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Posts posted by ExaltedViolinist

  1. I have a big crush on Shamir but since I am going to play exclusively as female Byleth (unless they give us more gay options for male Byleth), I pray to the forces above that she is a romance option.

    I would feel most comfortable pairing my f!Byleth with Shamir or Edelgard considering I am not too keen on pairing her with students she isn't close friends with (like Edelgard), but I wouldn't mind digging in a larger pool if wlw romances are limited. Dorothea, Petra, Mercedes, Ingrid, Hilda and Leonie are also girls I could pair my protagonist with.

    If they deliver us a bit more mlm options for m!Byleth other than Lynhardt, I could possibly go for one run in which I pair him up with Seteth, Alois, Claude, Sylvain, Caspar or Raphael. 

    In any case I'm just a chaotic bisexual starving for some lgbt rep and I'll make the most of it in this game. 😩

  2. 21 hours ago, Garlyle said:


    Time to deal some Chad damage!


    Oh my god...


    OH MY GOD!!!




    If you think I shouldn't deserve this and should've lost at this point, I fully agree with you. I don't know what I was thinking, but I'll defineately pay more attention to my chances after this. We almost lost our Thief on the map we're supposed to recruit him. I'm not proud of this.

    This is such a mood LOL! I'm definitely the type of player who would still do the same reckless thing after a close call because how beneficial it was. :lol: Granted, this is hard mode, so there's bound to be more risky plays!

    I still can't believe how lucky your Lance got. In my playthrough my Lance was stuck with 6 in Strength until he was like level 12! It got better, but it's still a below average Strength at this point. Gotta bank on some lucky level ups for the future...

  3. Do you have a favorite gemstone ?

    10 hours ago, Gemma said:

    since I forgot to give you a question...

    A place you would like to visit and something you want to do there?

    I'd love to go to England and visit the places where the 2005 movie Pride & Prejudice was shot. I always LOVED the aesthetics of this film and I'd literally die if I could just retrace Elizabeth's steps in the movie.

    22 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    I don't actually read many books, I tend to listen to audio books. If you strictly mean reading, I think it was The Cuckoo's Egg by Cliff Stoll, which is a book about an early instance of computer hacking in the 80s. If audio books count, I'm currently listening to The Guns of August  by Barbara W. Tuchman.

    The Cuckoo's Egg sounds like a fascinating story. I'll look this up!

  4. Can you share some of your fears ?

    35 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Do you actually play violin, and if so for how long have you played it?

    I don't! :( It's an instrument I wish I could play! If time and money allows, I plan on learning how to play the violin after I'm done with school.
    The 'violinist' part in my username comes from an anime called Your Lie in April. The main girl from this anime plays the violin and let's just say her part in the story moved me so much to the point where I decided to make it part of the username I use almost everywhere.

  5. LeafGreen: Squirtle
    HeartGold: Chikorita
    Alpha Sapphire: Torchic
    Platinum: Piplup
    Black: Oshawott
    White 2: Snivy
    X: Chespin
    Sun: Rowlet

    As you can see, I seem to have favoritism for Grass and Water types. There's never been a Fire starter that I liked better than either the Water or Grass starter except Torchic. I'd love if the next starter I picked was the Fire type one, but I always go for a favorite, and not based on what I need, so only designs will tell!

  6. Bouncing back the question for you! Any dubbed animes/games you enjoyed ?

    5 hours ago, Gemma said:

    a dubbed anime and a dubbed game you played recently that you enjoyed the dub of?

    For games, I'd say Nier: Automata! I had the option to play in either languages, but decided to go for English because reading subtitles is somewhat distracting in a game like this. I was extremely happy with the dubbed voice acting in this game! Props to the team.

    For animes, I made the mistake of watching Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood in English, but thankfully Vic Mignogna, Edward's English voice actor, does an amazing job at capturing the emotions of our beloved blonde-headed milk-seething goblin! Same with Alphonse's voice actresses.

  7. What was the book you read most recently, and what was it about ?

    On 30/06/2018 at 9:15 PM, henrymidfields said:

    You likes and dislikes of English anime/game dubs? Either general trends or specific examples.

    Likes: obviously the accessibility of the material (mostly for games; original animes are usually easy to find);

    Dislikes: most of the time the dub is not acted as well as the original is (the emotions conveyed sound more forced); the songs aren't as good because they have to be rewritten; dubs are often cringy as hell.

    But one thing I noticed is that whatever I start watching first is the one I can't unhear. Most of the time I watch my animes in Japanese, but if for some reason I start watching one in English, it will be hard for me to make the switch to the original. 

  8. Favorite video game series besides Fire Emblem ?

    21 hours ago, Gemma said:

    Favorite Pride and Prejudice character?

    Elizabeth and Darcy are obvious choices but they're just THAT good, and considering the focus is mostly on them, it's hard not to appreciate them. I also liked Jane and Mary a lot, the former speaks for itself, and the latter because I liked how outspoken she can be on things she's passionate about and I also lowkey wished Mr. Collins had noticed her crush on him.

  9. 6 hours ago, Garlyle said:

    Ok, let me check this roster real quick.

    • Roy - mandatory, so you should use him. Mid game he'll become useless, but don't worry about it.
    • Lilina - I like Lilina, also with Support from Roy she can get even more amazing. Worth it.
    • Lance - good choice, plus he also has support with Roy
    • Tate - I prefer Thany over her, she's not very good at the time she joins, but she sure has potential.
    • Lugh - usually running him until I receive Lilina, he's faster than her, but not hitting that hard. Has good support with his brothers.
    • Ellen -> Saul/Clarine - I don't have experience with Saul, but it doesn't matter who you pick as your healer. Clarine has an advantage in movement, but she won't use light tomes
    • Sue - Could easily worth it, she can be dodgy, the strength department might suffer.
    • Oujay - Dieck is a much easier choice if you want a Mercenary/Hero, but Oujay can also do the job
    • Fir - I'd say Rutger is better, but I like Fir better. Strongly advise to bring a Myrmidon with you, this game loves axe units.
    • Miredy - always good choice.
    • Ray - haven't played him, but that's because I used Niime or Sophia. Stay away from Sophia, it just makes the game much harder for you. Let me know how Ray worked.
    • Geese - Might have difficulty with hitting stuff early on, and not good when it comes to support. But he can become a beast.
    • Dieck - oh, didn't notice he's here. Well, all is good then. I'd say 
    • Chad -> Asthol/Cath - anything but Cath really. She comes too late and doesn't get good.
    • Lalum - dancers always welcome
    • Merlinus - just bench him when you can. He can't do much for you.

    Wait, where Wendy? I'm sure she was on the list before? She also has good support with Lilina, kind of struggles at first, but she can be great in the late game(could also get screwed over, but oh well). Bors is the only better choice for armor knight.

    Also you can consider using Rutger, Shin, Percival. Or make up your mind on the run. Some units are good from their joining time.

    Wendy (aka Gwendolyn) was on my initial list, but I was advised against her by other people! Agh, see, there's always subjectivity when it comes to making a party in FE games. 

    Mmmh. You seem to be overall agreeing with my choices here. I might swap Lugh with Wendy when I get her and Lilina, but I'm still unsure. People seemed to really discourage my choice to pick Wendy. 

  10. Okay so I read all of your helpful comments and I've rearranged my selection:

    • Roy
    • Lilina
    • Lance
    • Tate
    • Lugh
    • Ellen -> Saul/Clarine
    • Sue
    • Oujay
    • Fir
    • Miredy
    • Ray
    • Geese
    • Dieck
    • Chad -> Asthol/Cath
    • Lalum
    • Merlinus

    I'll admit, I'm a bit of a shallow player who also likes to pick characters that appear interesting to me. So I'm gonna stick with Sue on the Nomad choice.

    Hmmm let's see. I've decided to stick with Saul/Clarine as healers (mostly the former) but I'll be using Ellen until I get one of them. I also replaced Sofiya with Ray; I think it makes for a decent choice, and his support with his brother might come in handy ? I added Dieck; he looks nice and apparently he's decent enough. Chad and/or Asthol shall be used as thieves until I get Cath.

    Is Merlinus as good as he was in FE7 ? Never once did he really get me into trouble in FE7.

  11. 30 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    I'm going to link you to a post I made on a group called Ft. Mangs, where I asked for advice to play the game, read the comments.

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/ftmangs/permalink/656027711410218/ If you can't click it then just copy it.

    And my advice is:

    1.- Alan and Lance are amazing, their support is even better.
    2.- You don't get battle preparations until Chapter 6. So at the end of every chapter that has shops do the battle preps yourself and make sure everyone's                  inventory is how they should bewith ranged weapons if possible.
    3.- Enemy units aren't like FE7 ones, in FE7 you could send someone like Sain alone and the next turn 12 enemies didn't exist anymore, in this game they are way                  stronger so you will need several units to kill 1 this is why you should use Marcus more agressively, sometimes having him kill 2 or 4 enemies is very useful.
    4.- Don't bother with Sophia she isn't a good est 
    5.- Cecilia is a good unit, she is pretty bad in the chapter she joins but she can be useful as a prepromote.
    6.-  You called Lalum "Larum" you should check whihc translation you're playing, thebest one right now is on here on serenes forest that was posted in 2013, this is the         one I'm talking about:  https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/41095-fe6-localization-patch-v10-seriously-we-did-something/
    7.- Be more defensive, in FE7 you could just play like whatever at least in ENM in FE6 you should be more careful since enemies are stronger.


    1- I'm still thorn whether I should use both of them or not. I like diversity in my classes mostly, but I've heard good things about this duo. I'll think about it some more!
    2-3- Thanks for the tip!
    4- I've heard that she becomes a pretty powerful unit once she catches up. Would that be a somewhat true statement ? 
    5- Interesting. Considering I will probably dump Elen, she might come in handy later on.
    6- I went with the names on a Fire Emblem wiki, I haven't started the game yet. Although I believe the copy I will receive is from the 2013 translation.
    7- Got it, thanks!

    36 minutes ago, Mister Rogers said:
    • There's several route splits. You can find the info for the Islands split (Which gets you Echidna or Bartre) on the Serenes Forest site. The other major one is the Sacae/Illia route split in lategame. Basically if Sue+Shin's combined level is greater than Shanna/Tate then you go to sacae and vice-versa. Sacae's got you fighting speedy nomads and swordmasters and is a pain in hard mode. illia has status staves and ballistae and a shitload of terrain issues. however it's considered easier since the enemies are mostly peg knights/paladins and some bishops. 
    • Gwendolyn and Sophia are really, notoriously bad units in fe6. Unless you arena abuse, they're almost unusable. Like, you're better off using Niime for dark magic and then if you absolutely want a general then go with maybe Bors or just wait for Douglas. Armor KNights are complete crap in this game since the maps are huge.
    • Mounts are your friend in this game. 
    • Lugh and Lilina do the same thing. Perhaps you should think on using one of them and putting another paladin on your team. I'd recommend Alan since he's really good. Dieck's also amazing since he comes early. 
    • There's not much need for multiple healers to train unless you're arena abusing or you really like using them. Elen is really slow, so you're likely better off with Saul.

    1- I will definitely look that up. You got me curious with this information!
    2- I guess that's my answer for Sophia. I'll see what I can replace Gwendolyn with, although armored units come in really handy as walls for opponents that hit hard. I'd love to have one on hands.
    3- Got it!
    4- Lilina is rather slow though, isn't she ? Lugh would be a cool, speedy mage to have in the backlines. I heard good things about Alan and Dieck as well; there's just so many units to pick from!
    5- Got it; Elen has been dropped.

  12. Started a similar thread a year ago asking about the units of FE7. Finished the game today after I had to put it on pause for school and decided to try my hands on FE6 which, to this day I still thought I couldn't play until I found the fan translation.

    I know next to nothing about the game considering I never anticipated being able to play it, but it might be a reality! So here are the units I am considering using for this playthrough:

    • Roy
    • Lilina
    • Thea
    • Lugh
    • Elen
    • Clarine
    • Sue
    • Gwendolyn
    • Ogier
    • Fir
    • Melady
    • Sophia
    • Geese
    • Lance
    • Cath (Thief)
    • Larum (Dancer)

    There is a total of 14 units I plan on training to full potential, with Cath and Larum being used for other purposes (obviously thieving and dancing). Does this sound too much ? I used a slightly smaller roster in FE7 and ended up just fine, although I've heard FE6 is a bit harder than its GBA sisters.

    Also, I think I saw somewhere that FE6 had paths A and B to choose from, but I haven't made much research on that point. Can anyone tell me if there's a difference in difficulty between the two ? 
    Thanks, you guys!

  13. We need more people of color in this franchise, and I'm glad Claude has a deeper complexion than the other two main royals (although that pale model is such a crime). I'm hoping he comes from a nation with people mostly of his complexion or darker as well, and that he is a well written character. 

    Here's hoping they pull through with dark skinned black characters next!

  14. 14 minutes ago, FuranSuwa said:

    I just realised that Fire Emblem Three Houses is extremely hard to say for non-english speakers. I'm french, and often talk about Fates and Echoes with my friends, but the [th] sound is probably the hardest sound to say.... It's gonna end up Fire Emble Free Houses...

    Ahahah! :D As a french speaker myself, it's hard for me to say the name fluently. It IS a strange choice of title, if you ask me. For being title-lover, I must say I wasn't impressed with it. 

    I think I forgot to mention previously my love for the trailer music. Like it better than Lost in Thoughts All Alone already, so if it happens to be the game's titular track, I'm cool with it.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    It's same. Both is equally wrong. Honestly being able pair any male with any fedmale is already overkill and doesn't make much sense as many people simply don't have any common ground in first place. I myself have no problem with having homosexual or bisexual couple. But there is no point blowing it out of proportion. Probably best route would be simply put there official couple of same sexm, like you know Pent and Louise or Calil and Largo instead making everyone bi for no particular reason.

    I don't know why, I must've had a brain short circuit, but it didn't even occur to me that relationships could be directly established into the story with canon building behind it. It would make romances a lot less eclectic and a lot more meaningful. I'd like that. A handful of canon pairings, m/f, m/m and f/f alike.

    5 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

    For example, see Gray and Tobin being clearly interested in Clair, Chrom getting flustered around F!Robin, Delthea having a clear crush on... Clive, I think it was? If you left every character's sexuality vague until S support there wouldn't really be any of that. I'm hoping there are no children this game, too, and if there are I'm hoping it's not done as shoddily as Fates, so there should be more room for gay characters. That being said, I can't say I'm expecting a lot.

    Aaah, I see. Well for those characters I assumed they'd just either be bi/pan or fixed in their heterosexuality by the story like I mentioned in my initial post. And that's entirely fine by me! But I'd be expecting story-fixed LGBT characters as well if that were the case again.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

    Of course they don't need to have specific traits or characteristics that say "Hey, btw I'm gay," but making every character a same sex option would honestly feel like overkill. It's just like I wouldn't need half of the characters to be black just so I could feel like I'm represented. I said it before, but a few characters would be fine, and the only reason I can see for having every character a same sex option is pandering. I can understand that there won't be as many options if you're gay, so I'd be fine with more than just the one option for each game that Fates offered, but I don't think making every character potentially bi is the way to go. Because although I can't think of any right now, what if characters showed some kind of romantic or sexual interest before the S support?

    I don't know. Maybe in practice it wouldn't be an issue, but I just don't like when things look like clear pandering.

    I think as a concept, it'd be worth the shot. Giving the player the freedom of pairing anyone they wanted, and having these characters well written and not flamboyant or stereotypical would be interesting to see. But I understand where you're coming from. It's a risky task to put in IS' hands especially. I might just be starved for video game representation. The next Assassin's Creed gave me a taste of what it could be like! 

    I just hope they give us a handful of characters so that we don't feel limited. Since I'm not expecting the return of children here, I don't think there should be any issue in that. 

    I'm not sure I understand what you meant by 'what if characters showed some kind of romantic or sexual interest before the S support' ? Would you mind going over that ?

  17. 26 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

    Do I even want to engage in this?

    There was a YA book I read years ago, where the one gay character was the female main character's best friend, super into fashion, and incredibly flamboyant. That is forced diversity. It's representation, sure, but it's written poorly, and included just for the sake of being diverse. Pandering. If you're going to be diverse do it because it makes sense, write it so it's not so obviously a token character, don't be stereotypical and forced, which is often how things go if you're being diverse just for the sake of it, or to quiet the people who cry for more diversity. Being diverse just for the sake of it and doing it poorly is more of an issue than if you didn't include that character in the first place. If not wanting shitty characters who are included just to fill a quota, rather than to be written well makes me a bigot, then oh well.

    I'm just curious as to why having every character or so able to marry anyone they want any different than to have M/F marriages all across the board ? Barring a few characters fixed into a specific sexuality by the story, having characters not explicitly anything and making them anything we want them to be sounds great to me. They're just people who happen to date people of the same sex, or not. To me it doesn't have to be more complicated than that. It's an acknowledgement that we exist, and that we don't need to have specific characteristics to be. We're just as badass of a warrior as anyone on the field, except we are tied to a character of the same sex.

    ... unless this is what you were trying to say in case I misread something. 

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