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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Sorry If I haven't been making my character, but apparently I get this horrible black screen when I use my labtop and get to Serenes Forum. So yeah I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

    I should get my character by Saturday-Sunday. Promise.

    Is registration for the RP still on? I notice you have 7 whopping pages... Is it still ok?

  2. Buh.. I'm sorry about that Roth. Study hard so you can come back to us!!

    Also it has been confirmed by both Robin in-universe and the entire chat in general.

    Zach is a friggin Loli-con!!!!

    I demand that someone post that in TVTropes effective immediately. XD

  3. "Wait Sophia, what do you mean by- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"- Chelsea was cut short as Zach immediately took matters into his own hands and tried to pull the bullet out, making Chelsea squeal in pain. After the bullet was removed the troubadour was twitching in agonizing pain, she made a mental note to hit Zach for catching her off guard. Thankfully the pain and the even more damaged wound Chelsea had was healed by the cleric who told her about her own bullet wound.

    "Thank you, for helping me"- she told Sophia with a weak smile, as she stood up and tried moving herself around a little. Everything seemed to work when she moved her arms and legs so all was well with her physically. She made another mental note so she could thank Zachary later on. Man that was three things she needed to talk with the mage about.

    Now the conversation shifted in topic, and it was about the girl they just rescued. Apparently she was an artificial human, only not like those she fought in Ursium with Shadrak and Nanahm. This was one the same in destructive capability, but still... she looked different. She decided to take Shadrak's attention off before there was a stupid argument coming, no thanks to that Gar character.

    "Either way she looks... different from the ones we fought. Let's give her a chance before coming to any conclusions, actually we should probably get going back to the ship. We all need to rest and here isn't a great place to discuss such matters."

  4. Once she was done healing Raquel, Chelsea decided to lean against the wall and put her arm over the wound, just content to listen to the conversation. However then the newcomer and Zach were talking about someone taking a bullet wound, and then Robin offered a knife to him.. and now he was aproaching the main party. "Wait, am I missing something here? Someone got hit by a bullet.?"

  5. After Battle:

    Once the battle was over Chelsea finally woke up from her unconscious state. When she did, she noticed two things, one that the battle against the cultists was finally over, although it was pretty obvious that they didn't go without a fight, as she saw most of her comrades lying on the floor or rushing to heal the wounded. The second thing she noted, as she was crawling to where Nanahm was, that she had sustained an injury of some sort on her right shoulder. The last she remembered there was a loud gunshot... oh no. Mercy please, tell this girl that she had NOT taken a bullet to her shoulder. Regardless of whether she was hit by a bullet or not, she healed up Nanahm as best she could with her healing magic. At least he would be able to walk and regain consciousness soon.....It was strange though, why was it that she and Nanahm alone were a combat team? She'd ask later.. there was healing to be done.

    Standing up was a little bit difficult for the troubadour, due to her shoulder searing with pain, she nevertheless managed to get on her own two feet with Mend Staff in her hand. Seeing Veronika stand up though she looked too injured to even attempt that, Chelsea walked over to where the swordswoman was, healing her wounds as best as she could. "This might not heal them completely, but it'll make walking and generally moving around a lot easier."- the troubadour told the woman, and kneeled so she was closer to Raquel. It seemed as though Nika had managed too keep Raquel stable, so Chelsea aimed to fully heal Raquel and wake her up. As she applied her strongest healing magic to Raquel she told her employer: "Raquel wake up, you're boyfriend calls for you." Chelsea told this to pink-haired with a smile on her face.

  6. Name: Sherry Troupe

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Physical Description: Due to her mutation, her human body is completely gone. Her new body, is a humanoid form made out of an unknown, black,liquid-ish form. It is complemented by a red ribbon that never falls off he rhumanoid body.

    Background/ Personality:

    As one of the orphans on the Fortress, Sherry has learned to fend for herself and other orphans by stealing from others, but never killing. A pacifist who does not wish for bloodshed unless absolutely neccesary, this new world will test her feeling towards peace and the new face of humanity during these times. Due to the mutation, her previous cheerful and optimistic personality has been replaced by a moody and pessimistic, if not scared, disposition. She does not know who her parents are and she does not care about the past, preferring to live in the here and now.

    Major Mutation: Due to the Impact, Sherry's normal human body has been replaced by a liquid yet humanoid form. Due to her liquid like substance, she can transform herself into puddles of massive goo which is excellent for espionage and sneaking past unwanted commotion. Her body can form any number of close-range weaponry, however she has no access to ranged attacks. Consquently it seems as though she cannot return to her original form of a human being and is stuck being a liquid being. However it should be known that she cannot cross large bodies of water and she can be easily trapped in any kind of bottle, of whatever size.

    Minor Mutation: To consume food she must think of the command to eat in which she can dissolve any solid objects, though she has lost the ability to taste the food that might be for the better. She also cannot sleep or feel anything physically. She can't remove her ribbon for an unspecified reason. She is also flammable and after catching fire for a few seconds, explodes. It takes 8 minutes to reform herself.

  7. The Tiny yet Clever Group of Cloaking:

    As Sophia approached John as well, the troubadour decided it would be best to survey the rest of the battlefield to tend to other wounded comrades. Before she left however she heard John thanking her, and in reply, Chelsea slightly blushed and muttered a "No problem"- as she left the wyvern knight. It'd be best to check on Nanahm and see how he was faring, thought the troubadour, walking around the battlefield to see her boisterous friend. When she did get to him, she muttered a quick prayer to Mercy that everything was all-right with the man and focused her healing magic on Nanahm, effectively healing his wound completely. "Just stay safe and don't die on me."- Chelsea told the fighter.

    Chelsea heals Nanahm for 12 HP. Nanahm 15/15.

    Che, Na,Faa team gets 2 points!!

  8. The Tiny yet Clever Group of Concealment:

    As they entered the mansion the group found themselves face to face with the person they were supposed to rescue, namely the girl caked with the blood of many cultists, carrying an axe of some-sort. Chelsea was only midly creeped out...okay scratch that, she was slightly terrified of the girl standing before them. She was pretty creepy, but at the same time the troubadour was impressed with the girl, fighting off those perverted losers while being tired as hell. And then came a creepy old man, that must have been Zach's creepy teacher, who launched a fireball at the girl and his former student. While Zach seemed like he was in acceptable condition, the girl was not.... luckily Faatina rescued her, though that meant the girl would be far too preocupied to help her and Nanahm. No matter, she could handle this, her job was mainly consisting of support role. She would later bash Zach's head in as he killed his teacher... because for some reason she swore to Truth that the mage stole that name from somewhere. Anyways, back to the battle, John had taken a nasty beating so she ran over to get him back up on his feet.

    "Come on, John you're strong you can beat these guys."- she told the dismounted wyvern knight as she applied concentrated amounts of healing magic to his body.

    Chelsea ressurects John from his deep slumber. John's HP: 6/27

    Che, Na, Faa Team has gained 2 points!!

  9. Thankfully Eail doesn't need to destroy Nesha since he's staying behind. I also kinda misread Merc's entire convo with the other mounts.I'll see what I can do to change it. If I want to or not.Though I have to apologize to Merc again for me being a little idiot. :( Sadness because I'm a fool.Also in regards to one of Snike's posts. Chelsea hasn't used light magic... since some chapters. Wow it's been a long time, so Chelsea is most likely known for her healing or getting stabbed from the last battle... or a troubador. Remember that Nadya has been the one using light magic for awhile now.No offense to Snike, I just needed to point that out.With all that said, I need to figure out what I'm going to do with my second character? Should I stick with what I got or should I make someone else.... aaaah so many problems~

  10. The end of the meeting: "Well then I guess I have to go on the Decoy Team. You'll be needing someone who can wake you guys up... just pick someone strong enough to protect me".- Chelsea volunteered.

    A Horse and A Pegasi:

    Nenesha was having a nice time in the stables, just lazing about, napping, looking at the others, and ocassionally listening to the little mongrels locked below. When he napped he could tune them out easily enough, but then came that one pegasi, the only pegasi and she started talking, or something or other he couldn't tell what in the gods name she was talking about. The more the pegasus talked the harder it was to drown her out, and at this rate he would have preffered his bumbling companion to this annoying thing. By the time she finished talking, a miracle in and of itself, she expected them to say something, join her or whatever. Nenesha's response was a simple slam of his hoof with the floor. Translation: You're annoying.

  11. Nearing the end of Battle Plan:

    As Shadrak arrived with two women in tow, Chelsea felt her leg twitching violently, but the troubadour had no idea why her leg was reacting so violently. Then Shadrak explained who they were and why they were here. Chelsea's leg calmed down a tad, and she decided it would be best to talk with Shadrak a little later. Still the Half-Fallen lady WOULD receive her attention. Seriously, how often do you meet someone like her? The Half-Fallen woman was immediately awesome in Chelsea's books.

    For now though, she decided to alternate between talking to Nanahm and contributing to the battle plan. As the conversation continued, she saw no chance to jump in do she spoke to Nanahm.

    "So what do you think about all of this. I mean the attack we're about to launch these cultists freaks?"

    And then came talk about the decoy team and the main force. In all honesty, she could agree that having Raquel in the decoy team would be bad choice, since she couldn't handle herself in a fight. The troubadour however.... she could manipulate light magic in some way to...

    "Hey if you don't mind I'll be in the decoy team.. and I volunteer to be the decoy Raquel."

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