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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 9 hours ago, XRay said:

    Leanne is not red and she cannot really fight well either due to her low Atk, but she is both a Singer and can heal. She also got a decent Res stat for Ploys and Sabotages.

    @Zeo@XRayLeanne working great. Building her up with DEF/RES Fortress, Sabotage Def, Spd Ploy and Fortress Res or Atk Ploy in seal slot
    Compliments Yunes Sabotage Res and C-Slot well
    Mordecai running smite, ATK/SPD Link
    and Mathew is running with Bonus Doubler on A-Slot, Desperation on B-Slot, Atk smoke, Spd Smoke

    The Team is definitly not finished, much SP Grinding and optimization to do, but they are working very well together.

  2. 9 hours ago, Zeo said:

    @Hilda When I think about it, L!Eliwood with his bonus doubler would be pretty fantastic on Matt if he can somehow have the most ATK on the team. Run tactics skills on him and have those buffs double on top of the bonuses he gets from debuffing. Though it seems like it would be cumbersome running not only a mixed team but one that caters to low ATK units just to make sure Matt gets the bonus


    You can Run L!Eliwood with Mathew and: Ninian as a Dancer, she has lower Attack then Mathew, like very low Attack, and Azama or Wrys as a Healer. they both have very low Attack. Another Healer works too. I would tend to Wrys because he can make good use of Sabotage B-Slot skills and debuff enemys that are adjacent to each other at start of turn.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Would it even be so bad? A unit utilizing this combo would be missing out on a combat buff from one of their weapon effects, a combat buff from their A skill, and a combat buff from their B skill. That is a lot to sacrifice just for being able to be able to attack opponents without counter and to be able to counter all opponents. It's a big tradeoff which will leave that unit at a large statistical disadvantage in pretty much any realistic fight.

    Its not really a big trade off when you consider that you can cripple the enemy Team with AoE splash dmg and stuff like that.
    This stuff can lead to really really annoying Aether Raid defense setups.
    It would be like faceing a Razzle Dazzle healer, ecxept with much higher BST (which means more bulk and/or Attack) and Damaging or Defensiv specials. So yeah it is a big Deal

    The possibilitys could be endless. Also if you want that combo you can have it, you just need to use normal Firesweep weapons on an Infantry unit, which luckily grants no extra refine and Stats.

  4. In the process of building a Team around Yune. Not for AR or PVP. I just like creating synergizing Teams:

    Yune, Green, standart setup, with DEF/RES Fortress
    Mordecai, standart setup, with ATK/SPD Link and of course Smite
    Mathew (refined): still work in progress, lack of Close counter which will be available in 2.5 weeks

    I cant decide on the 4. member. I have no problems runnign a Team without a healer or dancer, but usually its nice to have one or the other around, but preferable a red unit. Since this is a debuff based Team I am wraping my head around, also would be nice for it to be a magical user. My +10 Arvis is out of the picture he runs on Team Gunnthra with Saizo and Clair since ages.

    Aversa could be a nice addition, but she would bring like... nothing to the table on Abyssal LHBs, so she is out too
    Lilina could be ready and provide triple chill debuffs
    Katarina would be a very nice pick, but she is kinda hard to +10 (not like my Yune is +10 at all)
    Tharja doesnt operate on debuffs
    Thinking about Male Morgan, but buffing the entire Team with Mathews weapon effect and his effect is too convoluted without a Dancer.

    Thinking about Dancer Micaiah with a Sabotage Def + Ploy setup. Leaning towards Lilina atm but Morgan sounds nice


  5. Regular Marth has become now my best Infantry (or non infantry but mostly infantry) cheerleader for Arena:

    Marth +10:
    Refined Falcion
    Grand Rally Atk/Spd +
    Special: Aithir
    A: Duell Fighter Red
    B: Def/Res Ruse
    C : Infantry Ruse
    Seal: Spur Res/Def.

    Of course with the support of my +10 L!Azura and +10 Aversa basicly almost everything becomes a joke with an Infantry unit on this setup.

  6. 33 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    I agree with the nuking part, but how does Matthew get more bulky, when Saizo can add DEF/RES debuffs to his own bulk? 

    Because his Team mates dont need to run Def or Res Tactics in their C or Seal slot for buffs. Mathew does that himself. which means they can run more drive skills. And Saizos effect for bulk can be removed by a simple dance, harsh command or cure. Granted Mathew can not reach Saizos Speed. But Matthew has more HP and slightly higher Res. It all depends on the situation. But Mathew is more likely to survive Rally/Harsh Command dance traps then Saizo. While Saizo is more bulky when faceing Panic Staves or Ploys

    Also i would not be surprised if Saizos special refine becomes an A-skill. Happened so far with alomst all weapons (see Legendary Marth, Felicuas Plate, Brave Lyns weapon etc)

  7. 3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    I'm sorry to see you disappointed, even if I think the Gunnthrá effect will help him to archive some faster kills. Saizos prf/refine seems better at first glance though. 

    I like to way in and say. While yes Saizos effect is easier to use, Mathews effect has way more nuking power and makes him alot more bulky. afully buffed close counter Saizo can get +18 atk/spd/def/res difference( including a fully buffed enemy)

    a fully buffed mathew can get way beyond 30 atk when attack a fully buffed enemy.

    If we only take mordecai as a simple smite unit, mathew alkready initiates with +26 attack. And Mordecai only applys -4 to all stats. with +6 to all stats on mathew. If the enemy is fully buffed with just mathews dagger m, smoke skills and +6 to all his stats then we are looking at 32 additional raw power. thats kinda huge On top of the buffs to his defens and res which frees the slots for other units up to run drive or infantry breath skills.

    Imho his refine looks mire potent then Saizos. Especially for a Vantage setup. no other dagger unit can reach this raw Attack power!!!!


  8. 3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    As far as I understood this, foes need TA/Gem to be affected by Alfonses CA: 

    Neutralizes weapon-triangle advantage granted by unit's skills. If unit has weapon-triangle disadvantage, reverses weapon-triangle advantage granted by foe's skills.

    This is the full text. Since Alfonse has TA refine.m on himself. It makes Match up Neutral. It doesnt matter if TA is on for or your unit. The skill just needs to be there.

  9. 15 hours ago, XRay said:

    Why not go with Def or Res Refinement to open up the B slot?

    I personally went with Atk Refinement since I am more comfortable using him on Player Phase with Desperation-Brash Assault.

    why should I? Cancel Affinity with his Refine turns all Blue units basicly into colorless Match ups, which i prefer alot more.

    I had no problems dealing due to this with blue units with support. And as mentioned above i allways run personal refines, allways!


    14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Well, he still has still WT disadvantage against (non-TA) blue units. I also like his special refine, but TA+CA seems a waste of his B-slot. 

    Wow, DC and QR on Leanne? Wouldn't have thought of it. Idunn and Nailah show some great tanking abilities ... 8 effective damage, haha. 

    Nice Corrin! Mine is +SPD as well, but I'm not using her much. Looking forward to see yours in action next time. 



    He does not. Because his own weapon has TA refine so Cancel Affinity makes it a neutral match up! The enemy doesnt need to run TA. Thats the beauty of Cancel Affinity

  10. 2 hours ago, Zeo said:
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    Matt's refine disappoints me. Something to increase his bulk or help him deal with magic/dragons (the real issue for him) would have been huge. A blade tome effect on debuffed enemies means he has to attack his target (dragons? magic? DC? lolno) in order to get the bonus damage or run a Chill Skill which means he misses out on premium skills like Mystic Boost, Special Spiral, etc.

    I didn't think they knew what to do with him. Turns out I was right.


    His bulk will be incredible after 1. round combat. Just Team him up with Arvis or Mordecai (or Yune). Can also use Nifl siblings. But His best buddy will be Atk/Spd Link Mordecai with Smite for additional 26 dmg. 

    I myself am gonna built him up and run him with Mordecai

  11. 3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed in Matthew's refine. It seems so...blah.

    Matthews refine is fantastic given the right Team members. There is a certain Beast unit that applies -4 to all stats when smiting a unit onto enemys and then there is Arvis and Yune.honestly if that blue Beast unit also runs link atk spd thats 26 additional attack power!!!

    Not to mention the bulk Marhew gains from this.

    There are so many options to apply debuffs on enemys.

    Honestly its a fantastic refine

  12. 3 hours ago, Johann said:

    It's definitely possible to get it down to only having one unit hit the rest of the team, and most of those units aren't even that dangerous alone. I'll grant that it's harder in Anima season when you don't have Eir and they're all getting an Atk boost, but it's kind of a player's own fault if 4/5 units on all 5 of their teams can't take a hit.

    The problem isnt surviving only the 1. Round on this map. Its also killing the units on the following turns. If 4/5 of your units are paniced even if they survived Turn 1. They Probably cant kill shit with -5 & -6 to Attack and SPD (-11 combined). not to mention Def and Res. Most Teams run some form of Tactic buffs. and 2 of your units are most likely gonne be hit with -11 to atk/spd and -11 to def/res. Thats kinda huge. not to mention a 3. unit will be hit by Gunnthras debuff too. This will only get worse during dark/light season when Duma is replaced by Yune.

  13. 58 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

    I didn't put in too much effort this week, had a few losses and didn't use score optimized teams, but I'm still somehow firmly within the top 3000. I wonder if there are many who have forgotten that this season ends early and have unspent Aether that they were planning to use tomorrow.

    Does anyone have some tips for how to deal with maps like this?


    I don't think any of the teams I brought this week could have managed it without losing a unit. I guess it's punishing me for not leaving open spaces in my backline, but I feel like the buildings really help me out on other maps. They made sure to stack HP on their units to prevent Gravity effects, and my Galeforce units can't reach them before they get to attack me either.

    The only thing i see working here is Null C-Disrupt like on multiple levels. Veronica and Maribelle seem to run Panic staves and i guess that Panic manor is fully upgraded. So if your Team is running visible buffs you are kinda fucked. Debuffed from your own buffs and the buildings on the back means Gunnthra will prolly one shot anything she touches.

    Best guess is to i think bait Reinhard with your super tank and if you have a Null C-Disrupt Dancer like Dagger Olivia bait Maribelle so you can take 2 out on turn one, also destroying the building below Gunnthra with a ranged unit to open space up for Turn 2 and of course the one below Reinhardt.

    I guess this map might get nerfed if too many people run this set and IS will just decide to add some trenches onto it. Its really a mean setup. Your own buildings are basicly hindering you to cover which is kinda stupid.


    Also yaie so far i havent lost any lift this week! All my Defenses were a success ecxept for 2.

  14. @mampfoidI allways run personal weapons with special refine on all units, never with stat refine. Besides i like his special refine. I think its more interesting to work around special refines. Besides Alfonses Special Refine and CA isnt that bad, means he has no disadvantage against Blue or Red and murders Green.

  15. 4 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

    Personally I don't mind the lower difficulty of the BHB/GHBs - if nothing else it just means we get to see no-SI Askr trio still somehow put in work after one would think they'd be long obsolete.  I really liked the positioning that forces the green mage to attack Veronica instead of Anna or Sharena.  He could have attacked Alfonse, but that TA refine putting in some indirect work.

    I mean yeah i restrict myself on GHBs and BHBs with using no or little inheritance on the Askrtrio, but this game is about building your units so Abyssal modes for those would be fun. Waiting for Season 2 Abyssal GHB maps ._.

    Also people keep saying how Alfonses refine is garbage, while i strongly disagree. His refine is perfect for him. I just rocked Arena this week with him, against alot of Blue Dragons. Granted his Chearleader Squad was: Marth with Infantry Breath and Spur Def/RES  on his C-Slot, L!Azura for them nice buffs and Azama for that nice Witchy Wand break.

    Alfonse himself was running:
    His refined weapon (with Triangle Adept)
    A: Bonus Doubler
    B: Cancel Affinity
    C Slot: Attack Smoke
    Seal: Quick Riposte.

    With Cancel Affinity and the Support he was able to tackle everything. Granted there are easier ways to deal with stuff, but i like his refine.

  16. 15 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Legault: Am I a joke to you? 


    Legaults dagger depends on the enemy, you have no influence over it. If the Enemy runs no visible buffs, the daggers effect becomes useless.

    This one CAN be influenced by you. Because you actually can apply debuffs on the enemy and it is by far the better option if you want to run a Close Counter Vantage set because you basicly debuff the entire Team with -7 to all stats (if you run ATk smoke on C and Spd smoke as a Seal). The only counter to this would be hardy bearing, harsh command+ or Nannas healing skill.

    Its by far the better option in my eyes for player controlled Teams.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    True, Feints are too limited when they only work on the unit with the skill (That should have been at least the unit and the ally they act on). Still a powercreep, but mainly because they're so limited.

    Not completely worthless though, Lugh's usage of Feint worked out great for me with the BHB running right now.

    I hardly call it a powercreep. Original Feint skills are just very underwhelming when you have the ability to pick other B-Slot skills that perform way better. They were like the Seal(-Stat) of Book 2 and got even less desirable after the introduction of Sabotage skills. At least now i see a use for them. Guard is a very strong skill. you can give this skill to Eliwood position your Tank to debuff the enemys you want (if you can in AR), buff him with Eliwood and then just smite the tank into the direction of the enemys and initiate combat. With Smoke Pulse the enemy has almost no chance of triggering a special unless they run Flashing/Heavy Blade in precharged infantry pulse Team (even then its not sure they can get the special off)

  18. Ah daggers finally got their own "Bladetome" version in the form of Gunnthras Blizzard!

    I would argue its even the better version then Bladetomes, the initial part is harder to setup, but afterwards it sets up itself with in built debuffs and smoke skills.

    and finally DEF Sabotage. My Wrys will be hyped

    Brazen Atk/SPd 4 is only that much usefull in PVE

    Ruse DEF/RES is interesting, IS finally aknowledged that the faint skill are way underperforming when compared to other B-Slot skills. This makes it worthwile.

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