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Posts posted by GoD

  1. What I believe happened to Raquel.... parody:

    (Inside the enemy HQ)

    Main Villain: Perfect!! We now have Jethro's girl, who is totally and completely useless

    Raquel: HEY!!!

    MV: And the Fire emblem... with this we can enact our evil plan.

    Raquel: Actually, I dropped it~

    MV: :(

  2. The attack was quick, and Chelsea didn't even see it coming. Suddenly the leader of the enemy forces came up to her and stabbed her in the arm. No expression or scream was given by the troubador as the wound was inflicted; just an empty blank face, as if she was still processing the fact that she had been wounded. Quite suddenly, a burst of magic energy seeped into the wound and shook her whole body, with an unbearable pain. She tried to scream, but nothing would come out, just tears from her eyes and blood from the wound. Since she was not on Nesha's back she limply fell to the ground, as the man pulled back. Her last thoughts, before she fell into the depths of unconcious, were: "I'll kill you..... you bastard.... I......damnit all I just cursed badly didn't I?"-

    Even after the battle was over, Nenesha was still guarding over his master's body, daring anyone to come and collect her body to a swift whooping. The horse could not process his thoughts clearly, and was acting irrationally. What do you expect from a companion who saw his master get stabbed and wounded badly?

  3. ZSword calm yourself.... in case you haven't noticed. Both Chelsea and Shadrak can have the same... dragon-thing. I'm actually not sure.....

    But if you need a new stim, I'd be happy to buy one for you. Because I respect you. *Huggles*

    Also, I'm going to strangle RNG for being a bitch. And a Troll.

    RNG: Trololololo

    Chelsea: JUST YOU WAIT BITCH!!! I'M TAKING YOU DOWN!!!! Fashionably of course.

    This ending sucked..... so MUCH. Why!?

  4. Now on the battlefield, Chelsea noticed that her comrades were engaging the enemy... and getting hurt, like Zelatus falling after a single blow. The troubador quickly urged her horse to go the cavalier's aid.

    Upon arriving, Chelsea casted a resucitation spell on her comrade, pressing her staff, right to his chest. Once it was over she asked "Are you alright?"

    (Team Rider gains 2 points!!!)

  5. "Haha..."- Chelsea chuckled when she saw Bert inch away from her.

    "My apologies, I did not mean to make you nervous, especially during a big battle. I was simply trying to make the mood... less serious. I do need protection, thank you very much. And again, I offer my sincerest apologies for my earlier behavior. If you could please overlook it, I'm sure we can get along fine. What say you?"- the troubadour apologized, still wearing a smile.

  6. Chelsea faced Norbert and smiled playfully. "Watch me!? You make it look like I can't be left alone 5 seconds before I wind up somewhere else. Really now, I'm hurt~ Hehehe~"- Chelsea giggled at her own attempts at lightening the mood.

    "But seriously, good luck John. Get your wyvern back so we can be the mount trio. Would be better if Nesha could fly but still-"- Chelsea was cut off as Nenesha began to try and shake her off. "Geez, I was only kidding, damn horse. Calm thyself, lest you get no carrots tommorow."

  7. And then the teams were formed. Chelsea was approached by both Bert, the pegasus knight with somewhat of a foul temper, and John, the usually pensive wyvern knight.... who was without his wyvern. Chelsea nodded at Bert's introduction, and took note of the fact that John was mountless, because he forgot to go. Bert then advised that if they could go, they would, but otherwise no. Chelsea chose that moment to speak up.

    "Can't you just call him? Like with some kinda whistle or something?"- the troub added, thinking that if there was a way to get from there to here, it would help a lot.

  8. In order this is what happened to Chelsea:

    1. She finished her dinner and received an alert from one of the employees, that there would be a special meeting at the conference room. So she went to the conference room.

    2. At the conference room, Weyland showed a shiny new wagon. And told the group that the possibility of a mole in the group. Chelsea managed to hide her shock at the news, and began to worry if the group suspected her as the mole. It made sense, since the troubador was rarely seen with anyone.

    3. The estate was under attack. The group split up in order to find their weapons and mounts. Chelsea went with the group that collected the mounts. She successfully got Nenesha back and began to treck back to the conference room..., and saw what appeared to be a tank get obliterated by a man using some weird magic.

    4. Now the party was maing desicions on what group to go for.

    "Um.... I don't mind going after the wyverns, but I prefer the armors."- Chelsea expressed her opinions.

  9. Really? You wouldn't suspect Chelsea, of all people, who's the one without an alibi most of the time. No one knows what she is thinking or where she is 75% of the time.

    You would suspect Shadrak, who has an alibi with various people, rather than the troub who has more reasons to be a mole. Silly characters.

    But Chelsea would NEVER betray you. Ever. :D

  10. Chelsea is in the kitchen eating by her lonesome. She returned much later after Shadrak said her farewells, and she said her farewells to Robin, whom she told that she did get her name right, and that she would try to keep Shadrak safe.... of it wasn't for the fact that he always seemed to love danger and thrills. So later she walked in on Robin yelling at Gytha for her previous actions, but the mariner woman was totally acting like a boss, calm and collected as she pointed out her take of the situation in a logical and Gytha-like manner. Robin stalked off, just as Chelsea got her delicious meat, and started eating slowly.

  11. "Yes, a splendid idea, I think we should try games that test our magic skills, since you know we're pretty good, no, I mean awesome at that."- Chelsea grinned as she walked alongside her best friend. "But anyways I've seen, you get friendly with Robin and Siv. Are you putting the moves on them?"

    As the duo of light and dark mages walked around the festival, they stumbled on a performing juggler offering a game of sorts. Chelsea approached the juggler. "Hello sir, may my friend and I participate in this game?"

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