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Posts posted by ExaltedViolinist

  1. I've always assumed in Fire Emblem that you had a bigger army than the 20ish characters the game is presenting you with. The fact that they implemented that idea of army into Three Houses is honestly a great detail. What I am more scared of with this addition is that it might not just be an aesthetic addition, but a mechanic one.

  2. I'm satisfied with what was shown! It isn't much but I'm smitten already. I love how Claude and Eldegard look already <3

    From the names alone, I get a Germany vibe. I'm interested in how they are gonna take inspiration from the country.

    It seems like the game revolves around what Eldegard described as the Crests of the goddess, which bring war and death upon the land rather than unify its houses and people. Veeerrryyyy curious as to how the plot will go. In any case, it doesn't seem as messy as Fates was, which is a good first impression I would say!

  3. Thank you all for your quick replies!

    Let's see... I suppose I could get rid of one archer. Rath alone should do the job; I love how he gains swords and becomes a mounted unit after promotion. 

    I also intended on promoting Matthew into an Assassin for speed and evasion (I may have a thing for these types of units ever since Gaius showed up 8[). Is that a bad idea ? I assume it would be because he couldn't open chests and doors anymore. I could keep him around for this exact purpose without leveling him up.

    That makes two open spots, which I could give to Oswin and Raven. What's everyone's opinion on Heath ?

  4. I always like doing some preparations before going further in a Fire Emblem game, especially older ones where items and money don't flow in easily and where I can't grind (I'm a casual normal player, what can I say).

    I remember being told that a party fo 8 to 12 units was a realistic thing to do back when I was starting Shadow Dragon. In Sacred Stones, I believed I used about 15-16 units, but I have to thank level grinding for that.

    How many units should I consider using so that my party is not gravely underleveled ? Right now I'm about to finish Lyn's chapters (second time playing, didn't make it further than chapter 13 in my first playthrough because of school), and besides the three main lords I all intend on using and Ninian/Nils that don't really count as units for only being able to dance or play, here are the units I planned on going through the Eliwood story with (can't do the Hector one 'cause I never completed the game in the first place):

    - Sain
    - Florina
    - Serra
    - Rath 
    - Rebecca
    - Matthew
    - Canas
    - Pent
    x Heath
    x Raven
    x Oswin

    The ones with x's are the ones I would like to add to my rather small party (12 units). Is it conceivable to use all 15 or should I consider swapping one or two from the set party to add the ones with the x's ?

  5. Do you respond to ASMR ?

    On 17/07/2017 at 1:05 AM, MediocreLee said:

    Do you drink juice?  If so, what's your favorite kind of juice?

    I'm especially fond of lemonade and orange juice as far as juices go. Younger, my mom would buy lots of different juices that I would drink happily, but lately, I've grown accustomed to drinking water instead. It's inexpensive, it tastes great and it's much better for your health than most juices, which are really sweet. I usually just dilute my juices nowadays, if I get my hands on them.

  6. How many books have you read since the beginning of 2017 ?

    On 04/06/2017 at 8:54 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

    Do enjoy horror games/movies?

    Very much so! I don't actively play horror games but I do watch let's play's from time to time. Jump-scares are also cool with me: I get stressed when watching them but it's kind of a good stress, I guess.

    I LOVE horror movies! Recently, I watched the movie Get Out... Oh my god. This movie is unreal. So f*cked up. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes horror movies.

  7. What is the most effective way to grind before attempting to go through the Thabes Labyrinth ? I failed to go through the fifth floor (I did pretty well, I even defeated the Dragon and most units on the battlefield, but I exposed my Celica too much towards the end and she got killed by a weak enemy unit) and I'd really like to go through it entirely. I read a few tips on how to make it out in one piece (namely using Killer Bows, which I did not do) and I'd like to get my party around level 15 at the very least. They are all in the 8-10 levels of their final classes (with promotion as soon as available in the past), except Alm, who's already 15.

    I'd level up in the first two floors of the labyrinth so I could farm for silver marks at the same time in order to upgrade my killer bows, but experience is very very hard to get in decent quantities in these parts...

  8. 1.     What is your name? (Just put your SF username here.)


    2.     What's in your pockets right now?


    3.     What's your favorite meal?

    Tortellini with rosée sauce.

    4.     How do you define what is good or morally desirable?

    5.     Coffee or tea?


    6.     Do you like to eat pumpkin?

    It's pretty good, but I don't eat pumpkin very often... Roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious, however!

    7.     What are your views on marriage?

    The act itself is admirable, but I think the long, stressful and expensive preparations are so unnecessary. Materialist desires of a perfect ceremony beat the purpose of celebrating a union. I do think however that everyone should have equal right to do such event.

    8.     What do you think about telepaths?

    I wish I believed in them. It's not a possibility I would deny, however.

    9.     If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with?

    I'd side with the foe doing great good. Loyalty dies with the unworthy of it.

    10.  Is the glass half empty or half full?

    Half full! What is this 'half empty' nonsense ?

    11.  When a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?

    Yes! The fall produces soundwaves and even though nobody captures it, the wave still propagates in air.

    12.  What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    ... the sound of one hand clapping. Really, it only defines itself by its own sound.

    13.  What do you see when you look up at the sky?

    An eternal peace of mind. Oh, and also clouds sometimes.

    14.  What is your favorite past time?

    Reading a good book or drawing.

    15.  What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do?

    Opening windows big and wide and feeling the coming breeze.

    16.  What do you think about “morals”? Do they exist, or do they not?

    They exist. Some of them are fundamental, while others are personal.

    17.  Which country do you want to visit most?


    18.  Would you call yourself happy with your current life and situation?

    Yeah! Pretty happy. :3

    19.  Are there any foods you just cannot abide?

    Mayonnaise... Black licorice... 

    20.  It is 5 minutes to 8 and dinner is not ready. At 8, your guests are arriving. What do you do?

    ... invite them in and chat with them while I finish up dinner ? I'm sure they'd understand.

    21.  Favorite flowers?

    Violets and fire lilies! <3

    22.  Are you a day or night kind of person? 

    Day person! I love sunlight SO MUCH!

    23.  Have you ever hurt someone intentionally? Why?

    My little brother and I fought a lot when we were little. He was impulsive, impatient and grumpy and it always got to me. Some days I just HAD to take revenge. >:[

    24.  What's the biggest (or best) lie you ever told?

    That I was straight. AH! Some people still believe it, oh my god.

    25.  What color is the sky?

    The sky has no color. It's literally big layers of gas. 

    26.  What is your greatest regret? Would you go back to change things if you could?

    Staying with a certain group of friends instead of following one of my great friends who left said group. I wish I had followed him instead. I don't know if I would go back, however... It would change SO MANY things...

    27.  If you do celebrate birthdays, how do you celebrate? If not, why don't you?

    I do, but in a very lowkey way. I don't like going out, so I just either go to the restaurant with friends or stay at home in my pajamas all day, watching movies or TV shows eating ice cream. Sometimes I'll be invited over to some family members' house and we'll have a nice birthday dinner.

    28.  What's in your bathroom medicine cabinet right now?

    29.  Do you consider yourself normal?

    No. I don't think anyone is, really.

    30.  A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond?

    If the tree is respectably small and easy to climb in, I try to grab the cat carefully myself. Otherwise, I call someone prepared to help in those kinds of situations.

    31.  Name one thing about yourself that you wish you could change.

    My personality at home... I'm so kind and sensitive anywhere else, but I often lash out at my close family members... Also my obliviousness.

    32.  What is your biggest pet peeve?

    Stubborn people WHO KNOW they are wrong! I JUST-

    33.  Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you?


    34.  What would be your first, second and third thoughts if your consciousness was suddenly transported into another the body of someone of the opposite gender?

    I don't know... Probably some 'what the hell' thrown in repetition. It'd be pretty cool to experience it temporarily, though.

    35.  What would be your first course of action if you realized you were in a time loop (ie. no consequences)?

    Learn so much shit. You. have. no. idea. Instruments ? I got 5 down. Languages ? I could go anywhere in the world and have high chances of speaking something locals can talk to you in. Studying ? Hell yes. I can finally learn ALL the things I wish I could learn. Reading ? Every day. Sports ? I can try a lot of new ones. Sleep ? I can finally recharge. The list goes on.

    And then spend my time figuring out how to end this, because this is pure hell.

    36.  If you were not doing what you're doing, what would you be doing instead?

    Probably studying to be an paleontologist.

    37.  What would you do if you came up to a locked briefcase that was beeping faster and faster and faster and faster …

    R u n.

    38.  Favorite color?

    Lime green and steel blue.

    39.  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    A veterinarian. And still recently it was a plan of mine. But I just can't. open. bodies. Nope. 

    40.  How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

    I have no idea...

    41.  If you could go anywhere in your world, where would it be, and why?

    42.  What advice would you give to someone going on a long and possibly dangerous journey?

    Trust your instincts, but be rational as well. 

    43.  If you could push a button and vaporize all evil people in the world, would you do it?

    No. Right now, 'evil people' is too shallow of a definition for me to make such a huge decision.

    44.  Milk or water?


    45.  In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out?

    Blend in.

    46.  Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone?

    Yes. But not in a negative way. 

    47.  Do you have a food that you cannot live without?

    Pastas, fruits, vegetables... Don't take that away from me. D:

    48.  Describe yourself in one word.


    49.  If someone is in a position of authority, does that automatically make them a responsible person?

    Unfortunately not.

    50.  You come home one night to find your worst enemy waiting for you at your door. What do you do?

    I don't have a 'worst enemy', per se. But if I had people I dislike waiting at my door, I'd ask them what they're doing there.

    51.  What's your favorite pizza topping?


    52.  Have you ever watched the sunrise? If so, when?

    Many times when I woke up early to go to school (3 or 4 times a week for the past 2 years). Really puts a smile on your face for the first time of the day when you're having a groggy morning.

    53.  All right, so your mother just tells you you’re adopted. What's your reaction?


    54.  We've heard all about lies... what's the hardest truth you've ever had to tell?

    I don't really know... I can tell you that telling my friend that she was very crappy during a team project was definitely a hard one, but certainly not the hardest.

    55.  How would you feel and what would you do if a friend you weren't that close to suddenly started telling you about their tragic past? 

    Open up, comfort them, offer them whatever they need, and perhaps bond over this confidence.

    56.  What's your favorite kind of music?

    I like rock, pop and indie the most.

    57.  Do you like socks?

    If y'all don't wear socks I swear I'm gonna find you. They're the only way for me to look at feet without disgust. Most socks are cute too so why the hell wouldn't you wear socks for the love of whatever's above-

    58.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?

    F L Y. No offense to breathing underwater, which would be AMAZING, but flying finds more uses.

    59.  What makes you laugh?

    People's laughter.

    60.  What are you thinking about right now?

    Rapunzel. Oh, and ice cream. I want ice cream right now.

    61.  What are you most afraid of and why?

    Spiders, because they're utterly digusting. 

    Ocean depths, because I'm freaked out by dark waters with giant animals who can swim by...

    Social rejection, because I'm pretty dependant.

    62.  Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what are they and why?

    I most likely have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which affects what I eat or how much I eat of certain things. 

    I'm also a vegetarian, which is self-explanatory.

    63.  What is your drink of choice?

    Water! But I also like orange juice a lot.

    64.  What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    Drink a god damn gallon of water because my mouth is dryer than a desert.

    That is, if I don't have school or work, in which case I'M PUNCHING THAT DAMN CLOCK FIRST.

    65.  What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

    Fill up my plastic water bottle and turn off the light, or put cream on my hands to rehydrate them.

    66.  What do you do to keep yourself occupied when you're in an annoying situation?

    Think about anything else but the annoying situation.

    67.  It's 3 in the morning and you're awake. What are you doing?

    A) Drink water if I was awaken by a dry mouth.

    B) Shake around my arms if they're paralyzed again.

    C) Get the hell back to sleep if there's no logical explanation for this tragic incident.

    68.  Do you believe in the power of love to change the world?

    Yes, I do, but not alone: I don't think love alone can change the world.

    69.  What kind of person or character trait annoys you the most?

    Getting angry/impatient for the stupidest things.

    70.  Would it bother you if someone hated you for no reason?

    Not really. It happens to everyone, including me, and I respect that. Most of the time it's not ill intentioned.

    71. There are three doors in a room (not including the exit), they're unmarked. One leads to death, one to riches, and one to home, but you don't know which leads where. What do you do?

    Advienne que pourra. What do you want me to do other than randomly pick ?

    72. Would you like to rule the world?

    Absolutely not.

    73. If you did want to take over the world, how long do you think it would take you?

    74. If you could own anything in your world, what would it be?

    75. Is there a song that drives you nuts?

    There was this one song that used to play all the time on the same radio station in the bus on my way to highschool. I don't know the title (thank god) but it was sooooo fucking annoying, I wanted to jump out the window every time it played. And it played many times a week.

    76. You've found some treasure guarded by a dragon. The dragon may be a bit too tough for you to fight. Do you go after the treasure anyway?

    Nope, bye. This beautiful giant lizard can live happy with its treasure.

    77. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    Cherry blossom.

    78. If you encountered the mirror of Erised from the Harry Potter series what would you see?

    Me, doing the career my heart desires to do the most, even though I don't think it is completely aware of it yet...

    79. Confronted by a hungry, annoyed dragon, what would you do?

    Run and hope the dragon lives a very happy life without me in it.

    80. What would you do if someone tried to blast you into the ionosphere?

  9. Do you speak multiple languages ?

    3 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    Same question you asked.

    [Favorite singer/music band ?]

    For pop/indie, Sabrina Carpenter is my girl! She's a bit new to the music scene but I love most of her singles and album pieces. :3 I also enjoy Skillet and Starset, both incredible rock bands with amazing vocals. While not a signer or a band, Jeremy Zuckerman's music and melodies is also something I love listening to.

    Usually, my playlist is a mashup of many different artists/bands. You'd notice that 90% of my playlist is made up of artists/bands/musician/composers with maybe one or two tracks. I touch a lot of styles and keep my music experience diverse and interesting.

  10. Favorite singer/music band ?

    16 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    Favorite minigame in an RPG?

    Oooh, that's tough... Can't say it is my absolute favorite, but I did enjoy quite a lot the Pokémon Contests in Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, as well as those in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and their remakes (especially their remakes!). Don't know if that counts as a 'minigame' or not...

  11. This is gonna sound like an unprofessional ramble:


    • Alm: What a sweetiepie! I love his quirkiness and modesty. He's very mature for his age but also always cracks a joke or two to cheer people up. I think he's a formidable leader and a pretty great unit as well.
    • Celica: I adopt her. She's my new daughter. Honestly I don't care if she has less personality than Alm; you give me a calm and collected, peace-seeking woman and I will love her forever. Her outfit is also EXCELLENT.
    • Boey: Started out as a pretty weak unit but quickly gained so much defense and attack before becoming one of the team's most powerful asset. His design is also incredible! Definitely enjoyed him a lot and his banter with Mae.
    • Lukas: I really related to Lukas in a way. A bit introverted but also very kind and selfless. I enjoyed how he pointed out how he disliked being called 'cold and reserved' to Clive. It reminded me of how I was pretty similar to him a few years back and confided to my good friend about it. Plus he looks very handsome!
    • Mathilda: Oh my goooood I love her. She's so strong and driven. I'm still not over the fact she founded the Deliverance. I absolutely love how she can kill on the battlefield but really settle to have a mellow, charming and warm personality when she's not fighting.
    • Saber: The father figure Celica deserves! His protectiveness over her and his laid back personality were really what sold him to me. Also, aside from looking very good, he was a very powerful unit.
    • Mae: She single-handedly made some of the most mundane conversations a true delight. Her enthusiasm and down-to-earth personality were very enjoyable and she was such a good unit to have on hand. Hands down one of the best Echoes had to offer.

    Special mentions to Clair, Tatiana and Conrad whom I really enjoyed as well. <3

    Least favorites:

    • Faye: She has such a good designs and great potential as a Cleric to boot, but I simply could not stand her. Her entire character revolves around her shallow interest in Alm, and I really thought them adding a female character to the roster of starting villagers was a progressive move... She's not the worst character I have come to use but I had great expectations for her, which might explain why I was so disappointed and ditched her as soon as I saw her C and B supports with Silque (I know she apologizes in A and I think it's sweet, but I still see that fake personality reeking from it).
    • Clive: He's very kind and collected and I like him as a character! I will say though that his lack of honesty for his concern about Alm's heritage and worry for Fernand was a bit of a let down. But as a unit... *sigh* He still isn't the best and I still have a hard time having fun using him. He's a lot better than how he started but clearly I did not get lucky with my Clive. His promotion gave him a lot of stats he should've been getting when it mattered most.
    • Fernand: Enough said. I realize he's been through a lot with the murder of his family, but blaming the entire population of "commonfolk" for it was just... wrong. Especially when Alm appeared and showed him how goodhearted most of them were, that blaming people with certain wealth was being close-minded. I guess he made a good antagonist for the game.

    I haven't used a good amount of unit so there are a lot of them I can't comment on.

  12. Name the three countries you'd like to visit the most!

    10 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    All pastas

    did you draw your profile picture 

    All pastas ? You and I same, brother. :B):

    Oh no, I don't think I'm that good! I took Lucina's beautiful Heroes official artwork and put the Kid Icarus: Uprising cover's sky in the back to fill it up. ;3 I just played around a little with the lighting to make it look sparkly.

  13. Favorite type of pastas ?

    On 30/05/2017 at 1:12 PM, Hattusili I said:

    Same question you asked.

    [What is your favorite art medium (drawing, painting, writing, dancing, etc.) ?]

    Drawing! More specifically digital drawing. I simply love the freedom and easiness of digital drawing. I've been exposed to this type of medium by editing and drawing with the mouse on GIMP. It led me to develop a passion for digital art.

  14. What is your favorite art medium (drawing, painting, writing, dancing, etc.) ?

    57 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    Same question you asked. 

    Probably an archer/sniper. I've always enjoyed archery. 

    Infusions are the best! I drink them rather than actual tea. And I'm guessing you're a fellow vegetarian then? 

    Right ?! My favorite is made up of dry pineapple, apple, cranberries, papaya and hibiscus. It's the perfect cold sweetness. <3

    As for a class... probably a mage, tactician or archer as well. Anything that either involves magic or long distance is most likely what I'd see myself into. :3

  15. If you were a character in a Fire Emblem game, which class would you like to be?

    19 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    I don't like tea and I don't know what the other thing is.

    Favorite kind of sausage?

    When you pour boiling water in a cup with a bag of dried fruits and ingredients, the flavour infuses in the water. A true delight to drink, especially cold!

    When I could actually eat them: breakfast sausages! Only kind of sausage I can say I enjoyed eating.

  16. What do you like the most: tea or fruit infusions ?

    1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    Do you believe in love?

    I do! It's something I have only ever felt once (never acted on it; had many crushes though), but I do understand what it is and I strongly believe it exists.

    1 hour ago, Hattusili I said:

    I'm guessing you're French Canadian then? I really wouldn't have guessed from the quality of your English.

    Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. :3 And what I meant by that is, while I am very good at reading, writing and speaking in English, understanding and interpreting sometimes make me miss the point entirely. When I watch a show in English, for example, understanding the plot, analyzing interactions and such is more complicated than simply knowing what each character is saying. It's something that we are all able to do naturally in our native language (French in my case), but struggle with when it comes to subsequent languages.

    Maybe it's because of the attention I give to a game... Honestly, I played Awakening three times and still I don't think I could tell you what the political plot is. I've been giving Echoes a lot of attention, however, and I can say that I am already noticing an improvement compared to my previous Awakening playthroughs. Might be because back in the days I didn't really care all that much for the conflicts in Awakening.

  17. What are some of the scents that always make you joyful or nostalgic ?

    21 hours ago, Natalie said:

    How did you discover FE games?

    Like many people, I was first exposed to Fire Emblem through the Super Smash Bros. series. SSB Brawl was my first, so I quickly discovered Ike and Marth. They were cool but never really had too much interest in them. I started really liking FE when my brother suggested we both tried the Awakening demo, and I instantly fell in love.

    18 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    Technically, that's prehistory, not history. :p

    Technically, it's an era amongst others in geological history.

  18. @Natalie: Absolutely, welcome! :D I'm a new member here too, I hope you'll enjoy this forum as much as I am enjoying it myself.

    Who is your favorite character from Blazing Sword and why ? :3

    On 26/05/2017 at 6:02 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

    A period of history that interests you?

    I really like the Jurassic, Triassic and Cretaceous periods, so basically the Mesozoic era. I am fascinated by dinosaurs and the explosion of living species that happened in this specific era. The adaptative radiation phenomenon of this era was especially interesting for me, out of all the different periods of time we covered in biology class.

  19. Do you watch any shows right now and if so, which one is your favorite ?

    On 25/05/2017 at 11:26 PM, MediocreLee said:

    On a scale from 1 to Lucina, how would you rate your favorite FE game?

    Eh... Actually, I might have entered FE8 as my favorite Fire Emblem game, but I have not yet completed it... I ordered it at the beginning of my last college semester and it rapidly got crazy so I never had the opportunity to really sit down and go through a chapter or two. However, I did manage to finish Lyn's story and begin Eliwood's, and from what I played, I can tell FE8 is a hell of a good game. That's why I put FE8 as my favorite, expecting it to only get better afterwards. I'd scale that a good 9/10 (assuming Lucina = 10). Also Lyn is a whole reason to love this game on her own.

    As for my favorite FE game I actually finished, Awakening, I'd rate it a 8/10 or a 8.5/10. It being my first FE game really made me enjoy this game a lot, maybe moreso than old FE fans would. I really liked it! :3

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