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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Wait.... We're going to Ursium. She travels Ursium. So we can't have her like cross paths with us whilst we're on our way to Weyland's place?


    1. Traveling to Weyland's

    2.Meet Lucia on the way.

    3. Chelsea recognizes Lucia.

    4. ???

    5. Profit? Lucia joins party!!

    6. Continue onward.

  2. "You have a point and I apologize. However, you must understand that in that situation..... well let's just say that you were being quite stubborn. That doesn't excuse Gytha's action, but um...."- Chelsea paused and scratched her head.

    "Gee.. This is hard."- Chelsea said as she tilted her head. Nenesha laughed again, and was quickly silenced by the troubadour's fist. "Hush you, you are unbelievable."

    "Anyways, yeah she's a little bit... Crazy and unpredictable but Gytha's a good person. Robin you have to move on and be a better person. And you really shouldn't involve others in your personal quarrels. It's kinda rude."

  3. So they had finally arrived at Land. With all the excitement, the dragon eggs and younglings, the battle with the Dark Utka and tending to her own injury, she had completely forgotten that she loathed the sea. That caused quite a few problems, but no more.

    Thinking it best that Nenesha should get a taste of freedom as well, Chelsea slowly, because she was still injured from the previous battle, and twitched a few times, made her way down to where the animals were kept. She offered a small wave to any mounts still there and when she got to Nenesha she hugged the mount. The mount snorted.

    "Hey, I was not lonely! I had the others with me."- Chelsea frowned in mock anger. The horse made a sound that was close to laughter.

    "What!? Oh shut up what do you know!!"- Chelsea yelled at Nesha. The horse suddenly whined and reached his neck over to the wound on her stomach. Chelsea winced in response. "I'm fine, nothing to get upset about. Anyway let's get some fresh air."- the troubadour spoke as she got atop Nenesha and exited the boat.

    The horse snorted, and Chelsea's response was to smack the animal on the head. Nenesha whined, and Chelsea replied again "No it's not animal abuse, if you deserve it. Silly child."

    When they got to Raquel's group, she arrived in time to hear Robin speak up. To the cooking request, Nenesha laughed- but that was quickly silenced by a bonk on the head by his master. To the second request, both master and steed sighed a deep sigh. Chelsea decided it was time to speak up, she couldn't let her cute boss be troubled by this any longer. "Robin, please just let it go. It happened done time ago, and there is no reason to continue expecting an apology for your bad actions. Granted, Gytha should not have shot you, but it was for your own good."- then the troub turned to Raquel. "Look Raqui, you don't have to get involved in a petty squabble that really shouldn't concern you. I can take control of the situation, even Miss Veronika can do it. But you should just take it easy. Go practice magic with Shadrak or do some shopping."

  4. Unfortunately Chelsea could not do much in the way of help, for she stumbled and fell to the ground, with a loud thud. "Ooooow.... Or I could stay and watch the rest. That kinda works."- and so she did. Then Nadya FINALLY decided to help and at least closed the large wound. It would not allow her to fight, but at least she could walk and collect her staff.

    Once she did collect said item, she waited out the battle.

    The battle was short lived, because once the captain fell to the combined force of Nadya and Shadrak (to which she shouted "WOOOT, THAT'S MY BOY") the rest of the enemy force scattered. A dark Mage who was in close proximity to the troubadour, was trying to flee the battle. Chelsea smirked and uttered an incantation. Suddenly a small, inorganic hand caught the man by one of his feet, which made him trip and fall to the floor with a loud thud. Chelsea grinned triumphantly as she saw that the man did not move, obviously unconscious. Taking a few minutes to survey the situation she slowly made her way to Raquel's location. She was surprised to find Raquel with some other man and judging by the look on her face , she knew him. Well, well, small world. She decided to tend to her own wounds as the group talked amongst themselves. At one point the troubadour decided to interject:

    "Well that's all fine and dandy, except for the fact that.... you pay us? Seriously?" then turning to Shadrak:

    "Aww, are you kidding!? I wanted to see the eggs and the babies!!"- Chelsea pouted.

  5. "Thank you, but you don't need to call the medic, just get me my staff and I'll just-" Chelsea stopped talking to see that enemy reinforcements had arrived yet again. Her eyes twitching, her mouth doing the same, she changed her expression to an severely pissed one. Then she started yelling in Kigen, which was new.


    Oh dear... She would have a field day with this. Settling for a frown, the young girl got out her tome of light and staggered her way across the battlefield, mumbling to herself "<No mercy for em.>"

  6. .... So I should basically stay on the battlefield, and wait till the battle is over. You're not the bad guy, Phee.

    I'm just mad that I was the first to die. And in the cheapest way possible. The RNG is mad at me.

    Lol. Anyways I... guess I'll stay on the battlefield and wait and see what's next. Warning Kigenese Swearing.

    Looool. Thanks for answering Phee.

  7. As Chelsea finished healing Norbert and tried to make her way out of the battlefield, she was surprised by an attack from a Wyvern knight... you can guess how this turned out.

    A couple of seconds later Chelsea was lying on the ground, a slash wound visible on her clothes, and blood was pouring out of her stomach.

    "GAAAAAAH"- she yelled as pain surged throughout her body, sending her into spasmic shocks. It seemed as though the wound she received at the mansion had not yet healed. The slash wound was too great.

    "GAAAAH- Fuuu-- I have to get outta here. Can't take much more!!"- Chelsea reached for her healing staff to try and patch the wound herself, but to no avail as she could not reach for it. Swearing loudly, she painfully decided to do something that everyone might hate her later on for, but honestly she couldn't give a damn right now. She was too weak right now, and no one was gonna care. She wouldn't be surprised if no one noticed. Flopping herself on her back, which earned her a painful yelp, she slowly crawled back to the Leverager. If she got herself to someone along the way, then better. She would just ask them for a heal staff.

    Chelsea seems to be retreating.

  8. Gave you a shot gun. Use it. If nothing else, Acacia should defend Sophia.. healers are essential.

    Also yes, I'm trying to retreat because Chelsea amosy suffered overkill.... Phoenix... why did you KO me?!

    Is retreating allowed, does it bring penalties?

  9. Grr I could accept a SINGLE round? But TWO?

    Time for something drastic!! *Gives Acacia a shotgun*

    Let's shoot us a Bird!!

    Lol, anyways Acacia you should probably get Sophia to heal John or Mirielle. And CynCyn should command Nadya to heal the other person who Sophie did not heal.

    As for the enemies.. I'm worried about the clerics. We have no anima magic so Ranyin, Shadrak and Davod are sitting ducks. And the reinforcements are stupid powerful.

    This is going to be.. bad.

  10. "Okay then, I guess it's my job to heal. Sadly Nesha's not here, so I actually have to run... I gotta work out more."- Chelsea told herself as she was running around the battlefield trying to see who needed healing. Thankfully it seemed like they were going to win without any casualties so she resorted to spend her time cheering from the sidelines. And then came the enemy reinforcements...

    "What!? Oh damnit that's really cheap!"

    Deciding NOW would be a good time to do something Chelsea lifted her staff and sent energy towards Norbert.

    Chelsea heals Norbert for 9 Hp

    Norbert 15/15

    Chelsea 15/15

    +2 points for team SGC!!

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