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Posts posted by GoD

  1. "Too much selfishness will leave you alone and unwanted by others. However, too much selflessness will leave you with a knife to your back. A healthy moderation of both is the best course of action."- Ing chimed in non-chalantly with a curious look donning his features.

    "Be honest though, do any of your people fall into the classification known as a deranged psychopath? I need to know this so I can better protect myself. If there are two things I dislike, they would be people trying to kill me and nonsensical morons."- Ingret turned and asked both the dark mage and the horseman with an even tone evident in the knight's voice.

  2. "Hmm... then you're more useful than I am. I'll be counting on you to do your role, as I shall do mine. Though I wouldn't know why you would peg me as a researcher. I don't read as much as I used to."- Ingret told the horseman, as the lilac-haired man ran a hand through his head and sighed.

    "Seriously, I'm not reading as much? I must be approaching old age at an alarming rate."

  3. Ingret nodded to Shadrak and Valter as the horseman sped up to walk beside the knight. Then Ingret gave the red-haired man a small smile and nodded again. "Thank you for escorting us. If you do not mind me asking, what is it exactly that you do?... Ah, but before you answer, I should probably tell you my role. I am a mercenary... actually a bodyguard for hire, so I can't really hurt people all that well, but I am apt at defending people like him-"- the lilac-haired man pointed at the mage who was currently reading a book. "-from harm...well from physical harm at the very least."

  4. "Why yes I am staring at him, thank you for noticing. I was afraid I wasn't doing my job properly."- he replied to new man, with a tone of mirth apparent in the knight's voice.

    "Greeting Valter, as you heard from my employer, my name is Ingret. I'm his assistant of sorts, and I'll be joining the group starting today. I hope we get along."- Ingret extended his hand outwards to Valter with a blank stare that betrayed his previous tone of amusement.

  5. Well that was good news to the lilac-haired merc, so he quickly adjusted his backpack and made for the exit nearest to where Shadrak told him to go.

    "Understood. In that case, let's be off."- Ingret told the dark mage, and then both set off to meet or in Shadrak's case return to the main group. As they traveled Ingret lead the way, however he always spared a glance at his charge. He was supposed to be protecting him after all.

  6. "The wrathites? Well, I can think of a dozen reasons why the wrathites would exert their, heh, wrath on anyone. I'm almost certain that if this group is just as rambunctious as the last group Chelsea was in, then they could have aggravated the wrathites... though maybe the demonic attack Shadrak spoke of was apart of.... no that's enough speculation Ing; I need to focus on the task at hand."- Ingret mused in his head as possibilities swirled inside him, regarding why the young dark mage's group would camp outside. However he needed to ascertain this group's individuals for himself.

    "I understand. Then shall we go and meet with the rest of the group, so I may introduce myself? Or would you rather stay here?"- the knight asked of Shadrak. He wasn't about to leave his side to go and frolick with others, he had a job to do and he would stay if the bookworm did not want to leave... it was a nice spot after all.

  7. At this point we're just waiting for the inevitable confrontation between Shadrak and Amon... well more specifically Shadrak bringing Ingret back with him, and then Amon will literally explode.

    Shadrak: Sup guys, I just got myself a new bodygu-


    Ingret:.... Is he normally like this?

    Malik: Don't worry about him, he's just being paranoid.

    Nadya: *Steals Amon's gold while's freaking out*

  8. "Seems like you've got it all planned."- the knight remarked. "Then I'll leave the tactics to you; that way I can just conecentrate on moving and shielding your body as best I can." Ingret decided it would be best not to aggravate the little mage any further, he didn't want to be on bad terms with his employer just yet, after all.

    Though he did decide to inquire as to why the group was located away from the town. "...Is there a reason why you're not staying at an inn? Don't tell me you lot like camping outside? Am I going to be dealing with hipsters or introverts?"

  9. "Well the Kigen are known for being the sworn enemies of the fallen, so there is a chance that, provides they believe your information to be true, they would work around the clock to find this gate that you're talking about. If it can give a crushing blow to their enemies, they won't hesitate. On the other hand some Kigen are sexist hardasses, so if you're traveling with women they might not believe you. It's a shallow reason, but shallow people usually have shallow reasoning."- Ingret stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Truly, all of this information regarding the fallen would have given him a migraine, this was really starting to sound like a fool's errand.

    "Alright, suppose you do eventually find your gate, do you think such an important location would be unmanned? They might have those demonic forces, and in the worst case your group maybe facing a fallen. A fallen is not a normal human footsoldier, you're a smart lad so you should know this to be true. I know you're concerned with the idea that if the fallen get through they will destroy everyone... Still that does not stop me from worrying."

    Ingret sighed, he wasn't really used to talking so much, but he really could not help it given the circumstances surrounding this operation. He was used to taking high risks jobs since he first joined the mercenary business, but this was something else entirely. With a shrug Ingret left his seat and picked up his bag, before speaking again, with an even tone.

    " Do not misunderstand, I will still follow and protect you, those were my orders and I intend to keep my word. But I'm curious about the people we'll be working with, so do you mind if you show me, where your group is staying?"

  10. Ingret clicked his tongue audibly as he was given all of this new information. Siege gates to flood countries with the armies of the fallen... Ingret remembered something about them being similar to dark avians, well except they were quite the violent bunch. Ingret really regretted having taken this job, but he had never left a job undone simply because it was too dangerous. Either way this boy was serious, and apparently the group was going to Kigen, still a shame that he wasn't able to go to Neviskotia.

    "It's a shame I'm not going to Skotia, I would have helped translating anything you didn't understand from the locals. Still though, I hope you have a plan that isn't bumrushing the siege gate and hoping the best will come."

  11. Ingret clicked his tongue audibly, surprised at the words coming from Shadrak's lips. The fallen attacked Europa, and this group was attempting to... what? Stop a demonic invasion from consuming Kigen? Unless they had a secret weapon, an ace in the hole, then the plan was doomed to fail. More importantly, this sounded like a suicide mission; what the hell was Shadrak doing with this group then? He didn't seem like the suicidal type, so what the hell convinced him to go along with this foolish mission?

    "I.... That is... quite a tale. Know that I will accompany you and this group.. but I must ask. Why in the world would you accompany that group to Kigen? Why would you risk your life for something so impossible? No offense of course."

  12. Ingret frowned upon hearing the information, for a variety of reasons. It seemed as though this Raquel person was more of a coward than an actual leader. According to Chelsea's info, Raquel was a non-combatant who gathered a strange group of people to retrieve her father from an equally strange and dangerous organization. And that Raquel had the mystical artifact known as the Fire Emblem, or rather a piece of it. However with the info that Shadrak gave the knight just now, Raquel seemed like a hands-off type of person; she wanted to achieve her goals, but would prefer not to get too deeply involved or not get her hands dirty. Ingret could somewhat sympathize with the girl's desire to not fight, but if she had the means then she should use them.

    The attack on Europa concerned Ingret, he had not heard of this. "A demon attack in Europa? What do you mean by that?"

  13. "Mhm, I'm listening."- Ingret told the young dark mage as he relaxed on the bench, his arms behind his head. He had a brief explanation from Chelsea, but it was all so scattered and useless, she really didn't give a good explanation towards anything... just the basics really.

    But to be perfectly honest, Ingret felt a headache in the making and he did not know why.

  14. "I would hope that they are not amateurs, this job would be tedious otherwise."

    The knight gave the younger man a curt nod, showing that he understood his wish. Then the conversation shifted to his bag.

    "Somewhat. My armor, my weapons, supplies, mementos from my youth... you know, the essentials one needs when traveling by his lonesome."

    "But back to the matter at hand, you're with another group. I would like to ask... just what exactly are you doing with this new group? I was told by the young lady that the original group was on a mission of parental retrieval... something about an emblem and a vasili as well?"

  15. "Ah. That is most fortuitous... though you mentioned that you were traveling with a different group. I must ask now, in the event that we should participate in combat with your companions, should I place some modicum of effort in protecting them should the situation call for it? Or would you rather that I only focus on protecting you specifically?"- Ingret barraged the dark mage with an even tone evident in his voice. He really did not want to protect anyone else, but Chelsea did say that Shadrak was traveling with a group. Even if it wasn't the same group Chelsea told the mercenary about, he had to know if the young man would ask something insanely stupid, like protecting everyone... Mercy knows that the troubadour would attempt to whack him for a question like that.

    Before Shadrak could answer his questions, the knight looked over to the side, and to his surprise, there was a bench located near them, but strangely the area surrounding the bench, a couple of trees that provided some shade, and a couple of flowerbeds off to the side, was devoid of people. The streets were filled with hustle and bustle, but it seemed as though no one cared for the are around the bench. Fortuitous for both of them, as Ingret wanted to talk more at length with Shadrak.

    "Shadrak, I believe that area would suit us well."- Ingret pointed at the bench, and began walking towards the area in question. As he did so, the lilac-haired man took off his excessively large backpack, and with one hand, threw it with ease. The bag landed with a loud *clunk* and right next to the bench. Ingret then positioned himself on the far left side with his hands resting on his lap.

  16. "Ah, of course; actually I have not told you my name as of yet."- the lilac-haired man blinked twice as his brow furrowed. "Something is wrong with me today, I'm not normally so off-kilter. I mean yes, I have a tendency to space out, but... I must be getting old." The older man shook his head to dispel any leftover drowsiness.

    "My name is Ingret Muzeez and I am a traveling mercenary, as you can imagine I sell my services to whomever needs them. I am not good at fighting people... that is to say I am not very good at offensively hurting someone. However, I possess superior defensive skills to make up for my shortcomings, and should be well-equipped to protect you from most of the blows that you should otherwise sustain."- Ingret said in 'matter of fact' tone.

  17. "I see."- with Shadrak's statement he decided to leave things at that for the moment. There was no use in attempting to gain information while standing in the streets where just about anyone could overhear them, and besides keeping his Skotian accent away from his normal common, while not particularly difficult, was a pain in the rear. "Though that's just me being nitpicky. I'm just not comfortable with large crowds of civilians. After all, if there's one thing the civvies are good at, it's gossip and hearing information that should not pass their ears. We should discuss more at a remote place... or at the very least, somewhere where there are few people.

  18. "Very well."- the vagabond knight nodded in agreement as he began walking westbound at a slow pace.

    "Do not worry about payment, I was already given my share from the girl. Though I must ask, are you traveling alone? I was told,... well the things she said were quite boring, she just went on and on about inane things. Still, I was to understand that she was traveling with a group with this... Raquel woman as your commander?"

  19. "I see... so you would be the one who is also known as Shadrak. The girl insisted that I use that alias as opposed to your true name... something about it being important... I could not care much. It all depends on your judgement." - the man nodded to the druid as he moved his excessively large bag with ease.

    "So I take it this Raquel person is not with you. That works well with me; protecting two employers is as annoying as it is tedious. One person works perfectly, and according to the girl you can apparently fight."- Ingret took a glance at Shadrak's books.

    "I assume those are heavy, shall we move to a different location and discuss more there?"

  20. Neeeeeeerd

    Ingret simply stared as the young man, fell down, not even wincing when his ass hit the ground, or when the hooded boy told him off. The wandering knight supposed he deserved much more, but was quite thankful that the young man had the good sense to not go around screaming at the top of his lungs. Reminded him of the time he was escorting a noble and he accidentally stepped on his toe; after that the noble gave quite a bit of verbal abuse to him on the rest of the trip.

    Ingret rapidly shook his head from side to side, in order to quell his wandering mind. "This is not the time to be dozing off and remembering the past, I need to help-". Unfortunately he was far too late to help, as the boy had already gotten his books and he was holding Chelsea's letter. Ingret decided that this was no longer the time to remain silent and began to speak with an regular common, but hiding his Skotian dialect. After all, if he misspoke and talked in his normal Skotian tone, he would probably be persecuted by the townspeople, or worse.

    "....My apologies young man. I was lost in thought and not paying attention to my surroundings. You have my sincerest apologies for any bodily harm you might have sustained."- Ingret told the young man, as the lilac knight locked eyes with the boy. "As for that letter... well I guess there's no harm in me speaking about it. I was told by a complete airhead named Chelsea, that I should go and protect the people on that letter. Well she didn't specify which I should place more priority on. In any case, do you happen to know the whereabouts of those people?"

  21. As the busy streets bustled here and there, a lilac-haired man made his way through those same streets. The man in question, with messy lilac hair, blue eyes and a seemingly perpetual frown on his face was carrying a huge backpack strapped to his back; the bag filled to the brim, though all that could be heard from outside was and odd *clunk* sound, mostly of various pieces of armor. He was well-built with a black shirt covering his upper body and a white jacket that reached to his waist (Hah! Take that long coats!) covering his arms, and black slacks that suited the man quite well.

    In any case, the man was walking through a quite busy street filled with a variety of people. The man lazily looked at the various types of people: soldiers, women, men and even a couple of children were conducting their business; watching them scurrying about was quite interesting, even if the frown never left his face.

    "Honestly, was there not an... attack on this city? And these people just soldier on like nothing ever happened." The man, known as Ingret gave an audible sigh, and shook his head, looking at the path in front of him, but not really paying attention as he let his mind wander.

    " Really though I should not be so harsh on them. Any normal person would like a chance to forget all of the bad that has happened in their lives, and even if they wished to wallow in their own self-pity, time does not grant them that luxury. They must work to sustain their livelihood, regardless of what happens now. ...I'm quite jealous of these people,, they don't have to deal with the whims of a crazed woman, ". The man's frown only deepened as he took out what appeared to be a letter filled to the brim with doodles of inconsequential value. In the middle of the front of said letter, written in huge common letters, was the message [To Raquel Valcyn/ Ucollas].

    Ingret sighed once more, this time it sounded like he was exasperated, and looked at the letter intently, only giving some vague attention as to where he was going. "That woman, Chelsea, is so troublesome. We finally meet after a while, and rather than be tired, she just rants on and on about this mercenary group she was traveling with. She found some interesting people and she talked quite at length about them and her adventures... well her adventures whenever she was not lazing about. Apparently she found her childhood friend, and they were doing something incredibly important. Something about the Fire Emblem and a fish man chasing after them. Then when she's done telling me her story and she heads back to the children, she dumps some money on my hands and tells me to go work for them, claiming that I was not doing anything useful. Sometimes I wonder if she even cares about what others are say-".

    The lilac-haired man would have continued speaking to himself in his own mind, however in just one moment where his eyes were left to wander,he failed to notice someone, a young man in robes with a hood concealing his face. With his own carelessness to blame, Ing accidentally crashed into the boy hard, Ingret did not fall down, but he did drop his letter next to the young man.

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