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Posts posted by GoD

  1. As the battle raged on, Chelsea noticed that they were actually not sucking at fighting for once, and they were mostly dominating over the enemy. Despite that, they had taken some casualties, as she saw Lia get cleaved by one of the enemy opponents, the troubadour's heart leapt, sadness consuming her as she saw a comrade fall. It was like the Sammy incident all over again. without the warping into the lair of Vasili, awakening her, getting transported to the friggin desert... regardless, even if she did not get to talk to her, she would honor her sacrifice.

    "So why.... do I feel like my heart will break at the end? What is this feeling? Dread?"

    As she surveyed the battlefield whilst everyone else was fighting, she noticed John and Sophia's absence, which was odd in and of itself. Perhaps they were at a secret rendevouz somewhere.... yeah right, like those two shut-in's would go out on a romantic date. Seeing that Gabbie had taken shop next to the troubadour, she decided to ask her some questions.

    "Um... hi. So I just arrived, and... well what's going on? I mean I know there's a fight, but do you have any idea who were exactly fighting?"- Chelsea asked the lancer, but before the lancer could answer the girl snapped her fingers and added another question. "Oh yeah, and have you seen John and Sophia? I don't see them anywhere."

    When the enemy reinforcements arrived they came at full force, strangely ignoring the troubadour and her guardian, however it seemed that Zach had taken a nasty little attack from a swordsman. Immediately, so that she would not lose another companion, Cheslea chanted an incantation/healing spell, held her staff so that the tip was pointing at Zach's body and from a distance-:

    "By the grace of the goddess you were forgiven. By the grace of your soul you have been forgiven. Now, Come, Arise Mage of the divine arts. Let the world know of your spells once more. Gift Ein Zwer Joks Grytoz Reviver!!!"- A beam of light shot out from the staff's tip and hit Zach directly, immediately closing the wound, though not fully healing him.

    Once she finished Cheslea turned to face Gabbie again.

    Cheslea Rezzes Zach. Zach: 3/15 HP

    Team Rider? gets 3 points

  2. (OOC: At the docks of Chousu- whatever)

    Chelsea and her adventures of healing and I guess whatever she was doing before this started:

    When the party had arrived at port, Chelsea had neglected to spend time with them as she had felt strangely sick during the last days of the voyage. Deciding to take the more boring and scenic route through the port, when the team had arrived, the troubadour had to stagger onwards to release her trusty? steed Nenesha. There was much rejoicing when both master and horse/servant finally touched the ground with their feet. Most of the day passed by without coincidence, Cheslea reading her light tome and musing to herself that she had to buy a new, more powerful tome sooner or later, and Nenesha happily eating whatever his owner provided him with. It was a nice calm day.

    Unfortunately, as time passed on Cheslea had not once run into any of her comrades, but this did not trouble her as much. It was when she was approaching the docks, where the Leverager should have been, when she saw the most ungodly thing happen.

    A meteor spell, to be more accurate a siege tome, was cast and Chelsea could hardly believe her eyes. She gulped loudly and urged Nesha to gallop to the docks, in fear for her comrades safety. When she arrived, she noticed that the group was currently in a battle, and she grimaced when she saw that Raquel and Lia were knocked out, and Shadrak was fast approaching.

    "WRATH DAMN IT, when will this shit end allready!?"- she cursed outloud as she scanned the battlefield to see who she could talk to and heal at the same time. Spying that Robin had taken some damage she decided to inspect her wounds and question her as to what was happening.

    Approaching the archer and taking a moment to get her staff from the Nenesha's side pack she placed her staff on the wound and chanted.

    "I ask of you divine Goddess, mend the flesh of this lost soul. Let her fight once more. Mend!!"- With the chant completed Robin's wound was completely healed.

    "Thank goodness I arrived in time. What is going on Robin?"- the troubadour asked her archer companion.

    Chelsea heals Robin to full!! Robin 15/15 HP

    Team Rider? (Cheslea/Aneda/Gabbie) gets 2 points!

  3. Counterspells now occur first then? This will be useful for any of our people who specialize in Counter spells AKA Grant.... so why do I have the feeling the map is going to be littered with enemy Magicians?

    Also I REALLY have to tell Chelsea to get her ass off the parking gear.

  4. So im returning to university and I have finished reading and catching up... I think.

    Daichi x Katsu

    Robin x Gytha

    Synthia x Grant

    Zach x Grant

    Reign x Everyone

    Hey there Foxy Lady!!

    The group is slowly getting along but Snike likes trolling.

    Oh yeah did something happen in. IRC to make post those rules?

  5. Wha-Wha-

    Gytha looks like a man.... oh wait it's Gytha. Nevermind, carry on.

    Reign is as always, quite delicious.


    You are so hot. and those clothes look like they are see-through. She's totally a tease.

    Volya= Badass and/or scrumptious.

  6. Okay so I found a Raquel vs. Chelsea Song.


    Replace Bacon with Raisin/ Hanako with Raquel/ and Lily with Chelsea.

    So it sounds like this:

    She tastes like Raisin

    Yeah there's no mistakin

    From the lovin' to the oven yeah you know what I'm bakin'

    She's a timid girl

    Like a Leaf yeah she's shakin'

    You say Raquel is the best? Well I know you're just fakin'

    It's fuckin' Chelsea

    It's fuckin' Chelsea

    It's fuckin' Chelsea


  7. When John repeated what he said, Chelsea's eyes narrowed, her usual grin replaced with a dissatisfied frown and her eyes filled to the brim with anger.

    "What? What illness? I have no illness, so why do you say that I do? You keep talking about traits and all but I see nothing wrong with me, because I am a healthy, young woman."- Chelsea started and emphasized the last few words.

    "So if we are talking about who should hold the egg, the answer is obviously me since I have taken care of children before. Got that? I've got experience dealing with kids, and even if I did have some kind of illness, it wouldn't have any effect on a vasili."- when the troubadour finished saying this, her eyes switched from anger to playful and her frown loosened, almost wanting to curve into a smirk.

    "Besides, if the Bird-guy is talking about traits he must be talking about personality, and I have the most to offer. Mhm, I'm the most suitable to have this, you two are too quiet and keep to yourselves"- she finished with a small smile and her hands gripped the egg that was placed close to her chest.

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