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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Chelsea was taken by surprise at Faatina shoving the vulneary in the troubadours mouth, but she felt much better than before. She could actually concentrate and remove the bullet properly, so taking the knife from Faatins with a quiet "Thank you", she immediately inspected Colin's wound to find the bullet.

    When the pegasus knight who slashed her demanded to know what they were doing to Colin, Chelsea used her free hand to absentmindedly wave her off.

    And then Chelsea found the bullet, thankfully it wasn't lodged in too deep as the troubadour prepared the hand with the knife to aim directly at the bullet, her other hand now occupied with a staff and ready to heal the moment she got the bullet out.

    "Gouge and kill."- she whispered as the blonde plunged the knife quickly into the wound and within a few seconds managed to get the bullet out. (Hooray, stabbing helps people :) ) Immediately after the bullet was removed Chelsea quickly put her mad healing skills to work and began healing the poor bastard.

  2. And then the battle was over... but not before Chelsea suffered a grievous wound from the same Pegasus knight that attacked her before, and without Aneda to defend her from an attack, she suffered the full force of the blow. Thankfully it was not a very deep wound and it only slashed her leg.

    When she saw Colin fall to one of their own, she cringed, but upon seeing that it was a bullet that took him down, Chelsea started laughing quietly. It was ironic, she got shot and now Colin gets shot. Still seeing that Faatina had not seen her and lept to Colin's side, she glared daggers at the girl.

    "Even though he's the enemy, he's not a bad guy. Damn it, I guess I have no choice but to help."- Chelsea thought on the situation and decided to help Colin. It wasn't because she felt something for the guy, the troubadour simply knew the pain of getting shot. So Chelsea, the brave troubadour sprawled on the ground, speed-crawled to where Colin and Faatina were, staff in hand and getting ready to heal.

    When she did arrive, Chelsea was panting badly, probably because of a combination of the wounds she had received and the poison that was distorting her vision. A trickle of blood flowed out of Chelsea's mouth, but that was all, nothing serious so far. Using the staff as a crutch, she slowly got to her knees and faced Colin, but upon seeing the wound, she simply snorted and fell to the ground face-flat.

    Shakily, she got to her knees again and faced Faatina, holding the laughter within herself and also being affected by the pain, the troubadour smiled at the other girl and asked her:

    "Hey, Tina do you have a small knife so we can take the bullet out of this guy?"

  3. No, wild griffins aren't really a thing in RotE. Maybe in the sequel. For now, nobody try and mount Griffin(the vasilus), as that would only serve to annoy him.

    YES! Phoenix you are genius! Let's do that.

    Also I had a strange dream about Hayato, Sardis and Colin dancing to Single Ladies... weird.

    Question to Cynthia and/or Phoenix:

    About the Mount Slayer, shouldn't that affect Troubadours as well, since they are mounted?

    Is it possible for Chelsea to go heal Colin at this point of time, even though she's kinda KO'ed at the moment?

    To Ether:

    Why you ignore Chelsea?

  4. Chelsea was not pleased with how the battle was turning out. The mercenary team was nearly defeated and the enemy commander Sardine was still on his feet. Thankfully he did not attack this turn, but it seemed like Colin had finally left Faatina's side. This would be her big chance to rescue the girl... unfortunately Chelsea finally got attacked this time as one of Colin's pegasi knights has swooped in to attack the troubadour, but fortunately Aneda guarded the blonde from an attack. Unfortunately, Chelsea got slashed by another pegasus knight, and then her vision went hazy.

    "Shit, are you kidding me?!"- Chelsea cried out as she steadied herself on Nenesha's back. "Damn it all. So I've been poisoned this time?"- she exclaimed in surprise, shakily pointing her staff at the child that they had brought along. Hopefully with this blast of healing magic, the kid would be able to get up and run away. Hopefully Sardine and Colin would be merciful and not kill her.

    After that, she made her way carefully over to where Faatina was, but when she tried to get off Nenesha, she fell down and landed on her behind.

    "Ouch!"- yelping, the girl wearily got to her feet and staggered her way over to Faatina.

    Chelsea rezzed Tia.

    Tia HP: 4/18

    Team Almost dead gains 3 points. Woopee~

  5. "I'm just one girl. I'm trying the best I can but there are too many wounded."- she told Gytha as the mariner left her to guard Nadya

    With that done, and Colin's group still taking care of Faatina, the troubadour left Gytha and made her way to join up with either Aneda or Gar.... though knowing her luck, she would be utterly destroyed before she rondevouzed with either of them.

  6. With some of the fallen now in the Dauntless, or at least near it so that Connor could hoist them up if he had the balls to get out, Chelsea climbed atop Nenesha and directed him to where Rook had fallen. The same process as before, she hoisted the... heavy drinker up to Nenesha, and she applied some minimal healing on the archer and dropped him off at the Dauntless.

    Afterwards she rode over to Gytha and healed some of her wounds. "Hopefully you haven't lost the will to fight, Gytha. Keep on."

    Chelsea heals her girl friend Gytha for 9HP!! Shipmates AHOY!!
    Gytha now has 18/24 HP
    Team Not Dead has gained 2 Points. Yippee!! (Throws confetti everywhere)

  7. Aaaand, the battle took a turn for the worse, what with most of the group getting knocked out. This was a lost battle from the get go, if the enemy leader weren't here they would have less casualties. That's right, it was that Sardine's fault that they were losing in the first place. Thankfully Colin was making googly eyes at Faatina and taking care of her, which made things a bit easier for the rest of the group... but the troubadour felt uneasy about that scene.

    Chelsea was a tad angry at Colin, but she pushed that feeling aside, and urged Nenesha to hurry on over to Gar. Pointing her staff at the smug speedster, she let loose a blast of healing energy at Gar's body. As soon, as that was done she noticed that Luka, the person who warped Raquel's group out of Sardine's Fortress of Doom TM was finally unconscious after an arrow was lodged into the boy's body. Chelsea scooped him up, along with the rest of his things and made some adjustments to heal the kid.

    "Seriously, you did so much for us, I'll buy you sweets so-"- she began saying as she directed Nenesha to the Dauntless, then faced Luka and began applying healing magic on the place where the arrow was. This was only for a few seconds before she pulled out the arrow in one go, grateful that the wound wasn't so deep. "-so just stay alive right now." When she arrived at the Dauntless, she made sure to drop Luka off as well as heal the rest of the group that was here, including pulling those that were near to the Dauntless, like Zach, Robin and Veronika to the safety of the wagon-mobile.

    Chelsea revives Gar! YAAAAAY!!
    Gar HP: 2/9
    Points to Team Ga/Ne/Sea +3

  8. "Aaah, not again~"- Chelsea said as she took up position behind Aneda and Gar, rubbing her eyes in the meanwhile. Apparently with everything that was going on, Chelsea was dozing off to sleep and only vaguely understood what happened. The bad guy apparently wanted tea with Raquel but not with everyone else and Raquel and the others were being extremely un-cooperative, even though the merchant's father was there but she was too busy getting rid of the sleep in her eyes to complain about that.

    After much bickering and Gytha nearly screwing things over, that caused the troubadour to wake up and stay alert, they made their way into the fortress to wait for Raquel to finish negotiations with the head honcho and meanwhile Chelsea was not happy. These louts had not even prepared any sweets for everyone to gorge themselves upon while Raquel probably got to have all of the tea.

    As such, she was in a very sour mood during the entire time they were in there.

    And then things went to hell and back, with Raquel and her escort group teleporting near the rest of the group to tell them that negotiations had backfired. Chelsea made a mental note to ask Raquel what she did to screw the pooch on this one, and just loitered about while the mages and some of the heavy hitters of the group began bashing on the gate. Then after the gate was destroyed, the passage to the Dauntless was opened and Raquel's mercenaries skedaddled all the way to the Dauntless.

    And now they were in a fight to survive, and Chelsea vaguely saw... no she actually saw Colin. To be more specific, Colin had another sword, vaguely familiar as the last one she had a date with, and Colin was armed with it. Chelsea yelped in surprise and made tried her best to watch Colin like a hawk.

    "Please don't stab me again, please don't stab me again."- she prayed to the goddess Mercy for... well mercy from Colin.

  9. Chelsea will also be inside the dauntless, taking a goddamn nap because she did not get her beauty sleep.

    Why no, I didn't forget that there was supposed to be shit going down.

    ...Real life is a bitch sometimes that's all. (':

  10. I think you are a wonderful person Roy!! I like your characters!!!

    Anyways my applogies for not participating as of late. I'm currently swamped with my RP, a bunch of shit is going down. Then there's college and me being depressed and uggguuu

    So yeah sorries, but can I get a recap of what everyone's doing? Sorry again.

  11. Chelsea winced audibly at Raquel's explanation, and frowned at nothing in particular. Then she said with a low tone in her voice "That was a bad topic to bring up. Not cool."

    And then apparently, Blake apologized for some reason, leaving a very confused Chelsea asking Blake "Why are you apologizing?"

    Was it something that happened with Kit? Was she able to tick the stoic swordsman off? If so Chelsea needed to take notes from her, as it would prove most amusing for her to be able to constantly tease him.

  12. And then Chelsea awoke with a start. Well not really a start and more screaming, that most everyone could hear. "IMMAGONNAFALLFALLFAAAAAAAAAAAA-" she screamed with no regard to whoever was near to her, but thankfully no one was actually right next to her. The troubadour took a hand to her face, panting, and when she touched her cheek, she realized that sweat was on her flesh.

    Shaking her head, Chelsea went to a nearby river to wash her face, and made a mental reminder to never again go for dream training of the end result was falling.

    When she returned, she decided to hang around the Dauntless, reading her light tome. She did notice that the air seemed tense, so she decided to ask Raquel what was going on.

    "Yo, good morning, Raquel. What seems to be going on here?"

  13. Heal Trigger; Recovering 9 Damage- Wait this isn't Vanguard!

    Chelsea facepalmed at Zach's current state of well-being. He looked like a drunk man who clearly had no idea what the hell was going on. Grumbling that he was "Once again, a useless man.".

    The blonde was surprised when he took a shot at the new enemy standing before them. When the new enemy attacked them, Marella guarded Zach and the troub. Chelsea started healing the spot where the arrow was, and once she deemed it was already filled to the brim with healing magic, yanked the arrow out of his gut, with a force the troubadour never knew she possessed.

    Chelsea also healed Marella as thanks for guarding her.

    Chelsea Heals with Mend Staff

    Marella HP is now: 18/24

  14. The battle seemed to go relatively well, until the phoenix girl decided to take a change in wardrobe and appearance as she burned Grant. And then some of the party started attacking the phoenix girl and brought her down, to which Chelsea shouted "NO! SHE'S NOT DOING IT ON PUR-"- but her cry to stop the beating was not reached in time, as the phoenix girl fell from a barrage of the attacks. The troubadour winced as the cute one was brought down, that must have been unpleasant.

    And then shadow Mirrors of the party came into being, courtesy of the dragon. In particular, there was a particularly annoying troub, a shadow version of herself, healing the dragon. That one was toast before she could cause any more trouble. With all of the shit going down, Chelsea stayed put in place, both fear and caution overtaking her as the Dragon started to become a tad bit dangerous. Once the battle winded down, the blonde made her way over to Zach and began the slow process of healing him.

    "Hey-" the healer approached Zach, then kneeled down to inspect the wound. "So I'm gonna heal the wound while pulling out the arrow quickly. You need to calm down and talk to me."- she pointed her staff at the wound at Zach's gut and began healing it whilist grasping the arrow and holding it tightly.

    "Maybe it's better if we talk some. So how's the little one? I wasn't able to check up on her, so could you tell me anything about her?"- she asked the mage, presumably the target in question was the cute phoenix girl.


    So the cute phoenix girl was the teeny-tiny baby vasilus inside the egg that the party was caring for. Chelsea quietly thanked Raquel as Synthia began her questionnaire (AKA: abusing) on the merchant girl. This new revelation made Chelsea pause for a moment amd she pondered on the cute little thing with wings, as much as she wanted to stop thinking and go hug the phoenix girl with no regards to whoever saw her, and those that tried to stop her, be damned!!

    But she wondered about something, about the egg. If that was indeed the child inside the egg... then who was going to be the parent? What would happen if she had multiple mothers and fathers? While it would be enjoyable to have multiple fathers and mothers, there could only be one pair. Everyone else could be uncles and aunts, or at least elder siblings, and maybe Lilly and Grif coukd be grandparents... but it would be wiser not to mention that little fact to two vasili, especially Lilith. Women don't like being told they're old and wrinkly.

    Once the troubadour snapped out if her reverie, she FINALLY noticed the ooze, and backed away at an inhuman speed to where some of the party was. And then the cute little girl was throwing fireballs, prompting Chelsea to silently cheer her on from the sidelined. Then the man named Hypnos asked the party to imagine their weapons. With a small nod, Chelsea began imagining her tome and staff within her hands.

    Soon she had her tome and staff again, but the dragon head had materialized along with two little helping hands. Instead of fear, Chelsea squeed with glee as she got ready for battle. "A dragon?! I get to fight a Dragon?! So cool!!!"

    Soon she joined thr cute Arietta and ther mountef archer Valter. and she took her stance watching the battlefield for any severe injuries.

  16. "Um... yeah, sure. I guess we can be friends later on. Let's just go and see what's up."- Chelsea ended the conversation with the stabber and proceeded with him to the arena. Once there... she found the cutest phoenix girl ever and squealed as quietly as possible, which unfortunately for those standing next to her, it was quite a surprise. Seeing that Raquel was there she went over there faster than the speed of light, metaphorically speaking, and asked with a giddy smile and burning eyes of passion.

    "Raquel! Who is that cutie!? She looks so adorable!!!"- she pointed to the phoenix girl, as she asked quite loudly of her boss.

  17. "He actually went there? Seriously?"- was Chelsea's thought when the boring walk turned to conversation, and not the good kind. Colin had decided to bring up what happened, and Chelsea decided to bring up everything that happened up to this point.

    "Well gee Colin, where to start? After our moonlit waltz which ended with you stabbing me-"- Chelsea emphasized the stabbing part before moving on "- my magic circuits decided to fry out for awhile, nice job by the way. Teaches me not to leave my weakpoints exposed like that."- she honestly complimented Colin's sword skills. "Well we tried to recapture Raquel, which sent us to limbo, which sent us to the desert-" Chelsea carefully left out the little tidbit that they had awoken Lilith out in case he didn't know "- then we found this Rex-Avaz place, home to the queen of jerks. Then we left for a port and rode a ship with baby dragons, so just because we found baby dragons I forgive you for stabbing me, that was worth it. But then I got shot, some of my comrades got KIA, and then we're back here. Not a good story. Especially the getting shot part, because getting the bullet out was a pain in the ass."

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