade and Triangle Adept Inscribed Tome having virtually identical performance on enemy phase. Gronnblade has better player-phase performance while Inscribed Tome has better sustain.

    Did you factor in Green and Blue opponents as well? And this is exactly what bugs me. The refine added basicly nothing for my allready existing Boey.

  10. On 8/8/2019 at 2:28 AM, Ice Dragon said:

    It's called Triangle Adept. +20-something Atk and +20-something Def against colorless relative to Gronnowl+ without the need for a Special activation is nothing to scoff at when one of the best nukes in the game is physical colorless.

    As I stated before: He didnt have any problems going up against colorless bows and daggers without a Raventome before the refine (in my case at least). Hence why i would have liked a tome that actually fixes the Atk stat in general. The refine isnt adding much to the current close counter Litrblade set I am useing, its actually makeing it worse against colored foes. I am basicly trading a set which works excellent against colorless green and blue for a set that works good against colorless and somewhat meh against green and blue.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Stroud said:

    I got a bit conceited with Kronya. She worked so awesome last week and this feels like some teams made adjustment there. Or I just meet the wrong teams. Also need to at least check if there is a unit with Hardy Bearing around. Also I guess it does not hurt to bring one Possessed Takumi with Skadi along. 

    But overall she still rocks, I just have to get used to be not totally brainless with her and using her like good ol Surtr. 

     Now that my Dark Def Team is set i am thinking of building Kronya for My Astra Def Team. She can synergize well with Duma and Eir doesnt run much during Astra season + there is a 2/3 chance you destroy the opponents healing Tower with Duma and the catapult (more like 1/2 because the healing tower is usually placed in the 4 midsquares).

    But i need to see first what the 2. Astra defense mythic does. If its another colorless i need to think about it.

  12. 3 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Admittedly, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter.

    We got Thrasir focus as I wanted, but as I feared, it really feels like they just threw her in there for kicks. Compared to all the info they gave on Lif, Thrasir came off as kind of rushed and lackluster. Didn't even get all that much talk between her and Veronica.

    Maybe we get more. I mean Bruno is supposed to be in a Banner right After CYL 3 because he was very popular and all the other ones that were allready got included. He is basicly the 1. male that follows that isnt in the game yet followed by Lif. (the female side is a bit trickier Awekening Anna should be in the Banner with Lif and Bruno and then ... FEH Anna, who is allready in the game lol so we jump to place 35 which is Thrasir, because everyone else is allready in)

    I would not be surprised to see Lif Bruno Thrasir and (Awekenign) Anna come up in a banner. They could place that Anna basicly as the Anna of Lif and Thrasir or something like that.

    Mostly excited for Bruno though *_*, Them Abs are comeing home!! (and I can start to build my Embla Team with Loki and Brave Veronica, no offense but spring Bruno had Abs, but his statline is very garbage as a tanky healer lol, Azama does the job ALOT better)

  13. I think the Raventome refine is garbage on Boey in retrospectiv. The Close Counter is nice, no question, but Boey had no problems before dealing with colorless Daggers and Bow units due to his high Def. He lacks punching power to finish the job without a special.

    In that regard Close Counter with a Atk/Def Form 3 would have been nice

    Or a skill that accelerates his Special trigger when his DEF is higher then the opponents DEF,

    Just something to alleviate at least one of his 3 weakness:
    weak Attack
    slow Spd (fast melee units or bold fighter armorers can still kill him if they trigger a special), which deminishes his Bulk.
    weak Res

    I get not everything can be patched and love his role as a close counter mage. Hell my +10 Boey has Close Counter as a skill but he runs a Litrblade. The refine should have at least patched 2 out of the 3 weaknesses. The Raventome basicly did not much for him. He didnt have problems against colorless bows adn daggers before, and its not gonna let him face colorless dragons by any means lol.

  14. 4 hours ago, Usana said:

    Got my first success this week. And it may have been due to a misplay on the foe's part? Not sure, but he smote, or is it smitted? Well whatever. He threw Tiki forward too far. She ended up in range of Claude and he could bring her down before she could bring any of my team down. She may not have been enough to tank everyone anyways, and he was going to lose some units no matter what(my dark defense is a cav line type defense). But throwing Tiki that far ahead made me wince. That wasn't going to end well. You do not want to end your turn in both Claude's and Brave Lyn's range. You better have one darn good super tank if you are going to try and pull that.

    This is what they thought was a good idea to try.

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    Yeah. That went very poorly for this poor soul. I am actually surprised Sue blew Ursula out of the water. Sue is -ATK. I mean she is normally walled completely. I probably need to use someone else. But I like having a bunch of chills/sabotages/etc running around. Makes it nearly impossible to avoid Claude's Cunning Bow and Lilina's Broadleaf fan. Sadly my Yune is -RES which makes a it a little bit harder for her to land her debuffs. I wish I had some Fortress RES fodder. Not like she usually attacks. She is just there for Debuff support and mythic bonuses. I already have the seal on her, but that still leaves her RES low enough to beat by Light boosted foes. A few more points would go a long way. Maybe it would be worth it to give her Fortress DEF/RES? I do have some of that.

    And yes Lilina has her Rally Up RES. So if she isn't in range of someone all it takes is a single Chill or Sabotage and Claude gets his bonus(I wonder if the player thought Claude wasn't going to get it due to Tiki's Res being higher than Yune's or Lilina's?). I left Reciprocal Aid on Louise. If you don't leave someone in her range she'll heal up Claude so that he can go for another round.

    And do you think I should move the flag to behind Claude? Or is it fine being behind the 'mythical' leader of the team? The color does suit her.


    not seeing the problem there. Just park legendary Ike in the middle of it and all the horsies will autodie to his Radiant Aether

    I faced the exact same map but it had Veronica Reinhard Brave Lyn Prisicilla Sothis and that other bow girl. Didnt go well for that defense map. My Dancing Dagger Olivia basicly killed half of the enemys on this map while Eir took care of the other ones. I am not saying its not an effectiv defene, but prepared people will blow it up, but its a really mean/cheap setup. Prolly will get nerfed by IS anyway.

  15. 8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    That's one evil Fjorm! 68 HP, sudden panic and ground orders to help Kagero if she was hit by a tactic room. 

    I'm pretty lazy in AR these days (just slap low scoring Galeforce units at everything), so this map would have cost me a ladder. Didn't find a way yet to beat it without losing a unit of my standard team, so great work! 

    I think B!Ike is built to survive ranged attacks, but apart from giving IP to Kagero and Sothis, he is not adding much. 

    B!Ike stalls alot of Time. I have had Defensiv Battles where 2x Eir and 1xAversa couldnt bring him down. He is totally tailored towards ranged only Teams. They have a tough time dealing with him due to his built.

    Against Melee only teams he doesnt do much that is correct, but thats where the rest of the Team comes in.

    Thank you for your feedback!

  16. oh man Boey ._. your refine ._.

    I allready run a Litrblade close counter Boey. This refine does nothing 😕 well it frees up his A-Slot but i loose so much attack. At least i can slap now Bonus doubler on him. I mean he has abyssmal Attack, was it too much to ask for a something different then a Raventome!

    Grats on Beruka for becomeing the most tankiest physical green flier! (she was it allready before but now even more lol)

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