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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Name: Ingret Muzeez

    Nickname: Ing

    Gender: Male

    Age: 35

    Class: General (Tier 2/2)

    Affinity: Dark

    Weapon Proficiency: Lances

    Weapon of Choice: Firewall

    Inventory: Barrier Lance, Firewall (Dark), Skill Book: (Barrier ability), Bulwark

    Raw Stats 2/2: HP: 11 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 12 RES: 6

    Simplified stats: HP: 33 MT: 4 Hit: 3 Evade: 3 AS: 2 DEF:12 (20 with Firewall) RES:6 (8 with Barrier Lance; 14 with Firewall)

    Points: 800 at start

    +20 Iron Lance

    -500 levels to 2/2

    -100 Firewall

    -100 Skill Book

    - 50 Barrier Lance

    -50 Bulwark

    Points Remaining: 20

    Occupation: Mercenary


    Slightly Based off of: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121204033756/superrobotwars/images/5/56/Ingegret.png

    Height: 6’5”

    Eye color: Blue

    Hair Color and Length: Short Lilac(type of light purple) hair.

    Hair Style: Bedhead during the morning, straight during the rest of the day.

    Skin tone: Fair white

    Build: Very fit. Muscles, 6 pack, that sorta thing, just not freakishly muscle.

    Clothing (Casual): When he is not engaged in battle, he is usually seen with a black sleeveless shirt and white jacket, with tight black slacks. When traveling, he usually a carries his armor in one huge backpack, along with the rest of his supplies, shields and weapons.

    Clothing (Battle): He usually wears heavy, black armor that covers all parts of his body except for his face (his head is protected though). The firewall is a medium-sized shield with runes that can only be activated by Ing, it was tailor-made for him specifically, and if he is not using it, it is usually hanging on the left side of his waist. The bulwark is a larger shield shaped like a circle and is half’s of his size, if not in use, he will carry it on his back. The lance is always on Ing’s left hand.

    Hometown: Tashtagol (Neviskotia)

    Connections: Chelsea Liton, Andrea Muzeez (deceased) ,

    Nature/Disposition: A serious man who can’t seem to loosen up. He’s not a fun-hater but he always takes things far too seriously, or at other times he can’t care about others when a situation or person is too ludicrous. (So with people like Gar, he would try his best to ignore him, but can eventually speak to them, just.. think of at is him being superficially annoyed or bored.)

    However he honestly does enjoy speaking with a wide array of people, regardless of his gruff exterior.

    He is sometimes lost deep in thought, thinking about many things relating to the current situation. In other words he's a worrywart.

    On rare occasions during battle, he can get incredibly violent and it takes him awhile for him to calm down.

    Backstory: Born into a noble house of Neviskotia, he was different from most people right off the bat. He didn’t care for much of anything, he didn’t really hate the Ursians, instead he loved fighting more than anything. In his younger he days we was known more as a savage instead of a noble, to the point where his family disowned him at the age of 16. He then went on to join a niche mercenary group called Wolf Bite, specialized in killing and war. At the age of 20 he had earned the right to become the the Vice-President of the group, and around the same time he married one of the group’s other members and the only one who could quell his battle-lust, Andrea. However 3 years later, in a particularly dangerous mission involving the capture of an Ursian stronghold, Ingret’s desire for battle consumed him and he attacked his enemies indiscriminately. Ultimately his rampage was stopped when Andrea threw herself into the line of fire and fought against him, ending in her death by Ingret’s hands.

    Leaving Wolf Bite a month after those events, it was only 1 year later where he decided to take refuge in the Zarzacra Church near the border of Ursium/Kigen and where he met the Matron of the Church, Lady Orsola and Chelsea and a couple of other kids. With his life without meaning, Ing began to work to provide for the orphanage. He started to provide his services to the Church of Mercy as a bodyguard rarely if ever engaging actual combat with anyone.

    Before arriving in Ursentius, he had met Chelsea who left Raquel’s group a while ago, and she gladly told him about the merchant’s situation as best as she could remember. Now he heads to Ursentius to receive his payment from one of his jobs and to see if he can locate Raquel Valcyn and join her motley band.

    Okay so the backstory is written terribly, but I just wanted to get a cliffnotes version instead of a long boring one.
    It's great to be back guys.
  2. Hello everyone, just leaving this here, my submission is not done yet, but I wanted to run this by the GM's to see if this is looking good or not.

    Name: Ingret Muzeez

    Nickname: Ing

    Gender: Male

    Age: 35

    Class: General (Tier 2/2)

    Affinity: Dark

    Weapon Proficiency: Lances

    Weapon of Choice: Firewall

    Inventory: Barrier Lance, Firewall (Dark), Skill Book: (Barrier ability), Bulwark

    Raw Stats 2/2: HP: 11 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 12 RES: 6

    Simplified stats: HP: 33 MT: 4 Hit: 3 Evade: 3 AS: 2 DEF:12 (20 with Firewall) RES:6 (8 with Barrier Lance; 14 with Firewall)

    Points: 800 at start

    +20 Iron Lance

    -500 levels to 2/2

    -100 Firewall

    -100 Skill Book

    - 50 Barrier Lance

    -50 Bulwark

    Points Remaining: 20

    Occupation: Mercenary


    Slightly Based off of: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121204033756/superrobotwars/images/5/56/Ingegret.png

    Height: 6’5”

    Eye color: Blue

    Hair Color and Length: Short Lilac(type of light purple) hair.

    Hair Style: Bedhead during the morning, straight during the rest of the day.

    Skin tone: Fair white

    Build: Very fit. Muscles, 6 pack, that sorta thing, just not freakishly muscle.

    Clothing (Casual): When he is not engaged in battle, he is usually seen with a black sleeveless shirt and white jacket, with tight black slacks. When traveling, he usually a carries his armor in one huge backpack, along with the rest of his supplies, shields and weapons.

    Clothing (Battle): He usually wears heavy, black armor that covers all parts of his body except for his face (his head is protected though). The firewall is a medium-sized shield with runes that can only be activated by Ing, it was tailor-made for him specifically, and if he is not using it, it is usually hanging on the left side of his waist. The bulwark is a larger shield shaped like a circle and is half’s of his size, if not in use, he will carry it on his back. The lance is always on Ing’s left hand.

    Hometown: Tashtagol (Neviskotia)

    Connections: Chelsea Liton, other people he refuses to talk about, Andrea Muzeez (deceased)

  3. So wow, maybe I should read Lord of Azure Flame. But it seems like you're on the final chapter.

    *Throws confetti*

    So I have a question for all participants of this RP, how does it feel to be almost done with this RP?
    Or maybe you're planning extra chapters? I dunno.

  4. Hello everyone. It's been a long time and after some major shit went down in 2013, I'm pleased to say that everything is a-ok again. :)

    With that in mind I'm afraid that I can't really join this battle with Chelsea because she's getting the boot, NO this does not mean that she will die (I know you all want more despair IC, too bad~ :P) That being said I am not quitting this RP and Chelsea is not getting killed off, rather she will be used as an NPC and she will safely be at a place. If I want to, I can bring a new and improved Chelsea 2.0 Some other time. (Twice the rezzing, Twice the bewbies, Three times as fast as a regular Chelsea. XD)

    But yeah for anyone who wants to know when she left, she left before meeting up... with Schwarz (Dragon jerk) killing off Stupid Sexy Marella. So she knows about the stuffz and that is important because this next character I'm making is friends with Chelsea. Thankfully he is not as anime as she is. ( I know you're crying because now we don't have painfull animu writing from number one waifu.)

    So yeah he will know some stuff not everything but the basic gist.

    He will also be a kick-ass knight. Because we need heavy metal! XD

  5. I'm surprised Samael hasn't threatened to kill the families if people whose name isn't Raquel.

    You'd think the GM would do that and in response some of the PC's would have no choice.

    Geez it's like Raquel is the only PC that exist.

  6. "There that's all- ooof"- Chelsea was assaulted by Faatina who hugged the troubadour tightly. "Tina that's very sweet, but get offa me!"- the blonde yelled softly at the Rexian girl and wriggled her way out of the bone-crushing hug. "I'm still exhausted so destroying my body won't score you any points with me."- Cheslea whispered.

    It was about this time that Colin asked her if stabbing him was intentional. Chelsea only replied with a smile on her face "Maaaaaaybe it was, or maybe it wasn't~"- the blonde gave those present a very vague and frightening answer, though for some reason when the pegasus knight told the guy that shot Colin that she wasn't Colin's lover, for some reason Chelsea's eyes lit up and she wore an even bigger smile on her face.

    Sighing in relief and gripping her staff tightly with her left hand, she used her right hand to snap her fingers so that she could call Nenesha to her side, to which the horse did appear near the party of five. Getting to her feet, the troubadour went up to her steed and stroked his mane softly, then faced Faatina while taking care of her mount and told her "We are leaving Faatina, we can trust that one to take care of Colin. We should go and take care of the rest of the group. That includes you as well Mister Cowboy~."

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