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Status Updates posted by jameslove001

  1. Hey! You commented on a couple of my posts and I just want to thank you. As someone who does not get a ton of gaming time, I take your comments as Gospel. 🙂  But for real, you have helped me get the most of the game at this time. I have to factor in small differences between our style of play, for instance I use the HECK outta BE Micaiah, but that is because I play a pretty defensive mode most of the time and just let any mage that wants come down and get destroyed by her.

    1. XRay


      You are welcome. I am not sure my words are comparable to the Gospel though. As a player with a heavy player phase preference, my ideas and opinions are still colored by that bias.

      My main my gripe with BE!Micaiah is that her exclusive skills try to make her both a combat unit and a support unit at the same time, and I think the more you try to turn a unit into a multitasker, the worse off the unit will be at fulfilling its assigned roles.

      Additionally for free guides, her skill set is not that amazing in my opinion, as Atk/Res Bond and Ground Orders are much more difficult to use compared to something like Atk/Res Solo and Guidance.

    2. jameslove001


      Sorry if the Gospel crack was too much. It's a little bit of Texas humor. As for BE!Micaiah I get it, I just encounter so many ponies and armors that she works for me. Again, part of it for me is I can put her and Fjorm out in space next to each other, (preferably after starting next to Dorothea and two spaces from Veronica) and unless there is a dancer around, they will both take the damage and inflict a lot in the process. But I am also learning, that the way I run teams it is the combo of those two with Veronica and Dorothea that allows me to take down most maps except infernal or the occasional new era sword (most of which I have no idea how to counter at the moment). But again, thanks!

  2. Just wanted to say thanks again for the Three Houses chat. I am at the part of the story where they are trying to paint Dimitri as the masked guy (I have a 7 month old at home so my memory is shot this morning). It's such a fun play and you talked me off the ledge of starting over just to get Lorenz. I think I should be able to get him, move on to Ignatz and possibly even Brigid (because I hear she is a beast). All of that to say...thanks again.

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